TRUE or FALSE new words


from [frɔm] (prep)- dan                                    
university [ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsətɪ] –universitet
teacher ['tiːʧə] (n) – o’qituvchi, muallim
instructor [ɪn'strʌktə]- trener, o’qituvchi
lecturer ['lekʧ(ə)rə] –ma’ruzachi, oliygoh o’qituvchisi, lektor  
mentor ['mentɔː]-uztoz, murabbiy, tarbiyachi, rahbar
tutor ['tjuːtə]- xususiy o’qituvchi, murabbiy, repetitor
educator ['eʤukeɪtə]- uztoz, murabbiy, tarbiyachi
educationalist [ˌeʤu'keɪʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪst]- nazariyachi o’qituvchi
her [hɜː] –uning
class [klɑːs] – sinf: in class- sinfda, mashg’ulotda
small [smɔːl] (adj)- kichkina, katta emas   
tiny ['taɪnɪ] –jajji, juda kichik          
but (conj) [bʌt] - ammo, lekin, biroq     
yet [jet] –1. hali, shu paytgacha 2. ammo, lekin, biroq                 
nice [naɪs] (adj)- yaxshi, yoqimli       
pleasant ['plez(ə)nt]-yoqimli/toy, quvontiradigan      
student ['st(j)uːd(ə)nt] (n)- talaba
learner ['lɜːnə]-o’quvchi, o’rganuvchi
pupil  ['pjuːp(ə)l] –o’quvchi, tarbiyalanuvchi
all [ɔːl]- hamma, barcha
very ['verɪ] (adv)- juda      
truly ['truːlɪ]- haqiqattan
really   ['rɪəlɪ] – juda; haqiqattan
good [gud] (adj)-yaxshi                       
of [ɔv]- ning,lik,li,dan, (ba’zan tarjima qilinmaydi)
famous ['feɪməs] –mashhur, taniqli
well-known [ˌwel'nəun] (adj)- taniqli, mashxur
eminent ['emɪnənt]- mashhur, taniqli
prominent ['prɔmɪnənt] – muhim, mashhur, taniqli
celebrated ['seləbreɪtɪd]- mashhur, taniqli
famed [feɪmd] - mashhur, taniqli
distinguished [dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃt]-atoqli, xizmat ko’rsatgan, mashhur, ko’zga ko’rinarli; farq qilgan
renowned [rɪ'naund] –mashxur, taniqli:
noted ['nəutɪd]-mashxur, taniqli
acclaimed- olqishlangan, mashxur       
barchasi for bilan ishlatiladi:uchun mashhur
businesswoman ['bɪznɪswumən] (n)- tadbirkor ayol  
new [njuː] (adj)-yangi
director [dɪ'rektə] (n)-direktor; rejissor
executive[ɪg'zekjutɪv]-amaldor, mansabdor, boshliq
chief[ʧiːf]-sardor; lider; rahbar
boss [bɔs]- boshliq, xo’jayin, o’nboshi
president ['prezɪd(ə)nt] – president, rais(katta kompaniyalarda)
international[ˌɪntə'næʃ(ə)n(ə)l] (adj)-xalqaro
global ['gləub(ə)l]- umumjahon, dunyo miqyosidagi
universal [ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːs(ə)l]- umumiy, dunyo miqyosidagi
intercontinental [ˌɪntəˌkɔntɪ'nent(ə)l] –qit’alararo
record['rekɔːd](n)- plastinka(musiqani yozib olish uchun ishlatilgan aylana plastinka), qayd, record(eng yuqori natija); to record-yozmoq, qayd etmoq
company ['kʌmpənɪ] (n) -kompaniya; guruh; do’stlik     
firm[fɜːm] – firma   
corporation [ˌkɔːp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]- korporatsiya, uyushma, birlashma
first [fɜːst] - avval, birinchi navbatda; at first - dastlab, boshida
woman ( pl. women) ['wumən ,'wɪmɪn]] – ayol(kishi)         
to direct (v) [dɪ'rekt ] – yo’nalmoq; boshqarmoq; maslahat bermoq
to manage(v)['mænɪʤ]-boshqarmoq, uddalamoq
to run(v) [rʌn]- boshqarmoq; yugurmoq, qochmoq,
to supervise(v) ['s(j)uːpəvaɪz]– nazorat qilmoq; to’griligini qabul qilmoq
to administer(v) [əd'mɪnɪstə]-boshqarmoq; ishlarni yuritmoq
to rule[ruːl]- boshqarmoq  
history [hɪ̱stəri] (n)-tarix
also ['ɔːlsəu] (adv)- shuningdek, ham
successful[sək'sesf(ə)l] (adj)-muvaffaqiyatli   
accomplished[ə'kɔmplɪʃt] – qobiliyatli, maxoratli
housewife ['hauswaɪf] (n)- uy bekasi  
husband['hʌzbənd] - er      
spouse (n)[spauz] – umr yo’ldoshi, er yoki xotin;
daughter ['dɔːtə] (n)- qiz(farzand)   
airline ['eəlaɪn] (n)- yo’lovchi va yukni havo orqali tashiydigan kompaniya, havo yo’li
airway ['eəweɪ]- havo yo’li
office ['ɔfɪs] – idora     
secretary ['sekrət(ə)rɪ]-kotiba, yordamchi
the west(n) [west] – g’arb
between [bi'twi:n] (prep)- (ikki predmet) orasida, oralig‘ida, o‘rtasida                                                                               
city ['sɪtɪ] (n)- shahar(hokimiyat joylashgan hudud)                  
town(n) [taun] -shaharcha, shahar
house [haus]-uy
home [həum]- vatan,oila, uy, yashash joyi,
about[ə'baut] (adv)- taxminan, atrofida, haqida    
almost['ɔːlməust] – deyarli
around [ə’raund]- atrofida, bo’ylab
virtually['vɜːʧuəlɪ]-deyarli, haqiqatda, aslini olganda
roughly ['rʌflɪ] – qo’polik bilan, taxminan
nearly ['nɪəlɪ]-deyarli
practically ['præktɪk(ə)lɪ]-amalda; deyarli
approximately [ə'prɔksɪmətlɪ]-taxminan; deyarli
visitor ['vɪzɪtə] (n)- mehmon            
guest[gest] – mehmon                                                     
to walk[wɔːk]- piyoda bormoq, sayr qilmoq
through [θruː] – orqali
to look at – …ga qaramoq
beautiful ['bjuːtəf(ə)l] (adj)- go‘zal, chiroyli              lovely['lʌvlɪ] - chiroyli, go‘zal, ajoyib 
appealing [ə'piːlɪŋ] –jozibali, qiziqarli, ta’sirli                                 
room[ruːm] (n)-xona; bo’sh joy                                                                                
to see(saw, seen) [siː]([sɔː], [siːn]) – ko’rmoq 
antique [æn'tiːk]-qadimiy narsa; qadimiy
furniture ['fɜːnɪʧə] - mebel                                                                             
to drive [draiv] (drove [drouv], driven ['drivn]) - boshqarmoq (mashina haydamoq) 
many['menɪ]-ko’p (sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi) 
a lot of [ə lɔt ɔv], lots of - ko’p, ko’pgina(barcha otlar bilan ishlatiladi)
a number of [ə 'nʌmbə ɔv] –ko’p
plenty of ['plentɪ] -ko’p
scores of [skɔː] -ko’p
animal ['ænɪm(ə)l]-hayvon, jonzod                     
fauna ['fɔːnə]-fauna (hayvonlar)
a creature ['kriːʧə]-mavjudot, jonzod                                     
open[oupn] (adj) – ochiq                                                              
every ['evrɪ] (adj)- har bir                                                                               
a day [deɪ]-kun                                                                                       
morning['mɔːnɪŋ] –tong, sahar, ertalab; in the morning – ertalabda 
an evening - [æn 'iːvnɪŋ] – kechasi, oqshom; in the evening – kechqurun, oqshomda                                                                                  
only ['əunlɪ]- faqat; (otdan oldin kelganda)→bitta, yakka, yolg‘iz, yagona   
simply ['sɪmplɪ]-osongina, faqatgina
merely ['mɪəlɪ]-faqat
just [dʒʌst] - hozirgina, endigina, faqat
solely ['səullɪ] –faqat, yolg’iz
exclusively [ɪks'kluːsɪvlɪ] –faqat, yagona holatda
summer ['sʌmə] – yoz
spring [sprɪŋ] – bahor
a country['kʌntrɪ]- mamlakat; qishloq, shahar tashqarisi
century ['senʧ(ə)rɪ]-asr (100 yil)
a weekend (=a week-end)[ˌwiːk'end]- hafta oxiri,shanba va yakshanba dam olish kunlari: at the weekend-dam olish kunlarida
Greenwich ['grɪnɪʤ] –Grinvich(shahar nomi)
a village ['vɪlɪʤ] – qishloq
to get [get] – sotib olmoq; olmoq; topmoq; yetib olmoq, yetib kelmoq; to get to – biror joyga yetib olmoq    
to obtain [əb'teɪn]-egalik qilmoq; olmoq
to buy [baɪ] (bought [bɔːt], bought) - sotib olmoq  
to purchase ['pɜːʧəs]-sotib olmoq                           
almost['ɔːlməust] – deyarli
about[ə'baut] (adv)- taxminan, atrofida, haqida    
around [ə’raund]- atrofida, bo’ylab
virtually['vɜːʧuəlɪ]-deyarli, haqiqatda, aslini olganda
roughly ['rʌflɪ] – qo’polik bilan, taxminan
nearly ['nɪəlɪ]-deyarli
practically ['præktɪk(ə)lɪ]-amalda; deyarli
approximately [ə'prɔksɪmətlɪ]-taxminan; deyarli
campus ['kæmpəs]-kampus(universitet, kollej yoki maktab hududi)
everything ['evrɪθɪŋ] – barcha narsa, hamma narsa                                                                    
to need (fe’l) – kerak bo’lmoq
to require [rɪ'kwaɪə]-talab qilmoq, muhtoj bo’lmoq          
near [nɪə]- yaqinida, … ning yonida, … dan uzoq emas                                      
post office ['pəʊstˌɔfɪs] - pochta                                                                        
bank [bæŋk]-bank; qirg’oq; to’plam
avenue ['ævən(j)uː] – avenyu(ikki tomoni daraxtli ko’cha)                                                                              
street [striːt] –ko’cha(ikki tomonida uy va do’konlar bor)                                                                                
coffee shop ['kɔfɪˌʃɔp]/store [stɔː] - kafe, yengil tamaddi qiladigan yemakxona, qaxvaxona                       
cafe ['kæfeɪ]-kafe
popular['pɔpjələ]-ommaviy, mashhur; to be popular with/among – orasida mashhur bo’lmoq
trendy ['trendɪ]- zamonaviy, urfdagi, mashxur
favored ['feɪvəd]- afzal ko’rilgan, tanlangan
Bloomsbury /ˈbluːmzbəri/-Blumsburi(markaziy Londondagi hudud)
to found [faɪnd](founded, founded)-asos solmoq; barpo etmoq; ta’sis etmoq
to set up ['set'ʌp] -ochmoq; ta’sis etmoq; ish boshlamoq, barpo etmoq
to establish [ɪs'tæblɪʃt ]-barpo etmoq, ta’sis etmoq;                             
other ['ʌðə] -  boshqa                                                                                     
building ['bɪldɪŋ] – bino, inshoot, qurish    
these [ðiːz]-bu,shu; bular, shular
to buy [baɪ] (bought [bɔːt], bought) - sotib olmoq  
to purchase ['pɜːʧəs]-sotib olmoq              
a thing [θɪ̱ŋ]- narsa, buyum
to eat [iːt] (ate [eɪt], eaten ['iːt(ə)n]) - yemoq (ovqatlanmoq)    
always ['ɔːlweɪz] – har doim
all the time [ɔːl  ðe taɪm] =at all times [æt ɔːl taɪmz] -har doim                                
cheap [ʧiːp] – arzon
inexpensive [ˌɪnɪk'spen(t)sɪv] –qimmat emas, arzon                   
excellent ['eks(ə)l(ə)nt]-a’lo; juda yaxshi
marvellous ['mɑːv(ə)ləs]-ajoyib
perfect ['pɜːfɪkt]-mukammal; nuqsonsiz;
wonderful ['wʌndəf(ə)l] – ajoyib, mo‘jizakor
remarkable [rɪ'mɑːkəbl]-ajoyib; ajablanarli; atoqli
fantastic [fæn'tæstɪk]- ajoyib, g’aroyib
incredible [ɪn'kredɪbl]- favqulotda, haddan tashqari, aqlga sig’maydigan
brilliant ['brɪlɪənt]- yarqiragan; ajoyib; aqlli
awesome ['ɔːsəm] – hayratlanarli, hayratda qoldiradigan, daxshat
amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ]-hayratlanarli                  
price [praɪs]-narx; baho
sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz]- ba’zan 
6. JIM
cameraman ['kæm(ə)rəmæn]- operator(film yoki televizorda kamerani ishlatadigan odam)                                                                                 
assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt] – yordamchi, sotuvchi 
director [dɪ'rektə] (n)-direktor; rejissor
video ['vɪdɪəu] –video
sound [saund]-tovush,ovoz
large [lɑːʤ]-katta, keng
big [bɪg]- katta
huge [hjuːʤ]- juda katta, ulkan
enormous [ɪ'nɔːməs]-juda katta, ulkan
colossal [kə'lɔs(ə)l]-juda katta; ulkan
giant ['ʤaɪənt]-katta, ulkan; gigant
great[greɪt] – buyuk, katta, muhim
massive ['mæsɪv]- juda o’gir, katta
gigantic [ˌʤaɪ'gæntɪk]-juda katta, ulkan                                             
a film [fɪlm]-(kino) film
company ['kʌmpənɪ] (n) -kompaniya; guruh; do’stlik     
firm[fɜːm] – firma   
corporation [ˌkɔːp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]- korporatsiya, uyushma, birlashma
over ['əuvə]-bo’ylab, yuqorida, ustidan; all over ['ɔːlˌəuvə]-hamma joyda/ga, har bir joyida                                                                   
the world [wɜːld] - dunyo, borliq
globe ['gləub] – yer shari, globus;
earth [ɜːθ] – yer, quruqlik                                        
to work [wɜːk] – ishlamoq
history [hɪ̱stəri] (n)-tarix
to marry ['mærɪ] – uylanmoq, turmushga chiqmoq (to predlogisiz); ammo to be married to-ga turmushga chiqmoq                                                                             
a sister ['sɪstə]-opa yoki singil
sibling ['sɪblɪŋ] – aka-uka, opa-singil                                   
to live [tu: liv]-yashamoq; to live on – bilan oziqlanmoq; yashashni davom ettirmoq  
to reside [rɪ'zaɪd]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq;
to dwell [dwel]- yashamoq, turmoq
to inhabit [ɪn'hæbɪt]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq
to populate ['pɔpjəleɪt]-joylashmoq (aholi), yashamoq
a friend [frend]-do’st
to go [gəu] – qatnashmoq, ketmoq                       
to attend [ə'tend]-ishtirok etmoq; qatnashmoq
faculty ['fæk(ə)ltɪ] – fakultet, qobiliyat                                                                   
art [ɑːt]-san’at
music['mjuːzɪk] –musiqa
single ['sɪŋgl]- turmush qurmagan, yagona, bir tomonga chipta
science ['saɪən(t)s]-ilm-fan, tabiiy fan                                                                                  
engineering [ˌenʤɪ'nɪərɪŋ] –muxandislik, injinerlik                                                                         
medicine ['medɪsɪn]- tibbiyot, meditsina    
there [ðeə]-u yerda, u yerga (to predlogsiz ishlatiladi)                                  
a name [neɪm]-ism, nom                                                                                                               
but (conj) [bʌt] - ammo, lekin, biroq     
yet [jet] –1. hali, shu paytgacha 2. ammo, lekin, biroq                 
to call [kɔːl] - chaqirmoq, chaqirtirmoq, atamoq, qo’ng’iroq qilmoq
to name [neɪm] – nomlamoq, belgilamoq
to dub [dʌb]- laqab qo’ymoq
to label['leɪb(ə)l]-yorliq bermoq, laqab qo’ymoq;
by [baɪ]- tomonidan, tarafidan
the north [nɔːθ] – shimol  
the east [iːst] –sharq: in the north (east) - shimolda (sharqda) 
dental ['dent(ə)l] – tishga oid                                                      
nurse [nɜːs]-hamshira; enaga                                                                         
young[jʌŋ] – yosh, o’smir(younger /ˈjʌŋɡə/ -yoshroq, youngest- eng yosh)                                                                        
a dentist ['dentɪst] - tish doktori                                                                    
to like [laɪk] – sevmoq, yoqtirmoq
job [ʤɔb] –ish, kasb, vazifa                
occupation [ˌɔkjə'peɪʃ(ə)n]-bosib olish; istilo; kasb
vocation [və'keɪʃ(ə)n]-kasb; ish; xizmat; san’at       
profession [prə'feʃ(ə)n]-kasb
work[wɜːk] – ish
children ['ʧɪldr(ə)n] – bolalar
a girl [gɜːl]-qiz
a boy [bɔɪ]-o’gil bola
teach[tiːʧ](taught[tɔːt],taught) – o’qitmoq, o’rgatmoq
to educate ['eʤukeɪt]- bilim bermoq, o’qitmoq; educator ['eʤukeɪtə]- uztoz, murabbiy, tarbiyachi
to instruct [ɪn'strʌkt]-o’rgatmoq; o’qitmoq; instructor [ɪn'strʌktə]- trener, o’qituvchi
to tutor ['tjuːtə] – maxsus dars bermoq; tutor ['tjuːtə]- xususiy o’qituvchi, murabbiy, repetitor
school[skuːl] – maktab, maktab binosi
a brother ['brʌðə] – aka, uka(ini)
sibling ['sɪblɪŋ] – aka-uka, opa-singil          
to have [hæv]- ega bolmoq, bor bolmoq
unemployed [ˌʌnɪm'plɔɪd]- ishsiz        
redundant [rɪ'dʌndənt]- ishsiz
idle ['aɪdl]- bekor, ishlamayotgan, dangasa         
jobless ['ʤɔbləs]-ishsiz
everybody ['evrɪbɔdɪ]-hamma, barcha
employee [ˌɪmplɔɪ'iː]-xizmatchi; ishchi
accountant [ə'kauntənt] – xisobchi, buxgalter
to work for – … da ishlamoq; uchun ishlamoq
three [θriː]-uch
a child [ʧaɪld] (pl. children) – bola (bolalar)
kid [kɪd]- kichkintoy; echki bolasi;
parent ['peər(ə)nt] – ota yoki ona
far [fɑː] – uzoq; ancha: a long way [weɪ] from [frɔm] – dan uzoq(bo’lishli darak gapda): far from [fɑː frɔm] – dan uzoq(bo’lishsiz va so’roq gaplarda)
to think [θɪŋk] (thought[θɔːt]thought) – o’ylamoq, hisoblamoq, … deb bilmoq
alone [ə'ləun] – bir o‘zi, yakka, yolg‘iz
to laugh [lɑːf]– kulmoq; to laugh at smth. (smb.)- nimanidir (kimningdir) ustidan kulmoq 
to smile[smaɪl] -  jilmaymoq; to smile at smb. – kimgadir jilmaymoq
an idea [aɪ'dɪə] – fikr, tushuncha (of predlogi bilan ishlatiladi)
view [vjuː]-ko’rinish, fikr, hisoblash
opinion [ə'pɪnjən]-fikr, nuqtai nazar
thought [θɔːt]- fikr, o’y,o’ylash, niyat
consideration [kənˌsɪd(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]-muhokama qilish; hisobga olish; e’tibor berish               
to finish['fɪnɪʃ] – tamomlamoq, tugatmoq
to complete [kəm'pliːt]- tugatmoq, yakunlamoq,
a college['kɔlɪʤ] – kollej, oliy o’quv yurti, institut  
last [la:st]  -1. oxirgi (tartib bo‘yicha) 2. o‘tgan (vaqt bo‘yicha); at last [æt] - va nihoyat, oxiri.
year [jɪə]- yil    
to tell [tel]-aytmoq(to predlogisiz)
to say [seɪ] –aytmoq;say to smb –kimgadir aytmoq                                                   
happy [‘hæpɪ] – baxtli
pleased [pliːzd] – mamnun, qoniqqan; to be pleased with smb. (smth.) - kimdandir (nimadandir) qoniqmoq, mamnun bo‘lmoq      
delighted [dɪlaɪtɪd] - qoniqish hosil qilgan, qoniqqan, xursand, mamnun
glad [glæd] – xursand    
fine [faɪn]- yaxshi, ajoyib (kun, ob-havo)
nice [naɪs] (adj)- yaxshi, yoqimli       
eight [eɪt]-sakkiz
bus [bʌs] –aftobus; on a bus-aftobusda; by bus-avtobus orqali                                                                           
because [bi'kəz] – chunki
as [æz] –  … ligi uchun, chunki, qachonki
since [sɪn(t)s]-…dan beri, shuning uchun, chunki
inasmuch as [ˌɪnəz'mʌʧæz]- sababli, shuning uchun
now that [nau ðæt] - sababli, shuning uchun
seeing that ['siːɪŋ ðæt] –sababli, chunki                                         
seeing as ['siːɪŋ æz] –sababli, chunki                                        
traffic ['træfɪk]-harakat; transport, qatnov
after ['ɑːftə]- keyin (predlog),so’ng                                                                       
apartment [ə'pɑːtmənt]- kvartira
to leave [liːv](left,left) – qoldirmoq, jo’namoq; to leave for-ga jo’namoq, ketmoq
to hurry [hʌ̱ri] – shoshilmoq; to hurry to - qayergadir shoshilmoq 
to rush [rʌʃ]-tez harakat qilmoq, shoshiltirmoq
bus stop [stɔp] – aftobus bekati                                                                  
to want[wɔnt] – xoxlamoq, istamoq
to miss [mɪs] - o‘tkazib yubormoq, sog’inmoq  
a worker ['wɜːkə]-ishchi
employee [ˌɪmplɔɪ'iː]-xizmatchi; ishchi
staff member [stɑːf membə] =member of staff –shtab a’zosi, ishchi
serious ['sɪərɪəs] – jiddiy
twelve [twelv] -12    
to eat [iːt] (ate [eɪt], eaten ['iːt(ə)n]) - yemoq (ovqatlanmoq)
quick [kwɪk]- tez, qisqa (adj)          
rapid ['ræpɪd]-tez, jadal
fast [fɑːst] – tez, qattiq
speedy ['spiːdɪ]- tez, kechiktirib bo’lmas
hasty ['heɪstɪ]- tez, shoshilinch
swift [swɪft] - tez, shoshilinch                     
lunch [lʌnʧ]  - 1. ikkinchi nonushta;  2. tushlik
to come [kʌm]-kelmoq
to stop[stɔp]- tugatmoq, to’xtamoq, to’xtatmoq
to halt [hɔːlt] – to’xtamoq, to’xtatmoq
to cease [siːs]-to’xtatmoq
to end [end] -tugamoq, oxirlamoq
to conclude [kən'kluːd]-tugatmoq, yakunlamoq; xulosa qilmoq
tired ['taɪəd] –charchagan; tired of – dan charchagan                   
exhausted [ɪg'zɔːstɪd] - charchagan                  
to relax [rɪlæ̱kst]-xotirjam bo’lmoq, tinchlanmoq
to get [get] - 3. yetib olmoq, yetib kelmoq; to get to – biror joyga yetib olmoq; 1. olmoq 2. topmoq
to arrive [ə'raɪv]- yetib kelmoq; arrive at- ma’lum nuqtaga yetib kelmoq, arrive in-hududga yetib kelmoq
to reach [riːʧ] - erishmoq, -gacha yetib bormoq, -gacha olib bormoq  (to predlogsiz ishlatiladi)                                          
to change [ʧeɪnʤ]-o’zgarmoq, o’zgartirmoq; to change something into another thing – biror narsani boshqa narsaga o’zgartirmoq
to alter ['ɔːltə]-o’zgartimoq; qayta yasamoq
to shift [ʃɪft]-o’zgarmoq; o’zgartirmoq
to modify ['mɔdɪfaɪ] – o’zgartirmoq; yengillashtirmoq
cloth [klɔθ] – gazlama, mato
outfit ['autfɪt] – birgalikda kiyishga mo’ljallangan kiyimlar                     
to watch [wɔʧ]- tomosha qilmoq, orqasidan kuzatmoq
to listen (v) – tinglamoq, eshitmoq; to listen to – ni tinglamoq                                                                                                     
little ['lɪtl] – kichik, yosh, kam
phone [fəun] – telefon; on the phone -telefonda
on- kun nomlari va kun nomi bilan kelgan kun qismlari oldidan ishlatiladi: On Sunday, On Sunday morning
to talk [tɔːk] – gapirmoq (to yoki with predlogi bilan ishlatiladi)
many['menɪ]-ko’p (sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi) 
a lot of [ə lɔt ɔv], lots of - ko’p, ko’pgina(barcha otlar bilan ishlatiladi)
a number of [ə 'nʌmbə ɔv] –ko’p
plenty of ['plentɪ] -ko’p
scores of [skɔː] -ko’p
a place[pleɪs] – joy; in ... place  - joyiga, 2. uy, yashash joyi; at smb.’s place - biror kishinikida
easy ['i:zi] – yengil, oson
simple ['sɪmpl] – oson, oddiy, yagona, axmoq
far [fɑː] – uzoq; ancha: a long way [weɪ] from [frɔm] – dan uzoq(bo’lishli darak gapda): far from [fɑː frɔm] – dan uzoq(bo’lishsiz va so’roq gaplarda)
home [həum] – uy, vatan; at home- uyda( lekin uyga tomon harakatda to predlogi ishlatilmaydi; go home)                                                                                 never ['nevə]= not ever [nɔt 'evə] - hech qachon, biror marta ham emas
to tell [tel]-aytmoq(to predlogisiz)
to say [seɪ] –aytmoq;say to smb –kimgadir aytmoq                                                  
to explain [ɪk'spleɪn] – tushuntirmoq, izohlamoq
sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz]- ba’zan 
occasionally [ə'keɪʒ(ə)n(ə)lɪ]-onda-sonda, baz’an
from time to time - vaqti vaqti bilan, ba’zan
(every) once in a while [(evrɪ) wʌn(t)s ɪn ə (h)waɪl] - vaqti vaqti bilan, ba’zan
at times- ba’zan, onda-sonda   
to feel [fi:l] (felt, felt [felt]) - sezmoq, payqamoq, his qilmoq
afraid [ə'freɪd] - qo‘rqqan; to be afraid of smth. - nimadandir qo‘rqmoq  
scared of [skeəd]- dan qo‘rqqan
frightened of ['fraɪt(ə)nd] - dan qo‘rqqan  
night [naɪt] – tun, kech; at night- tunda                                                                              
lock [lɔk]- qulf; to lock- qulflamoq                                                                             
to own [əun]- egalik qilmoq
to protect [prə'tekt] –himoya qilmoq; to protect from/against – dan himoya qilmoq
friendly ['frendlɪ] – do’stona, samimiy, mehribon                                                                 
to bark [bɑːk]- vovullamoq
people ['pi:pl] – 1. odamlar  2. xalq, millat
to know [nəu](knew [njuː],known [nəun]) – bilmoq, tanimoq
to hear [hɪə] (heard, heard [hɜːd]) – eshitmoq; to hear from - kimdandir axborot (xat) olmoq 
(the) same [seɪm]- bir xil, xuddi o‘zi, o‘sha
problem ['prɔbləm]-muammo
difficulty ['dɪfɪk(ə)ltɪ]- qiyinchilik, muammo
challenge ['ʧælɪnʤ] – da’vat qilish; qiyinchilik (muammo)
trouble ['trʌbl]- muammo, xavotir, qiyinchilik                      
to visit ['vɪzɪt]-tashrif buyurmoq, bormoq(to predlogsiz): to come to visit – ko’rishga kelmoq, mehmon bo’lmoq
to bite [baɪt]-tishlamoq; chaqmoq
to trust [trʌst]- ishonmoq, to’g’ri deb bilmoq, tayanmoq
to rely [rɪ'laɪ] (up)on-…ga suyanmoq, tayanmoq; ishonmoq
confidence ['kɔnfɪd(ə)n(t)s]-ishonch (in predlogi bilan); to have confidence in- ga ishonmoq
faith [feɪθ]-ishonch; e’tiqod; faith in –  ga ishonch, to have faith in - ga ishonmoq
to confide [kən'faɪd] in -ga suyanmoq, tayanmoq; ishonmoq
someday – qachondir(kelajakda), br kun
a family ['fæm(ə)lɪ] – oila 
to live [tu: liv]-yashamoq; to live on – bilan oziqlanmoq; yashashni davom ettirmoq  
to reside [rɪ'zaɪd]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq;
to dwell [dwel]- yashamoq, turmoq
to inhabit [ɪn'hæbɪt]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq
to populate ['pɔpjəleɪt]-joylashmoq (aholi), yashamoq
small [smɔːl] (adj)- kichkina, katta emas   
tiny ['taɪnɪ] –jajji, juda kichik  
little ['lɪtl] – kichik, yosh, kam        
a village ['vɪlɪʤ] – qishloq
a name [neɪm]-ism, nom                                                                                                               
to eat [iːt] (ate [eɪt], eaten ['iːt(ə)n]) - yemoq (ovqatlanmoq)    
meat [miːt] - go‘sht
biscuit ['bɪskɪt] – quruq pechenye                  
special ['speʃ(ə)l]-maxsus
food [fu:d] - yemish, ovqat
a meal [miːl] – ovqat
a dish [dɪʃ] -  ovqat, tarelka, idish
a shop [ʃɔp] – magazine, do’kon
store [stɔː]- magazine, do’kon; zahira;
to sell [sel] (sold [səuld], sold) – sotmoq
neighbour ['neɪbə] – qo’shni
too [tuː]-ham, shuningdek(bo’lishli gapda); haddan tashqari, juda 
as well-ham(bo’lishli gapda)           
either ['aɪðə] - ham (bo‘lishsiz gaplarda)                                     
every ['evrɪ] (adj)- har bir                                                                               
to come [kʌm](came[keɪm], come) -kelmoq
to wait [weɪt] – kutmoq; to wait for... - kimnidir (nimanidir) kutmoq
to stand [stænd]-turmoq; chidamoq, oyoq tiramoq; qaysarlik qilmoq
a door [dɔː]-eshik
to bark [bɑːk]- vovullamoq
happy [‘hæpɪ] – baxtli
pleased [pliːzd] – mamnun, qoniqqan; to be pleased with smb. (smth.) - kimdandir (nimadandir) qoniqmoq, mamnun bo‘lmoq      
delighted [dɪlaɪtɪd] - qoniqish hosil qilgan, qoniqqan, xursand, mamnun
glad [glæd] – xursand    
long [lɔŋ]-uzun, uzoq
a walk – sayr; to go for a walk- sayrga bormoq 
to take smb. out (for a walk)- kimnidir sayrga olib chiqmoq
young (adj) [jʌŋ] – yosh, o’smir
love [lʌv]- sevgi, muhabbat
Manchester ['mænʧɪstə]-Manchester(Angliyadagi shahar)
secretary ['sekrət(ə)rɪ]-kotiba, yordamchi
taxi ['tæksɪ] -taksi
tonight[tə'naɪt]- bugun kechqurun 
London ['lʌndən] –London
to play[pleɪ] – o’ynamoq, chalmoq
cave [keɪv]-g’or
who [huː]- kim (so’roq olmoshi)
band [bænd]-guruh, odamlar guruhi; orkestr tasma, lenta
Monday ['mʌndeɪˌ] – dushanba: on Monday-dushanbada 
Friday ['fraɪdeɪ] –juma    
to sing[sɪŋ] (sang[sæŋ], sung[sʌŋ]) - kuylamoq, ashula aytmoq
pub [pʌb]- qovoqxona, jamiyat
disco ['dɪskəu] –diskoteka(raqsga tushiladigan joy), disko(musiqa turi)
hard[hɑːd] – sidqidildan, astoydil, qattiq
difficult ['dɪfɪk(ə)l-qiyin, murakkab
challenging – erishish qiyin bo’lgan ammo qiziqarli
arduous ['ɑːdjuəs] –qiyin, og’ir
busy ['bizi] – band
to open ['əup(ə)n]-ochmoq; ochilmoq
usually ['juːʒ(ə)lɪ]- odatta 
often ['ɔf(t)(ə)n]= oftentimes ['ɔf(t)əntaɪmz] – tez-tez, ko’pincha   
generally ['ʤen(ə)r(ə)lɪ] – odatta, keng ko’lamda mostly ['məustlɪ] –asosan, odatta
frequently ['friːkwəntlɪ]-tez-tez
today [tə'deɪ]  - bugun, hozir                 
st(=street) –ko’cha
lower ['ləuə]- quyi, past
a ticket ['tɪkɪt] - 1. Chipta; 2. kassa cheki
San Francisco [ˌsænfræn'sɪskəu]-San Fransisko
state [steɪt]- shtat(hudud turi),holat; davlat;
California [ˌkælɪ'fɔːnɪə]-Kaliforniya
pacific [pə'sɪfɪk]- tinch, tinchliksevar
ocean ['əuʃ(ə)n] –okean, dengiz
capital ['kæpɪtəl] – poytaxt; bosh (harf); sarmoya
Australian [ɔs'treɪlɪən] –avstraliyalik; avtraliyacha
Italian [ɪ'tælɪən] –italyanlik; italyancha
Chinese ['ʧaɪ'niːz]-xitoylik; xitoycha
American [ə'merɪkən] –amerikalik; amerikancha
Chinatown ['ʧaɪnətaun] –xitoycha ko’cha
restaurant ['restərɔnt]-restaran
post box- pochta quttisi
telephone ['telɪfəun]-telefon
interesting ['ɪntrəstɪŋ] – qiziq, yoqimli
part [pɑːt] – qism, bo’lak               
section ['sekʃ(ə)n] – seksiya, bo’lim (joy yoki narsaning)
stage [steɪʤ]-sahna; bosqich; faza; etap; on the stage - sahnada
piece [piːs]-bo’lak, parcha; musiqiy asar
fraction ['frækʃ(ə)n] – kasr; qism
segment ['segmənt]- qism, bo’lak, ulush, sektor
division [dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n] – bo’linish, taqsimot
chapter ['ʧæptə]-bo’lim(kitobda)
episode ['epɪsəud]-hodisa, voqea, epizod(televizor yoki radiodagi hikoyani bir qismi serialda asosan)
portion ['pɔːʃ(ə)n]-bo’lak; ulush; hissa
exactly [ɪg'zæktlɪ] - aniq, xuddi o‘zi
definitely ['def(ə)nətlɪ] – aniq, shubhasiz
precisely [prɪ'saɪslɪ] – aniq, to’g’ri, aynan
absolutely [ˌæbs(ə)'l(j)uːtlɪ] – to’laligicha, butunlay
certainly [sɜ͟ː(r)t(ə)nli] - albatta, o‘z-o‘zidan ma’lum (ko'pincha iltimosga javob tarzida ishlatiladi) 
like [laɪk] - kabi, o‘xshash                                                                                     
China ['ʧaɪnə]-Xitoy
fisherman ['fɪʃəmən]- baliqchi
wharf [(h)wɔːf] – bandargoh, pristan
another [ə'nʌðə] – yana bir, boshqa bir
a tourist ['tuərɪst] - turist, sayyoh
traveller [' træv(ə)lə]-sayohatchi 
to want[wɔnt] – xoxlamoq
to find [faɪnd](found/found [faund])-topmoq
a table ['teɪbl]-stol
a sea [siː] - dengiz (ko‘pincha aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi)
golden ['gəuld(ə)n] – oltinga o’xshash
gate [geɪt] – darvoza
bridge [brɪʤ] – ko’prik, bog’lanish
food [fu:d] - yemish, ovqat
a meal [miːl] – ovqat
a dish [dɪʃ] -  ovqat, tarelka, idish
a ship [ʃɪp] – kema
a vessel ['ves(ə)l] - yuk kemasi, kema, vena(qon tomiri)
to pass [pɑːs]-o’tmoq                                                           
under-ostida, tagida
car [kɑː] – mashina, avtomobil,                                                                                   
to cross [krɔs] - kesib o‘tmoq, orqali o‘tmoq
symbol ['sɪmb(ə)l]-simvol; ramz; timsol
emblem ['embləm] -simvol; ramz; timsol, shior                                                  
to finish['fɪnɪʃ] – tamomlamoq, tugatmoq
to complete [kəm'pliːt]- tugatmoq, yakunlamoq,
a boat [bəut] -  1. qayiq  2. Kema
trip [trɪp]-sayohat, ekskursiya
Alcatraz [ˈalkətraz]-Alkatraz
famous ['feɪməs] –mashhur, taniqli
well-known [ˌwel'nəun] (adj)- taniqli, mashxur
eminent ['emɪnənt]- mashhur, taniqli
prominent ['prɔmɪnənt] – muhim, mashhur, taniqli
celebrated ['seləbreɪtɪd]- mashhur, taniqli
famed [feɪmd] - mashhur, taniqli
distinguished [dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃt]-atoqli, xizmat ko’rsatgan, mashhur, ko’zga ko’rinarli; farq qilgan
renowned [rɪ'naund] –mashxur, taniqli:
noted ['nəutɪd]-mashxur, taniqli
acclaimed- olqishlangan, mashxur       
barchasi for bilan ishlatiladi:uchun mashhur
jail [ʤeɪl]=prison ['prɪz(ə)n] – qamoq, qamoqxona
correctional institution/facility- axloq tuzatish kanoniyasi, qamoqxona
penitentiary [ˌpenɪ'tenʃ(ə)rɪ] –qamoqxona(jiddiy jinoyat sodir etganlar uchun)
now [nau] – hozir, zudlik bilan
different ['dɪf(ə)r(ə)nt]-farqli. turli xil, har xil
; different from – dan farqli                                                                     
European [ˌjuərə'piːən] –yeropacha
the sun [sʌn] -  quyosh; in the sun - quyoshda
to shine [ʃaɪn] (shone[ʃɔn], shone) – porlamoq, yalitramoq
nightclub ['naɪtklʌb]- tungi klub
a cinema['sɪnəmə] – kinoteatr, kino
movie theater- kinoteatr                                          
a theatre['θɪətə] – teatr;                                                                                  
that’s why- shuning uchun
therefore ['ðeəfɔː]= thus [ðʌs] -shu sababli, shuning uchun
hence [hen(t)s] – natijada, shuning uchun
as a result-natijada
consequence ['kɔn(t)sɪkwən(t)s]-oqibat; natija 
accordingly [ə'kɔːdɪŋlɪ]- natijada, shuning uchun
so [səu]- sababli, tufayli, maqsadida
similar ['sɪmɪlə]-o’xshash; similar to-…ga o’xshash
student ['st(j)uːd(ə)nt] (n)- talaba
learner ['lɜːnə]-o’quvchi, o’rganuvchi
pupil  ['pjuːp(ə)l] –o’quvchi, tarbiyalanuvchi
school[skuːl] – maktab, maktab binosi
horse [hɔːs] -ot                                                                                                                                          
jockey ['ʤɔkɪ] – professional ot poyachisi                                                                      
have got [hæv gɔt] – egalik qilmoq, bor bo’lmoq
to own [əun]- egalik qilmoq
to possess  [pə'zes]-egalik qilmoq                                  
to ride [raɪd]-haydamoq, minmoq; a ride- ot minish
riding ['raɪdɪŋ]- otda yurish, ot minish                                                      
Ascot ['æskət]- Eskot (shahrcha)
a few [fjuː]- bir necha,bir qancha,cheklangan miqdor (sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi)
several ['sev(ə)r(ə)l]-bir nechta     
some [sʌm]–bir nechta,biroz,ba’zi                                                                          
mile [maɪl] – o’lchov birligi: mil(=1.6km)
a week[wiːk]-hafta
to visit ['vɪzɪt]-tashrif buyurmoq, bormoq(to predlogsiz)
look in on=drop in [drɔp] =drop by – tashrif buyurmoq, bormoq                     
to enjoy (smth.) [ɪn'ʤɔɪ] - nimadandir zavq olish, bahra olmoq
to have fun- xursandchilik qilmoq: fun [fʌn]-hazil, xursandchilik;
renowned [rɪ'naund] –mashxur, taniqli: renowned for- uchun mashxur
engineer [ˌenʤɪ'nɪə]-injener, muhandis
Berlin [bɜː'lɪn]- Berlin(shahar)
Germany ['ʤɜːmənɪ] - Germaniya
active ['æktɪv]-aktiv, faol, serharakat
person ['pɜːs(ə)n]-shaxs, inson                                                                              
basketball ['bɑːskɪtbɔːl]- basketbol
player ['pleɪə]-o’yinchi, qatnashuvchi, pleyer(musiqa o’qiydigan qurilma)                                                                                  
to start [stɑːt] -boshlamoq
to begin(began,begun) [bɪ'gɪn]( [bɪ'gæn], [bɪ'gʌn])-
boshlamoq, boshlanmoq
to commence [kə'men(t)s] - boshlamoq, boshlanmoq
to launch [lɔːnʧ]-suvga tushirmoq; uchirmoq; boshlamoq (yangi ishni)
to set out=to set off-sayohat boshlamoq, boshlamoq
to initiate [ɪ'nɪʃɪeɪt] – boshlamoq; boshlanishiga sabab bo’lmoq, tashabbus ko’rsatmoq
an age[eɪʤ] – yosh, davr at the age of ... - ... yoshda
eleven [ɪ'lev(ə)n] –o’n bir
the Alps [ælps] –Alp tog’(tizma)lari
winter ['wɪntə] – qish
skiing ['skiːɪŋ] – chang’i uchish                                                                           
a mother ['mʌðə] – ona
a father ['fɑːðə] – dada, ota
and [ænd] -va
to live [tu: liv]-yashamoq; to live on – bilan oziqlanmoq; yashashni davom ettirmoq  
to reside [rɪ'zaɪd]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq;
to dwell [dwel]- yashamoq, turmoq
to inhabit [ɪn'hæbɪt]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq
to populate ['pɔpjəleɪt]-joylashmoq (aholi), yashamoq
New York [ˌnjuː'jɔːk] –Nyu York
town(n) [taun] -shaharcha, shahar
city ['sɪtɪ] (n)- shahar(hokimiyat joylashgan hudud)                  
Athens ['æθ(ə)nz] -Afina
to study['stʌdɪ]-o'rganmoq, tahsil olmoq  
English ['ɪŋglɪʃ] –inglizcha; ingliz
teacher ['tiːʧə] (n) – o’qituvchi, muallim
instructor [ɪn'strʌktə]- trener, o’qituvchi
lecturer ['lekʧ(ə)rə] –ma’ruzachi, oliygoh o’qituvchisi, lektor  
mentor ['mentɔː]-uztoz, murabbiy, tarbiyachi, rahbar
tutor ['tjuːtə]- xususiy o’qituvchi, murabbiy, repetitor
educator ['eʤukeɪtə]- uztoz, murabbiy, tarbiyachi
educationalist [ˌeʤu'keɪʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪst]- nazariyachi o’qituvchi
to play[pleɪ] – chalmoq, o’ynamoq
a group ['gru:p] – guruh
to call [kɔːl] - atamoq, chaqirmoq, chaqirtirmoq, qo’ng’iroq qilmoq
to name [neɪm] – nomlamoq, belgilamoq
to dub [dʌb]- laqab qo’ymoq
to label['leɪb(ə)l]-yorliq bermoq, laqab qo’ymoq;
band [bænd]-guruh, odamlar guruhi; orkestr tasma, lenta
pop [pɔp] –pop(musiqa turi
music['mjuːzɪk] –musiqa
to listen (v) – tinglamoq, eshitmoq; to listen to – ni tinglamoq                                                                                                    
to marry ['mærɪ] – uylanmoq, turmushga chiqmoq (to predlogisiz); ammo to be married to ['mærɪd] -ga turmushga chiqmoq     
to speak[spiːk](spoke,spoken)  – gapirmoq, gaplashmoq; to speak to smb – kim bilandir gaplashmoq 
Greek [griːk]-grekcha; grek
French [frenʧ] – fransuzcha, fransuz  
Hong Kong [ˌhɔŋ'kɔŋ] –Gon-kong(shahar)
foreign ['fɔrɪn]-xorijiy, chet
15. JOAN
computer [kəm'pjuːtə]-kopyuter
interesting ['ɪntrəstɪŋ] – qiziq, yoqimli
absorbing [əb'zɔːbɪŋ]-qiziqtiragigan, o’ziga jalb qiladigan; so’rib oladigan
engaging [ɪn'geɪʤɪŋ] –maftunkor, o’ziga jalb qiladigan
attractive [ə'træktɪv]-yoqimli; jozibali; jozibador
captivating ['kæptɪveɪtɪŋ]- maftunkor, o’ziga jalb qiladigan
so [səu]- shu sababli, shuning uchun
to finish['fɪnɪʃ] – tamomlamoq, tugatmoq
to complete [kəm'pliːt]- tugatmoq, yakunlamoq,
ago [ə'gəu] – oldin 
as [æz]-kabi, sifatida, …kan; chunki
programmer ['prəugræmə]- dasturchi, programist
software engineer ['sɔftweə ˌenʤɪ'nɪə] – dasturchi (komyuter uchun), programist
to draw [drɔː]-rasm chizmoq; qiziqmoq; tortmoq
a picture['pɪkʧə] – rasm, fotosurat; in the picture – rasmda, fotosuratda
                16. CHRISTIAN LEBRAT
French [frenʧ] –fransuz, fransuzcha  
president ['prezɪd(ə)nt] – president, rais(katta kompaniyalarda)
company ['kʌmpənɪ] (n) –kompaniya(biror narsa sotadi yoki ishlab chiqaradi yoki hizmat ko’rsatadi); guruh; do’stlik     
firm[fɜːm] – firma(asosan xizmat ko’rsatadi)   
corporation [ˌkɔːp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]- korporatsiya(bir nechta kichik kompaniyalardan tashkil topgan katta kompaniya), uyushma, birlashma
our ['auə]-bizning
to arrive [ə'raɪv]- yetib kelmoq; arrive at- ma’lum nuqtaga yetib kelmoq, arrive in-hududga yetib kelmoq
to get [get] - 3. yetib olmoq, yetib kelmoq; to get to – biror joyga yetib olmoq; 1. olmoq 2. topmoq
to reach [riːʧ] - erishmoq, -gacha yetib bormoq, -gacha olib bormoq  (to predlogsiz ishlatiladi)                                          
yesterday ['jestədeɪ] - kecha
here [hɪə] –shu yerda/ga
to meet [miːt](met,met)-uchratmoq, tanishmoq, kutib olmoq
manager ['mænɪʤə] – menejer, ish boshqaruvchi                   
a shop [ʃɔp] – magazine, do’kon
store [stɔː]- magazine, do’kon; zahira;
second ['sek(ə)nd]- ikkinchi
sixty five ['sɪkstɪ faɪv] – oltmish besh
Europe ['juərəp] –Yevropa
twenty ['twentɪ]- yigirma
fifteen [ˌfɪf'tiːn] -15
France [frɑːn(t)s] –Fransiya
eighteen [ˌeɪ'tiːn]-18
Spain [speɪn] -Ispaniya
next [nekst] – navbatdagi, kelasi    
Rome [rəum] –Rim
too [tuː]-ham, shuningdek(bo’lishli gapda); haddan tashqari, juda 
as well-ham(bo’lishli gapda)           
either ['aɪðə] - ham (bo‘lishsiz gaplarda)                                    
to stay[steɪ] – qolmoq
to remain [rɪ'meɪn]-qolmoq
busy ['bizi] – tig’iz; band
programme ['prəugræm] – reja, dastur
to fly ['flai] (flew [flu:], flown [floʊn]) –uchmoq  
Madrid [mə'drɪd]-Madrid
tomorrow [tə'mɔrəu]- erta(ga), yaqin kelajak
there [ðeə]-u yerda, u yerga (to predlogsiz ishlatiladi)                                                      
example [ɪg'zɑːmpl ]-namuna, nusxa
a place[pleɪs] – joy; in ... place  - joyiga, 2. uy, yashash joyi; at smb.’s place - biror kishinikida
perfect ['pɜːfɪkt]-mukammal; nuqsonsiz;
excellent ['eks(ə)l(ə)nt]-a’lo; juda yaxshi
marvellous ['mɑːv(ə)ləs]-ajoyib
wonderful ['wʌndəf(ə)l] – ajoyib, mo‘jizakor
remarkable [rɪ'mɑːkəbl]-ajoyib; ajablanarli; atoqli
fantastic [fæn'tæstɪk]- ajoyib, g’aroyib
incredible [ɪn'kredɪbl]- favqulotda, haddan tashqari, aqlga sig’maydigan
brilliant ['brɪlɪənt]- yarqiragan; ajoyib; aqlli
awesome ['ɔːsəm] – hayratlanarli, hayratda qoldiradigan, daxshat
amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ]-hayratlanarli                  
lunch [lʌnʧ]  - 1. ikkinchi nonushta;  2. tushlik
dinner ['dɪnə] – tushlik(kechda yeyiladigan asoiy ovqat)                                                                   
clean [kliːn]-toza
service ['sɜːvɪs] – xizmat, xizmat ko’rsatish                                                                        
fast [fɑːst] – tez, qattiq
quick [kwɪk]- tez, qisqa (adj)          
rapid ['ræpɪd]-tez, jadal
speedy ['spiːdɪ]- tez, kechiktirib bo’lmas
hasty ['heɪstɪ]- tez, shoshilinch
swift [swɪft] - tez, shoshilinch                     
price [praɪs]-narx; baho
charge [ʧɑːʤ]-narx, xizmat haqi; ayblash; hujum; zaryad
cost[kɔst] – narx, baho, xarajat                             
reasonable ['riːz(ə)nəbl] – ma’qul, mulohazali; mantiqiy, oqilona, asosli, o’rtacha
sensible ['sen(t)sɪbl] – mulohazali; mantiqiy, aqlli
rational ['ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l]- mulohazali; mantiqiy, aqlli
logical ['lɔʤɪk(ə)l]- mulohazali; mantiqiy, aqlli
plausible ['plɔːzɪbl] – mantiqli, aqlga mos
sound [saund]- mulohazali; mantiqiy, aqlli
different ['dɪf(ə)r(ə)nt]-farqli. turli xil, har xil
; different from – dan farqli                                                                     
a special['speʃ(ə)l]- odatdagidan o’zgacha, boshqacha narsa
to include [ɪn'kluːd]-o’z ichiga olmoq
to contain [kən'teɪn]-o’z ichiga olmoq
to consist [kən'sɪst] - tashkil topmoq, iborat bo’lmoq; to consist of smth. -…dan tashkil topmoq, -dan iborat bo’lmoq  
to be comprised of – …dan tashkil topmoq
to involve [ɪn'vɔlv]-ichiga olmoq, ishtirok etmoq; aloqasi bo’lmoq
to be made up of – tashkil topmoq
fish [fɪʃ](plural fish) - baliq                                                                            
vegetable ['veʤ(ə)təbl]-sabzavot;
to mix [mɪks]-qo’shmoq; qorishtirmoq: mixed [mɪkst] –qo’shilgan, aralashtirilgan                                                                     
salad ['sæləd] – salat
bread [bred] – non
butter ['bʌtə] – saryog’, moy, yog’                                                                       
dessert [dɪ'zɜːt]-desert (ovqardan keyin yeyiladigan meva, shirinlik)
tea [tiː] – choy
item ['aɪtəm]-punkt, band; parcha; alohida birlik
menu ['menjuː]- menyu(restarnadagi bor ovqatlar ro’yxati)
a little ['lɪtl] – biroz
expensive [ɪk'spen(t)sɪv ]-qimmat
an ostrich ['ɔstrɪʧ] – tuyaqush: loqayd kishi                                                                    
a bird [bɜːd]- qush                                                                              
the world [wɜːld] - dunyo, borliq
globe ['gləub] – yer shari, globus;
earth [ɜːθ] – yer, quruqlik                                        
almost['ɔːlməust] – deyarli
about[ə'baut] (adv)- taxminan, atrofida, haqida    
around [ə’raund]- atrofida, bo’ylab
virtually['vɜːʧuəlɪ]-deyarli, haqiqatda, aslini olganda
roughly ['rʌflɪ] – qo’polik bilan, taxminan
nearly ['nɪəlɪ]-deyarli
practically ['præktɪk(ə)lɪ]-amalda; deyarli
approximately [ə'prɔksɪmətlɪ]-taxminan; deyarli
Africa ['æfrɪkə]-Afrika
Arabia [ə'reɪbɪə]- Arabiston(yarim orol)
home [həum]- vatan,oila, uy, yashash joyi,
zoo [zuː]- zoopark
wing [wɪŋ] - qanot                                                                             
small [smɔːl] (adj)- kichkina, katta emas   
tiny ['taɪnɪ] –jajji, juda kichik  
little ['lɪtl] – kichik, yosh, kam        
male [meɪl]-erkak;
height [haɪt]- balandlik
weight [weɪt]-og’irlik, massa
flat [flæt]- tekis; kvartira
head ['hed]-bosh; aql; boshliq, rahbar
neck [nek] – bo’yin, gardan; kiyim yoqasi
leg [leg] – oyoq
strong [strɔŋ] – 1. Kuchli 2. o‘tkir (ichimliklar haqida strong coffee (tea) - o‘tkir kofe (achchiq choy))
powerful ['pauəf(ə)l]-kuchli
robust [rə'bʌst] – baquvvat, sog’lom, kuchli
potent ['pəut(ə)nt]-kuchli, o’tkir
resilient [rɪ'zɪlɪənt]- irodali; kuchli
thick [θɪk]-yo’g’on; qalin, semiz
runner ['rʌnə] – yuguruvchi, poygachi ot                                                                          
an hour [auə]- soat(60 min)     
example [ɪg'zɑːmpl ]-namuna, nusxa; for example- misol uchun         
antelope ['æntɪləup]-antilopa(kiyikka o’xshaydigan jonivor)
food [fu:d] - yemish, ovqat
a meal [miːl] – ovqat
a dish [dɪʃ] -  ovqat, tarelka, idish
plant [plɑːnt]- o’simlik; zavod, fabrika
insect ['ɪnsekt] - hasharot                                                                          
egg [eg] -tuxum
hole [həul] – teshik; yoriq; o’yiq; bo’shliq
sand[sænd] - qum                                                                         
white [waɪt]-oq
female ['fiːmeɪl]-ayol
to look after [luk 'ɑːftə] –qarab turmoq, g’amxo’rlik qilmoq; shug’ullanmoq, uddalamoq
to take care of [teɪk keə ɔv] –gamxo‘rlik qilmoq, kimgadir qaramoq (kasal bolalarga va shu kabilarga); shug’ullanmoq, uddalamoq
daytime ['deɪtaɪm] – kunduzi, kunduzgi vaqt  
night [naɪt] – tun, kech; at night- tunda                                                                              
mostly ['məustlɪ] –asosan, odatta      
to leave [liːv](left,left) – qoldirmoq, jo’namoq; to leave for-ga jo’namoq, ketmoq                                          
popular['pɔpjələ]-ommaviy, mashhur; to be popular with/among – orasida mashhur bo’lmoq
trendy ['trendɪ]- zamonaviy, urfdagi, mashxur
favored ['feɪvəd]- afzal ko’rilgan, tanlangan
sport [spɔːt] –sport
Canada ['kænədə] –Kanada
to organize ['ɔːg(ə)naɪz]-tashkil qilmoq
indian['ɪndɪən] - hindu                                                                   
northern ['nɔːð(ə)n]- shimoliy
southern ['sʌðən] –janubiy
Ontario [ɔn'teərɪəu] -Onatio
to invent [ɪn'vent] – yaratmoq, kashf qilmoq            
to devise [dɪ'vaɪz]-rejalashtirmoq, ijod etmoq, yaratmoq
to fashion ['fæʃ(ə)n] – qilmoq; shakl bermoq;
to create [krɪ'eɪt]-yaratmoq; vujudga keltirmoq                               
to use (fe’l)– foydalanmoq(from predlogisiz);
ammo use (ot) of predlogi bilan ishlatiladi.
to utilize ['juːtɪlaɪz]- foydalanmoq, qo’llamoq
to employ [ɪm'plɔɪ]-biror ishda ishlatmoq; ish bermoq, foydalanmoq
to make use of- foydalanmoq
to harness ['hɑːnɪs] – qo’shmoq (aravag, qo’shga …); qo’llamoq, foydalanmoq
to exploit ['eksplɔɪt]-o’z foydasiga ishlatmoq; foydalanmoq
to train [treɪn] -tayyorlanmoq; mashq qilmoq; mashq qildirmoq; a train -poyezd
to practise ['præktɪs]-mashq qilish; practice-amaliyot
to drill [drɪl]- mashq qildirmoq, mashq yordamida o’rgatmoq; parmalamoq; burg’ulamoq
war [wɔː]- urush, urush holatida; at war - urush holatida
a battle['bætl] - urush, jang
combat['kɔmbæt] – kurash, jang, urush;
fight [faɪt] – kurash, jang, urush
Columbus [kə'lʌmbəs] -Kolumb
outdoors [ˌaut'dɔːz] – tashqarida, tashqariga, ochiq havoda
field –dala, maydon, soha; dala ma’nosida in predlogi bilan, maydon ma’nosida on predlogi bilan ishlatiladi
each [iːʧ] –har bir
end [end]-oxir, yakun, xotima; tugatmoq,
goal [gəul] – maqsad, darvoza(futboldagi)                                                                                 
net [net]-to’r, 2. the net – internet; to surf the Internet – internetda vaqt o’tkazmoq
team [tiːm]-jamoa, komanda, ekipaj, guruh
stick [stɪk] – tayoq; novda, shox
to hit [hɪt] (hit, hit) – urmoq, urilmoq    
to strike [straɪk]-urmoq, urilmoq; strike –ish tashlash
to shoot [ʃuːt]-otmoq; shoot-otish; ov; daraxtning yangi chiqqan niholi
ball [bɔːl] – koptok, to’p, shar shaklidagi biror narsa                                                                              
to weigh [weɪ]- og’irligida ega bo’lmoq; tosh bosmoq; o’lchamoq, tortmoq
gram [græm]-gram(o’g’irlik o’lchovi)
to try [traɪ] - harakat qilmoq, urinib ko‘rmoq  
to attempt [ə'tempt]-urinmoq
to seek [siːk](sought, sought) -qidirmoq, (biror narsa topishga) harakat qilmoq
to strive [straɪv] – tirishmoq(juda qattiq urinmoq)
to struggle ['strʌgl]-kurashmoq(juda qattiq va uzoq vaqt urinmoq)
time [taɪm] – marta(asosan ko’plikda); vaqt, soat
possible ['pɔsəbl]-imkoniyati bo’lgan
because [bi'kəz] – chunki
as [æz] –  … ligi uchun, chunki, qachonki
since [sɪn(t)s]-…dan beri, shuning uchun, chunki
inasmuch as [ˌɪnəz'mʌʧæz]- sababli, shuning uchun
now that [nau ðæt] - sababli, shuning uchun
seeing that ['siːɪŋ ðæt] –sababli, chunki                                        
seeing as ['siːɪŋ æz] –sababli, chunki                                        
to catch [kæʧ](caught) – ushlamoq, tutmoq                                                                        
to pass [pɑːs] - uzatmoq (qo'ldan qo'lga); (yonidan) o’tmoq
speed [spiːd]-tezlik; at speed – tezlikda
velocity [vɪ'lɔsətɪ] – tezlik, jadallik, sur’at                                             
national ['næʃ(ə)n(ə)l]-milliy
Australia [ɔs'treɪlɪə] –Avstralia
purpose ['pɜːpəs]-maqsad
health [helθ] - sog‘liq
insurance [ɪn'ʃuər(ə)n(t)s]-sug’urta; sug’urta qilish
to call up [kɔːl ʌp] – telefon qilmoq: harbiy xizmatga chaqirmoq
to phone [fəun] – telefon qilmoq
to dial ['daɪəl] – raqam termoq
representative [ˌreprɪ'zentətɪv]-vakil, delegate; vakili bo’lgan, namuna bo’lgan
agent ['eɪʤ(ə)nt] – vakil, agent                        
to ask[ɑːsk] – so’ramoq, savol bermoq; to ask for… – … ni so’ramoq 
question ['kwesʧən]-savol                                                            
problem ['prɔbləm]-muammo
difficulty ['dɪfɪk(ə)ltɪ]- qiyinchilik, muammo
challenge ['ʧælɪnʤ] – da’vat qilish; qiyinchilik (muammo)
trouble ['trʌbl]- muammo, xavotir, qiyinchilik                      
to make [meɪk] –ishlab topmoq; yasamoq
to earn [ɜːn]-ishlab topmoq
to approve [ə'pruːv]-(rasman)tasdiqlamoq; to approve of … – ni tasdiqlamoq
to confirm [kən'fɜːm]-tasdiqlamoq
to affirm [ə'fɜːm] – tasdiqlamoq(omma oldida)
ratify ['rætɪfaɪ]-tasdiqlamoq(imzolash orqali)
premium ['priːmɪəm] – mukofot, taqdirlash; sug’urta puli
to thank [θæŋk]-minnatdorchilik bildirmoq
that’s why- shuning uchun                                                        
alligator ['ælɪgeɪtə] =crocodile ['krɔkədaɪl] -timsoh                                        
reptile ['reptaɪl] – sudralib yuruvchi
big [bɪg]- katta
large [lɑːʤ]-katta, keng
huge [hjuːʤ]- juda katta, ulkan
enormous [ɪ'nɔːməs]-juda katta, ulkan
colossal [kə'lɔs(ə)l]-juda katta; ulkan
giant ['ʤaɪənt]-katta, ulkan; gigant
great[greɪt] – buyuk, katta, muhim
massive ['mæsɪv]- juda o’gir, katta
gigantic [ˌʤaɪ'gæntɪk]-juda katta, ulkan                                             
to grow [groʊ] (grew [gruː], grown [groʊn]) -1.o‘smoq, o'stirmoq   2. bo‘lmoq (bog'lovchi fe’l)
feet [fiːt] –fit(fut o’lchov birligi(30 sm)ning ko’pligi); oyoqlar
to develop [dɪ'veləp]-rivojlantirmoq, rivojlanmoq; to develop into – maydonga kelmoq, bo’lmoq
to stretch [streʧ]-uzatmoq; uzaymoq; cho’zmoq
to extend [ɪk'stend]-cho’zmoq; cho’zilmoq
to raise [reɪz] (raised) – yuqoriga ko’tarmoq, oshirmoq
tail [teɪl]-dum; orqa tarafi
stubby ['stʌbɪ] - kalta va yo’g’on                                                               
jaw [ʤɔː] (n) – jag’, o’giz                                                                            
sharp [ʃɑːp]-o’tkir; aniq
a tooth [tuːθ] (pi. teeth [tiːθ]) – tish
to eat [iːt] (ate [eɪt], eaten ['iːt(ə)n]) - yemoq (ovqatlanmoq)    
to consume [kən'sjuːm] – istemol qilmoq
take in –ichkarigan olmoq, yutmoq; ishonmoq
mammal ['mæm(ə)l]-sut emizuvchi
a river ['rɪvə] – daryo
swamp [swɔmp] – botqoq (suvsiz)
quagmire ['kwɔgmaɪə] botqoqlik
marsh [mɑːʃ] – botqoq (suvli)     
weather['weðə] – ob-havo            
warm [wɔːm] - iliq
Florida ['flɔrɪdə]-Florida(shtat)
cold [koʊld] – sovuq  
house [haus]-uy
home [həum]- uy, yashash joyi, vatan,oila
residence ['rezɪd(ə)n(t)s]-istiqomat qiladigan, yashash joyi
dwelling ['dwelɪŋ] ]-istiqomat qiladigan, yashash joyi
to be make of- dan yasalgan, da tashkil topgan(table is made of wood)
to be made from/out of- dan yasalgan( Wine is made grapes)
wood [wud]- yog’och; o’rmon(katta bo’lmagan)
rock [rɔk]-qoya; qoya bo’lagi, katta tosh; to rock-tebratmoq
mud [mʌd] – loy, balchiq                  
even ['iːv(ə)n]-hatto, hattoki; aniq
cloth [klɔθ] – gazlama, mato
ice [aɪs] -muz                           
usually ['juːʒ(ə)lɪ]- odatta 
often ['ɔf(t)(ə)n]= oftentimes ['ɔf(t)əntaɪmz] – tez-tez, ko’pincha   
generally ['ʤen(ə)r(ə)lɪ] – odatta, keng ko’lamda mostly ['məustlɪ] –asosan, odatta
frequently ['friːkwəntlɪ]-tez-tez
to build [bɪld] (built [bɪlt], built) – qurmoq; to build of –  …dan qurmoq
to construct [kən'strʌkt]-qurmoq; to construct of – …dan qurmoq
easy ['i:zi] – yengil, oson
simple ['sɪmpl] – oson, oddiy, yagona, axmoq
to find [faɪnd](found/found [faund])-topmoq
example [ɪg'zɑːmpl ]-namuna, nusxa; for example- misol uchun         
many['menɪ]-ko’p (sanaladigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi) 
a lot of [ə lɔt ɔv], lots of - ko’p, ko’pgina(barcha otlar bilan ishlatiladi)
a number of [ə 'nʌmbə ɔv] –ko’p
plenty of ['plentɪ] -ko’p
scores of [skɔː] -ko’p
tree [triː] -daraxt                         
a forest ['fɔrɪst] - o‘rmon (katta o‘rmon)
woodland ['wudlənd] –o’rmon yeri
jungle ['ʤʌŋgl] – changalzor, qalin tropic o’rmon
woods[wudz]=wood -o’rmon(katta bo’lmagan)
log [lɔg] – yog’och, taxta, g’o’la
room[ruːm] (n)-xona; bo’sh joy                                                                               
a bedroom['bedruːm] – yotoqxona (uydagi)
to sleep [sliːp] (slept [slept], slept) – uxlamoq 
a kitchen['kɪʧɪn] – oshxona(uydagi)
to cook [kuk] – pishirmoq, tayyorlamoq
basement ['beɪsmənt]= cellar ['selə] - yerto’la       
main [meɪn] - bosh, asosiy, muhim
chief [ʧiːf]- bosh, asosiy
principal ['prɪn(t)səp(ə)l]-asosiy; muhim
primary ['praɪm(ə)rɪ]-asosiy;  boshlang’ich, birinchi
essential [ɪ'sen(t)ʃ(ə)l]-muhim, asosiy
basic ['beɪsɪk] – asosiy; fundamental
fundamental [ˌfʌndə'ment(ə)l]-asosiy, juda kerakli
part [pɑːt] – qism, bo’lak               
section ['sekʃ(ə)n] – seksiya, bo’lim (joy yoki narsaning)
stage [steɪʤ]-sahna; bosqich; faza; etap; on the stage - sahnada
piece [piːs]-bo’lak, parcha; musiqiy asar
fraction ['frækʃ(ə)n] – kasr; qism
segment ['segmənt]- qism, bo’lak, ulush, sektor
division [dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n] – bo’linish, taqsimot
chapter ['ʧæptə]-bo’lim(kitobda)
episode ['epɪsəud]-hodisa, voqea, epizod(televizor yoki radiodagi hikoyani bir qismi serialda asosan)
portion ['pɔːʃ(ə)n]-bo’lak; ulush; hissa
to enter ['entə]-kirmoq (predlogsiz ishlatiladi)  
to go in(to)=get in -kirmoq
exit ['eksɪt] –chiqmoq; chiqish                                               
a window ['wɪndəu]-deraza
outside [ˌaut'saɪd] – tashqariga/da, ochiq havoda, ko‘chada, binoda emas 
to let [let]-ruxsat, ijozat bermoq
to allow [ə'lau]-ruxsat bermoq
to permit['pɜːmɪt]-ruxsat bermoq, ruxsatnoma bermoq
air[eə] – havo; in the open air (= out of doors) -  ochiq havoda (binoda emas, tashqarida); (to travel) by air - samolyotda (sayohat qilish) 
probably ['prɔbəblɪ]-ehtimol,balki  
possibly ['pɔsəblɪ]- bakli,ehtimol
perhaps [pə'hæps]-balki    
maybe ['meɪbɪ]-balki,ehtimol          
conceivably [kən'siːvəblɪ]-tasavvur qilsa bo'ladigan, ishonib bo'ladigan                
to agree [ə'griː] - kelishmoq, rozi bo‘lmoq; to agree with smb.- kim bilandir kelishmoq
material [mə'tɪərɪəl] – resurs, xom-ashyo, gazlama
23. DOGS
wild [waɪld]-yovvoyi
undomesticated- yovvoyi, honakilashtirilmagan; to domesticate [də'mestɪkeɪt]- xonakilashtirmoq
pet [pet]- uy hayvoni; sevimli kishi
helper ['helpə]-yordamchi        
assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt] – yordamchi, sotuvchi 
to learn[lɜːn]-o'qimoq, o'rganmoq
human ['hjuːmən]- inson; insonga oid
to travel ['træv(ə)l]-harakatlanmoq; sayohat qilmoq; yo’l yurmoq
Asia ['eɪʃə] –Osiyo(materik)
North America [ˌnɔːθə'merɪkə] –Shimoliy Amerika
to pull [pul] – tortmoq; tortib chiqarmoq
sled [sled]= sledge [sleʤ] - chana                        
snow [snəu] – qor; to snow – qor yog’moq   
farming ['fɑːmɪŋ]-qishloq xo’jalik
hunting ['hʌntɪŋ]-ov; to hunt [hʌnt]-ov qilmoq
fishing ['fɪʃɪŋ] –baliq ovlash; to fish [fɪʃ] – baliq ovlamoq                 
to help[help]  – yordam bermoq (to predlogisiz ishlatiladi)
to aid [eɪd]- yordam bermoq, ko’maklashmoq
to assist [ə'sɪst]-yordam bermoq; yordam ko’rsatmoq
thing [θɪŋz] – narsa, buyum, jihoz
colour ['kʌlə]=color ['kʌlə] -rang; to colour-ranglamoq;
gray [greɪ]= grey [greɪ]- kulrang                         
black [blæk]-qora
brown [braun]-jigarrang
short [ʃɔːt]-qisqa, kalta
fur [fɜː]-jun; mo’yna
only ['əunlɪ]- faqat; (otdan oldin kelganda)→bitta, yakka, yolg‘iz, yagona   
simply ['sɪmplɪ]-osongina, faqatgina
merely ['mɪəlɪ]-faqat
just [dʒʌst] - hozirgina, endigina, faqat
solely ['səullɪ] –faqat, yolg’iz
exclusively [ɪks'kluːsɪvlɪ] –faqat, yagona holatda
inch [ɪnʧ]- inch(uzunlik o’lchovi 2,54 sm)
tall [tɔːl] –uzun, baland, novcha
also ['ɔːlsəu]- shuningdek, ham
in addition [ə'dɪʃ(ə)n] (to)… - bundan tashqari, …ga qo‘shimcha tarzda
besides [bɪ'saɪdz]- qo’shimchasiga
additionally [ə'dɪʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪ]- qo’shimchasiga, shuningdek
moreover [mɔː(r)'əuvə]= what is more-bundan tashqari, buning ustiga
furthermore [ˌfɜːðə'mɔː]-bundan boshqa
further ['fɜːðə]-uzoqroq; qo’shimcha
to hear [hɪə] (heard, heard [hɜːd]) – eshitmoq; to hear from - kimdandir axborot (xat) olmoq 
sound [saund] – ovoz, tovush, shovqin
high [haɪ] -baland (ham ravish, ham sifat)
low [ləu]- past, kichik
away [ə'weɪ] – uzoqda, uzoq;
far [fɑː] – uzoq; ancha
to smell [smel]-hidlamoq; smell-hid
to survive [sə'vaɪv] – omon qolmoq (predlogsiz), sog’ qolmoq
much [mʌʧ] - ancha, ko’p
a lot [ə lɔt] –ancha, ko’p    
rather ['rɑːðə] – ancha, yetarli, juda
far [fɑː] – uzoq; ancha
example [ɪg'zɑːmpl]-namuna, misol, nusxa: for example - misol uchun               
instance ['ɪn(t)stən(t)s] – namuna,o’rnak,misol: for instance- misol,namuna,o’rnak uchun
to illustrate ['ɪləstreɪt]- misol keltirmoq; rasmlar bilan bezamoq,yoritmoq                
to exemplify [ɪg'zemplɪfaɪ] – namuna bo’lmoq; namuna bo’lib xizmat qilmoq
daily ['deɪlɪ]-kunlik; bir kunda
to die [daɪ] –o’lmoq; die of-dan o’lmoq
a birthday ['bɜːθdeɪ] - tug‘ilgan kun
hibernation [ˌhaɪbə'neɪʃ(ə)n] – qishki uyqu
animal ['ænɪm(ə)l]-hayvon, jonzod                     
fauna ['fɔːnə]-fauna (hayvonlar)
a creature ['kriːʧə]-mavjudot, jonzod                                     
to hibernate ['haɪbəneɪt] – qishki uyquda bo’lmoq, qishlamaq                                                                   
that is -ya’ni
go into ['ɪntə gəu] –kirmoq
to enter ['entə]-kirmoq
deep [diːp] – chuqur
profound [prə'faund] – chuqur, kuchli, favqulodda
to sleep [sliːp] (slept [slept], slept) – uxlamoq; sleep- uyqu, uxlash 
adaptation [ˌædæp'teɪʃ(ə)n]– moslashish
adjustment [ə'ʤʌstmənt]-tartibga solish, kelishish, moslashish
month [mʌnθ] – oy(30 kun)
hot[hɔt] - issiq, qaynoq 
dry [draɪ] -quruq, qurg’oqchilik                                                                              
different ['dɪf(ə)r(ə)nt]-farqli. turli xil, har xil
; different from – dan farqli                                                                     
normal ['nɔːm(ə)l]-me’yoridagi; oddiy; o’rtamiyona
ordinary ['ɔːd(ə)n(ə)rɪ]-odatiy, oddiy
typical (adj) ['tɪpɪk(ə)l]-tipik, o’ziga xos, oddiy
usual (adj) ['juːʒ(ə)l] – odatiy
common (adj) ['kɔmən]-oddiy, odatiy
plain [pleɪn]-aniq; oddiy;
conventional [kən'ven(t)ʃ(ə)n(ə)l] – odatiy, oddiy; mutaassib; kelishuv yoki shartnoma bilan belgilangan                                     
routine [ruː'tiːn]- odatiy, doimiy
during ['djuərɪŋ]-davomida
to seem [siːm] – tuyulmoq, ko’rinmoq
dead [ded] –o’lgan, o’lik, jonsiz, ishlamayatgan         deceased [dɪ'siːst] – vafot etgan
lifeless ['laɪfləs] – o’lgan, jonsiz                                 
metabolism [mə'tæb(ə)lɪz(ə)m] –moddalar almashinuvi
to slow down [sləu daun] – sekinlashmoq, sekinlashtirmoq        
decelerate [dɪ'sel(ə)reɪt] – sekinlashmoq, sekinlashtirmoq               
the body ['bɔdɪ]-vujud, tana
temperature ['temp(ə)rəʧə]-temperatura; harorat, isitma; at a temperature – temperaturada
to drop [drɔp]-tashlamaoq; to’kmoq; tushmoq
to decrease[dɪ'kriːs]-kamaymoq, tushmoq  
to lessen ['les(ə)n]-kamaymoq; qisqarmoq
to descend [dɪ'send]-tushmoq
to ascend [ə'send]-ko’tarilmoq
to decline [dɪ'klaɪn] – pasaymoq, pastga tushmoq, yo’q demoq;
to abate [ə'beɪt] – kamaymoq, zaiflashmoq
to diminish [dɪ'mɪnɪʃ] – kamaytirmoq, kamaymoq; zaiflashmoq; zaiflashtirmoq
to reduce [rɪ'djuːs]-qisqarmoq, kamaymoq
to shrink [ʃrɪŋk] – kichraymoq, bujmaymoq
to fall [fɔːl](fell, fell)-yiqilmoq, tushmoq; pasaymoq
to go down – tushmoq; yengilmoq; botmoq (quyosh, kema)
a heart [a 'ha:t] – yurak; heartbeat ['hɑːtbiːt] – yurak urushi, puls         
a minute [a 'minit] – daqiqa
beat [biːt] -urish
bodily ['bɔdɪlɪ] –jismoniy, tanaga oid
a process ['prəuses]-jarayon
function ['fʌŋkʃ(ə)n]-funksiya, vazifa
activity [æk'tɪvətɪ]-faoliyat
operation [ˌɔp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]-harakat; faoliyat; operatsiya
to need (fe’l) – kerak bo’lmoq
to require [rɪ'kwaɪə]-talab qilmoq, muhtoj bo’lmoq          
alive [ə'laɪv] – tirik, hayot: stay alive –tirik qolmoq
to survive [sə'vaɪv] – omon qolmoq (predlogsiz), sog’ qolmoq
to move [muːv] – harakatlanmoq, ko’chib o’tmoq
to use [juːz] (fe’l)– foydalanmoq(from predlogisiz); ammo use (ot) of predlogi bilan ishlatiladi
a toad [təud] - qurbaqa                                                                      a skunk [skʌŋk] – skun(qo’rqqanida yoqimsiz hid chiqaradigan qora va oq shimoliy amerika hayvoni)                                                                     
ground [graund] – yer;
a squirrel['skwɪr(ə)l] -olmaxon                                                               
bee [biː] –asalari
bat [bæt]-ko’pshapalak; tayoq
but (conj) [bʌt] - ammo, lekin, biroq     
yet [jet] –1. hali, shu paytgacha 2. ammo, lekin, biroq                 
true [truː] – haqiqiy, rost, to‘g‘ri, chin
real [rɪəl]-haqiqiy
actual ['ækʧuəl] – haqiqiy, asl
to wake up(woke up, woken up) – uyg’onmoq, uyg’otmoq
loud [laud]- baland(ovozga nisbatan) , shovqinli
noisy ['nɔɪzɪ]- baland(ovozga nisbatan) , shovqinli
noise [nɔɪz]- shovqin
tired ['taɪəd] –charchagan; tired of – dan charchagan                   
exhausted [ɪg'zɔːstɪd] - charchagan                  
to occur [ə'kɜː]-sodir bolmoq; uchramoq (mavjud bolmoq); esga olmoq
in order to- maqsadida; … uchun
frequently ['friːkwəntlɪ]-tez-tez
exactly [ɪg'zæktlɪ] - aniq, xuddi o‘zi
to beat [biːt](beat,beaten) – urmoq, yengmoq, mag’lub etmoq
to kill [kɪl] - o‘ldirmoq  
to continue [kən'tɪnjuː] - davom etmoq  
to increase ['ɪnkriːs]-ortmoq
fire ['faɪə] –olov, o’t, yong’in
small [smɔːl] (adj)- kichkina, katta emas   
tiny ['taɪnɪ] –jajji, juda kichik  
little ['lɪtl] – kichik, yosh, kam        
fire station ['steɪʃ(ə)n] - o’t o’chirish qismi, stansiyasi           
firefighter ['faɪəˌfaɪtə] – o’t o’chiruvchi                     
volunteer [ˌvɔlən'tɪə]-ko’ngilli; talabgor
to mean [miːn] (meant [ment], meant) - 1. bildirmoq, anglatmoq; 2. nazarda tutmoq  
free [friː]- tekin; ozod, erkin
without pay [wɪ'ðaut peɪ] – bepul, tekin
fot nothing ['nʌθɪŋ] /for free-bepul, tekin(odatta pul beiladigan narsaga pul berilmasa)
to get [get] –olmoq; sotib olmoq; topmoq; yetib olmoq, yetib kelmoq; to get to – biror joyga yetib olmoq    
to obtain [əb'teɪn]-egalik qilmoq; olmoq
to take [teɪk] – olmoq, ushlamoq
money['mʌnɪ] –pul
currency ['kʌr(ə)n(t)sɪ]- valyuta; keng tarqalganlik; pul muamolasi;
cash [kæʃ] – naqd pul(tanga yoki qog’oz pul): in cash-naqt pulda
note [nəut]=bill [bɪl] – qog’oz pul
coin [kɔɪn] – tanga, chaqa
change (n) [ʧeɪnʤ]- mayda pul, chaqa
government ['gʌv(ə)nmənt]-hukumat; hokimyat; davlat
administration [ədˌmɪnɪs'treɪʃ(ə)n]-boshqarish, hukumat             
to look after [luk 'ɑːftə] –qarab turmoq, g’amxo’rlik qilmoq; shug’ullanmoq, uddalamoq
to take care of [teɪk keə ɔv] –gamxo‘rlik qilmoq, kimgadir qaramoq (kasal bolalarga va shu kabilarga); shug’ullanmoq, uddalamoq
to deal with [diːl wɪð] -shug’ullanmoq, ko’rib chiqmoq
to cope with [kəup wɪð] – uddasidan chiqmoq; eplamoq
to handle ['hændl]-ushlamoq; uddasidan chiqmoq; eplamoq
building ['bɪldɪŋ] – bino, inshoot, qurish    
truck [trʌk] –yuk mashinasi; fire truck –o’t-o’chiradigan mashina               
problem ['prɔbləm]-muammo
difficulty ['dɪfɪk(ə)ltɪ]- qiyinchilik, muammo
challenge ['ʧælɪnʤ] – da’vat qilish; qiyinchilik (muammo)
trouble ['trʌbl]- muammo, xavotir, qiyinchilik                      
pipe [paɪp] – quvur, truba
to freeze [friːz](froze [frəuz], frozen ['frəuz(ə)n]) – muzlamoq; muzlatmoq; juda sovuq qotmoq; harakatni to’xtatmoq                  
to burst [bɜːst](burst,burst)-portlamoq; yorilmoq(suyuqlik yoki havononi portlab chiqisshida ish-di) : to burst into – birdan boshlamoq
to explode [ɪk'spləud]=go off [gəu ɔf] –portlamoq (bombaga nisbatan ish-di)
to erupt [ɪ'rʌpt] -otilib chiqmoq(vulqonga nisbatan) 
to cause [kɔːz] – sabab bo’lmoq(predlogsiz): a cause of –ning sababi
to result [rɪ'zʌlt] in-sabab bo’lmoq, natijalanmoq; maydonga kelmoq
to bring about [brɪŋ ə'baut] -sabab bo’lmoq
to lead to…[led tuː] -… ga boshlab bormoq, olib bormoq;  rahbarlik qilmoq;
to trigger ['trɪgə]- sabab bo’lmoq, harakarga keltirmoq, qo’zg’atmoq
to induce [ɪn'djuːs] – majburlamoq; qo’zg’atmoq, sabab bo’lmoq
to give rise to … [gɪv raɪz tuː] - … ga sabab bo’lmoq
damage ['dæmɪʤ]-zarar, ziyon; damage to-ga zarar;
harm [hɑːm]-zarar
to use (fe’l)– foydalanmoq(from predlogisiz);
ammo use (ot) of predlogi bilan ishlatiladi.
to utilize ['juːtɪlaɪz]- foydalanmoq, qo’llamoq
to employ [ɪm'plɔɪ]-biror ishda ishlatmoq; ish bermoq, foydalanmoq
to make use of- foydalanmoq
to harness ['hɑːnɪs] – qo’shmoq (aravag, qo’shga …); qo’llamoq, foydalanmoq
to exploit ['eksplɔɪt]-o’z foydasiga ishlatmoq; foydalanmoq
enough [ɪ'nʌf] - yetarli
to repair [rɪ'peə]-ta’mirlamoq; tamirlash, tuzatish
to mend [mend] – tuzatmoq, ta’mirlamoq, yamamoq
to fix[fɪks]-tuzatmoq, o’rnatmoq                                                       
to worry ['wʌrɪ]-xavotir olmoq; tashvishlanmoq: worried ['wʌrɪd] –tashvishlangan, xavotirlangan
concerned [kən'sɜːnd] -tashvishlangan, xavotirlangan
anxious ['æŋ(k)ʃəs]-tashvishga tushgan, bezovda
nervous ['nɜːvəs]-asabiy, asabiylashgan
barchasi about predlogi bilan
working ['wɜːkɪŋ] –ishlaydigan, ishlayotgan
functional [nɔn'fʌŋkʃ(ə)n(ə)l] – biror vazifa bajaradigan, ishlaydigan
running ['rʌnɪŋ]- ishlaydigan, ishlayotgan; yuguragigan
operative ['ɔp(ə)rətɪv] – ishlayotgan, amaldagi
to figure out ['fɪgə(r)aut] – o’ylamoq topmoq, hal qilmoq(yechmoq), hisoblamoq
to solve [sɔlv]-hal etmoq, yechmoq
work out [wɜːk aut] - hisoblamoq, o’ylamoq, hal qilmoq
way [weɪ] – yo’;usul(yo’ldan boshqa ma’noda in predlogi  bilan ishlatiladi)
to believe [bɪ'liːv]-ishonmoq: to believe in-…ga ishonmoq (mavjudligiga)
financial [faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l]-moliyaviy
actively /ˈæktɪvli/ - faol (holatda)
at the moment ['məumənt] –hozir(da)
to earn [ɜːn]-ishlab topmoq
butterfly ['bʌtəflaɪ]-kapalak, bateflay(suzish usuli)  
beautiful ['bjuːtəf(ə)l] - go‘zal, chiroyli
pretty ['prɪtɪ] – chiroyli(chiroyli yuzli ayol u-n), yoqimli; yetarli, ancha
delicate ['delɪkət] – nafis; nozik
fragile ['fræʤaɪl] – mo’rt, tez sinadigan
insect ['ɪnsekt] - hasharot
bug [bʌg] – (kichik) hasharot; nuqson, kamchilik(kompyuter dasturidagi)                                                                      
main [meɪn] - bosh, asosiy, muhim
chief [ʧiːf]- bosh, asosiy
principal ['prɪn(t)səp(ə)l]-asosiy; muhim
primary ['praɪm(ə)rɪ]-asosiy;  boshlang’ich, birinchi
essential [ɪ'sen(t)ʃ(ə)l]-muhim, asosiy
basic ['beɪsɪk] – asosiy; fundamental
fundamental [ˌfʌndə'ment(ə)l]-asosiy, juda kerakli
part [pɑːt] – qism, bo’lak               
stage [steɪʤ]- bosqich, faza, etap; sahna: on the stage - sahnada
section ['sekʃ(ə)n] – seksiya, bo’lim (joy yoki narsaning)
piece [piːs]-bo’lak, parcha; musiqiy asar
fraction ['frækʃ(ə)n] – kasr; qism
segment ['segmənt]- qism, bo’lak, ulush, sektor
division [dɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n] – bo’linish, taqsimot
chapter ['ʧæptə]-bo’lim(kitobda)
episode ['epɪsəud]-hodisa, voqea, epizod(televizor yoki radiodagi hikoyani bir qismi serialda asosan)
portion ['pɔːʃ(ə)n]-bo’lak; ulush; hissa
head ['hed]-bosh; aql; boshliq, rahbar
thorax ['θɔːræks]- ko’krak qafasi                                                             
abdomen ['æbdəmen] – qorin; qorin bo’shligi
belly ['belɪ] – qorin
stomach ['stʌmək]-oshqozon; qorin
to protect [prə'tekt] –himoya qilmoq: to protect from/against – dan himoya qilmoq
to cover ['kʌvə] – o’ramoq; qamramoq:  to cover in/with smth -… bilan qoplamoq  
to defend[dɪ'fend] - himoya qilmoq: to defend smth. (smb.) from smth. (smb.) - nimanidir (kimnidir) nimadandir (kimdandir) himoya qilmoq
to guard [gɑːd] –qo’riqlamoq, himaya qilmoq, qorovullik qilmoq
to safeguard ['seɪfgɑːd] –qo’riqlamoq, himaya qilmoq, qorovullik qilmoq
to shield [ʃiːld] – muhofaza qilmoq
exoskeleton /ˈeksəʊˌskelɪt(ə)n/ – tashqi skelet(jonzod tanasi ustidagi qattiq qoplam)                                                                          
to be made up of – tashkil topmoq to include [ɪn'kluːd]-o’z ichiga olmoq
to consist [kən'sɪst] - tashkil topmoq, iborat bo’lmoq; to consist of smth. -…dan tashkil topmoq, -dan iborat bo’lmoq  
to contain [kən'teɪn]-o’z ichiga olmoq
to be comprised of – …dan tashkil topmoq
to involve [ɪn'vɔlv]-ichiga olmoq, ishtirok etmoq; aloqasi bo’lmoq
segment ['segmənt]- qism, bo’lak, ulush, sektor
flexible ['fleksəbl]-elastik; qayishqoq
area ['eərɪə]- hudud, maydon
region ['riːʤ(ə)n]-o’lka; mintaqa; viloyat; tuman
territory ['terɪt(ə)rɪ]-hudud
district ['dɪstrɪkt]-tuman; viloyat, okrug
zone [zəun]-zona; hudud
to allow [ə'lau]-ruxsat bermoq
to let [let]-ruxsat, ijozat bermoq
to permit['pɜːmɪt]-ruxsat bermoq, ruxsatnoma bermoq
scale [skeɪl]- tangacha; shkala
to give [gɪv](gave [geɪv],given [gɪv(ə)n])-bermoq
colour ['kʌlə]=color ['kʌlə] –rang
shade [ʃeɪd] – (aniq turdagi) rang; soya
hue [hjuː] –rang(texki va adabiy iboralarda)
thin [θɪn]-oriq; ingichka; yengil; suvli
slim [slɪm] – ozg’in; ingichka; oz, kam
to pass [pɑːs]-o’tmoq; o’tkazmoq                                                         
to fade [feɪd] – sekinlik bilan yo’q bo’lmoq, rangi o’chmoq                                                                                
to lose [luːz] (lost, lost)– yo’qotmoq, mag’lub bo’lmoq
bright [braɪt]-yorug’, porloq; yorug’
holometabolous/hōlōməˈtabələs/- to’liq tusini o’zgartirishga qodir
life cycle [laɪf 'saɪkl] –hayot davri,sikli                                                                     
larva ['lɑːvə] - lichinka
pupa ['pjuːpə] –g’umbak
adult ['ædʌlt]-voyaga yetgan; katta yoshdagi
nearly ['nɪəlɪ]-deyarli
almost['ɔːlməust] – deyarli
about[ə'baut] (adv)- taxminan, atrofida, haqida    
around [ə’raund]- atrofida, bo’ylab
virtually['vɜːʧuəlɪ]-deyarli, haqiqatda, aslini olganda
roughly ['rʌflɪ] – qo’polik bilan, taxminan
practically ['præktɪk(ə)lɪ]-amalda; deyarli
approximately [ə'prɔksɪmətlɪ]-taxminan; deyarli
to depend [dɪ'pend] -bog’liq bo’lmoq;
to rely [rɪ'laɪ] –bog’liq bo’lmoq, suyanmoq; ishonmoq
on yoki upon predlogi bilan ish-di
species ['spiːʃiːz]-tur (biologiya)
all over ['ɔːlˌəuvə]-hamma joyda/ga, har bir joyida                                                                   
a place – joy: in ... place  - joyiga 2. uy, yashash joyi: at smb.’s place - biror kishinikida
site [saɪt]-joy, joylashish o’rni
location [ləu'keɪʃ(ə)n]-joylashgan/ turgan/ bo’ladigan joyi
warm [wɔːm] - iliq
cosy ['kəuzɪ] –qulay, shinam va iliq                            
dry [draɪ] -quruq, qurg’oqchilik                                                                              
according to [ə’kɔdɪnŋ]- …ga ko’ra, …ga binoan, muvofiq
passage ['pæsɪʤ]- parcha (kitobdan); o’tish, koridor
up to-…gacha
important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] – muhim, kerakli
understand [ˌʌndə'stænd] (understood, understood) – tushunmoq, anglab yetmoq
to come from – … dan kelib chiqmoq
27. THE UNITED STATES (of America) [juːˌnaɪtɪd'steɪts(əvə'merɪkə)]
large [lɑːʤ]-katta, keng
big [bɪg]- katta
huge [hjuːʤ]- juda katta, ulkan
enormous [ɪ'nɔːməs]-juda katta, ulkan
colossal [kə'lɔs(ə)l]-juda katta; ulkan
giant ['ʤaɪənt]-katta, ulkan; gigant
great[greɪt] – buyuk, katta, muhim
massive ['mæsɪv]- juda o’gir, katta
gigantic [ˌʤaɪ'gæntɪk]-juda katta, ulkan                                             
a country['kʌntrɪ]- mamlakat; qishloq, shahar tashqarisi                                                                             
whole [həul] – butun, to’liq, to’la
entire [ɪn'taɪə]-to’la, butun, to’liq
to locate [ləu'keɪt]-joyini aniqlamoq; joylashmoq
to situate ['sɪtjueɪt] – joylashtirmoq; joylamoq
to position [pə'zɪʃ(ə)n] –joylamoq, joylashmoq, solmoq
to place [pleɪs] - joylashtirmoq                       
to touch [tʌʧ]-tegmoq, qo’l tekkizmoq
an ocean [oʊʃ(ə)n]  - okean, ummon   
a mountain [mauntin] - tog‘                                                                                
wide [waɪd] (ham sifat ham raish)-keng;
plain [pleɪn] – tekislik; aniq, ravshan
desert ['dezət] – cho’l, sahro                                                                             
hill[hɪl] –qir, tepalik
a lake [leɪk]  - ko‘l
volcano [vɔl'keɪnəu] - vulqon                                                                           
rainforest ['reɪnˌfɔrɪst] – tropik o’rmon
to live [tu: liv]-yashamoq; to live on – bilan oziqlanmoq; yashashni davom ettirmoq  
to reside [rɪ'zaɪd]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq;
to dwell [dwel]- yashamoq, turmoq
to inhabit [ɪn'hæbɪt]-yashamoq; istiqomat qilmoq
to populate ['pɔpjəleɪt]-joylashmoq (aholi), yashamoq
race [reɪs] – irq; poyga, musobaqa
ethnic ['eθnɪk] – etnik
background ['bækgraund]- kelib chiqish; orqa plan
famous ['feɪməs] –mashhur, taniqli
well-known [ˌwel'nəun] (adj)- taniqli, mashxur
eminent ['emɪnənt]- mashhur, taniqli
prominent ['prɔmɪnənt] – muhim, mashhur, taniqli
celebrated ['seləbreɪtɪd]- mashhur, taniqli
famed [feɪmd] - mashhur, taniqli
distinguished [dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃt]-atoqli, xizmat ko’rsatgan, mashhur, ko’zga ko’rinarli; farq qilgan
renowned [rɪ'naund] –mashxur, taniqli:
noted ['nəutɪd]-mashxur, taniqli
acclaimed- olqishlangan, mashxur       
barchasi for bilan ishlatiladi:uchun mashhur
impact – ta’sir; impact on – … ga ta’sir
effect [ɪ'fekt]-ta’sir, natija, oqibat; effect on-…ga ta’sir
influence ['ɪnfluən(t)s]-t’asir; influence on- …ga ta’sir
finance ['faɪnæn(t)s] - moliya                                                                         
a trade [treɪd] – savdo(ikki davlat orasida), hunar, kasb
commerce ['kɔmɜːs] – savdo, tijorat
culture ['kʌlʧə]-madaniyat
military ['mɪlɪt(ə)rɪ] – harbiy
politics ['pɔlətɪks]-siyosat
technology [tek'nɔləʤɪ] –texnika,qurilma; texnologiya
state [steɪt]-holat; davlat; shtat(hudud turi)
territory ['terɪt(ə)rɪ]-hudud
area ['eərɪə]- hudud, maydon
region ['riːʤ(ə)n]-o’lka; mintaqa; viloyat; tuman
district ['dɪstrɪkt]-tuman; viloyat, okrug
zone [zəun]-zona; hudud
district ['dɪstrɪkt]-tuman; viloyat, okrug
Washington ['wɔʃɪŋtən] – Vashington
D.C. = district of Columbia [kə'lʌmbɪə] –Kolumbiya okrugi
law [lɔː]-qonun(butun mamlakat bo’ylab)
ordinance ['ɔːdɪnən(t)s] –qonun(shahar va shaharchadagi)
act [ækt]- harakat, qonun
issue ['ɪʃuː ]- masala; nashr; tarqatish; (of predlogi bilan)
subject ['sʌbʤekt] – mavzu, fan; ega (gapda)
matter ['mætə]- masala, ish; modda, jism
affair [ə'feə]-masala, ish; xizmat; hodisa; aloqa
topic ['tɔpɪk]-mavzu, masala
subject matter- masala, mavzu(san’atda)
inside ['in'said] - ichkarida, binoda, ichida
to be concerned with [kən'sɜːnd] - bilan aloqador bo’lmoq
to relate to [rɪ'leɪt] – … ga alodar/bog’liq bo’lmoq
to refer to [rɪ'fɜː] – eslab o’tmoq; tilga omoq; murojaat qilmoq (ma’lumot uchun kitobga, xaritaga …)
regarding [rɪ'gɑːdɪŋ]-tegishli, haqida
to connect [kə'nekt]-bog’la(n)moq; birlash(tir)moq: to connect smb/smt  to/with  smb/smt
to link [lɪŋk]-bog’la(n)moq: link smth/smb to/with smb/smth
to tie [taɪ] – bog’lamoq: tie smb/smt to smb/smt
federal ['fed(ə)r(ə)l] –ittifoq, federal
chain [ʧeɪn] – zangir, tarmiq, (tog’) tizma
island ['aɪlənd] –orol (on predlogi bilan ishlatiladi);
center=centre['sentə]- markaz, o’rta
a dream [driːm]-tush, orzu, istak
geographically –geografik, jylashishiga ko’ra
limit ['lɪmɪt]-chegara, to limit-chegaralamoq
to note-diqqat qilmoq, ahamiyat bermoq; qayd qilmoq
power ['pauə]-kuch, qudrat, hokimiyat(in power- hokimiyat tepasida)
chocolate ['ʧɔklət] shokolad
sir [sɜː] – ser, janob
Irish ['aɪ(ə)rɪʃ] – irlandcha
physician [fɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n] –doktor, shifokor
a doctor ['dɔktə]-shifokor
inventor [ɪn'ventə]- ixtirochi(yo’q narsani o’ylab topadi)
discoverer [dɪ'skʌv(ə)rə] – kashfiyotchi (bor narsani topadi)
milk [mɪlk] – sut
to come up with [kʌm ʌp wɪð] -ilgari surmoq
Jamaica [ʤə'meɪkə] –Yamayka(orol-davlat)
to go [gəu] (went [went] gone [gɔn]) – yetib bormoq
to get to – biror joyga yetib olmoq
to arrive [ə'raɪv]- yetib kelmoq; arrive at- ma’lum nuqtaga yetib kelmoq, arrive in-hududga yetib kelmoq
to reach [riːʧ] - erishmoq, -gacha yetib bormoq, -gacha olib bormoq (to predlogsiz ishlatiladi)
to land [lænd]-qo’nmoq, sohilga chiqmoq
to become [bɪ'kʌm] (became [bɪ'keɪm], become) – bo’lmoq (bog'lovchi fe’l)     
to die [daɪ]–o’lmoq; die of-dan o’lmoq
to perish ['perɪʃ] – halok bo’lmoq
to pass away (to pass on) –o’lmoq
to decease [dɪ'siːs]–o’lmoq,vafot etmoq
duke [djuːk] – Gertsog
Albemarle /albəmrə:l/ - Albemarl (shtat)
soon [suːn] –tezda
shortly ['ʃɔːtlɪ] - tezda
before long [bɪ'fɔː lɔŋ] –tezda
to stay[steɪ] – qolmoq
to remain [rɪ'meɪn]-qolmoq
only ['əunlɪ]- faqat; (otdan oldin kelganda)→bitta, yakka, yolg‘iz, yagona   
simply ['sɪmplɪ]-osongina, faqatgina
merely ['mɪəlɪ]-faqat
just [dʒʌst] - hozirgina, endigina, faqat
solely ['səullɪ] –faqat, yolg’iz
exclusively [ɪks'kluːsɪvlɪ] –faqat, yagona holatda
month [mʌnθ] – oy(30 kun)
discover [dɪ'skʌvə] –kashf qilmoq, topmoq
to find out –topmoq, bilmoq, bilib olmoq, hal qilmoq
to unearth [ʌn'ɜːθ] – kovlab olmoq; oshkor qilmoq
to uncover [ʌn'kʌvə]- topmoq, kashf etmoq; qopqog’ini olib tashlamoq
to bring to light-oydinlashtirmoq, aniqlamoq
new [njuː]-yangi
novel ['nɔv(ə)l]- yangi; noma’lum
plant [plɑːnt]- o’simlik; zavod, fabrika
important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] – muhim, kerakli
significant [sɪg'nɪfɪkənt]-muhim; ahamiyatli; katta ahamiyatga ega
vital ['vaɪt(ə)l]-hayotiy; hayotiy muhim; muhim  
crucial ['kruːʃ(ə)l] – hal qiluvchi; muhim ahamiyatli 
critical ['krɪtɪk(ə)l]-tanqidiy, juda muhim
cocoa ['kəukəu] - kakao
a local['ləuk(ə)l]-mahalliy kishi
to drink [drɪŋk](drank, drunk) - ichmoq
to think [θɪŋk] (thought[θɔːt]thought) – o’ylamoq, hisoblamoq, … deb bilmoq
nauseating [nɔ͟ːzieɪtɪŋ] –ko’ngilni aynitadigan, jirkanch
however [hau'evə]-bunga qaramay, bu bilan birga, ammo, faqat, biroq
on the other hand – boshqa tarafdan
nonetheless [ˌnʌnðə'les]=nevertheless [nevəðə'les]-bunga qarasmasdan; shunday bo’lsada                        
all the same - baribir,bir xil,farqi yo‘q
to decide[dɪ'saɪd] – qaror qilmoq, hal qilmoq
acceptable [ək'septəbl] – chidasa bo’ladigan, qabul qilib bo’ladigan, ma’qul
tolerable ['tɔl(ə)rəbl]- chdash(bardosh berish) mumkin bo’lgan
agreeable [ə'grɪəbl]- yoqimli, ma’qul chidasa bo’ladigan
admissible[əd'mɪsəbl] – chidasa bo’ladigan, qabul qilib bo’ladigan, ma’qul
to mix [mɪks]-qo’shmoq; qorishtirmoq
to stir [stɜː] –aralshtirmoq; harakatlantirmoq; jonlantirmoq
to blend [blend] – aralashtirmoq; blend [blend] – aralashma, qotishma
to unite [juː'naɪt]-birlashmoq’ qo’shilmoq
mingle ['mɪŋgl]- qo’shmoq, aralashtirmoq
merge[mɜːʤ]- qo’shmoq, aralashtirmoq
result [rɪ'zʌlt]-natija
outcome ['autkʌm]-natija; oqibat; chiqish
consequence ['kɔn(t)sɪkwən(t)s]-oqibat; natija 
perfect ['pɜːfɪkt]-mukammal; nuqsonsiz;
excellent ['eks(ə)l(ə)nt]-a’lo; juda yaxshi
marvellous ['mɑːv(ə)ləs]-ajoyib
wonderful ['wʌndəf(ə)l] – ajoyib, mo‘jizakor
remarkable [rɪ'mɑːkəbl]-ajoyib; ajablanarli; atoqli
fantastic [fæn'tæstɪk]- ajoyib, g’aroyib
incredible [ɪn'kredɪbl]- favqulotda, haddan tashqari, aqlga sig’maydigan
brilliant ['brɪlɪənt]- yarqiragan; ajoyib; aqlli
awesome ['ɔːsəm] – hayratlanarli, hayratda qoldiradigan, daxshat
amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ]-hayratlanarli                  
to bring [brɪ̱ŋ] (brought, brought [brɔːt]) - olib kelmoq, keltirmoq
recipe ['resɪpɪ] – retsept; tayyorlash usuli
formula ['fɔːmjələ] –formula; retsept; tayyorlash usuli
first[fɜːst]  - avval, birinchi navbatda;
at first [fɜːst] - dastlab, boshida
initially [ɪ'nɪʃ(ə)lɪ]-ilk marta; dastlab
to sell [sel] (sold [səuld], sold) – sotmoq                                       
medicine ['medɪsɪn] – dori; tibbiyot
pill [pɪl]-yumaloq dori; tabletka
drug [drʌg]-dori-darmon; narkotika
medication [ˌmedɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]-dori-vositalari; da’volanish
pharmaceutical [ˌfɑːmə'sjuːtɪk(ə)l] -dori
to eat [iːt] (ate [eɪt], eaten ['iːt(ə)n]) - yemoq (ovqatlanmoq)    
to consume [kən'sjuːm] – istemol qilmoq
take in –ichkarigan olmoq, yutmoq; ishonmoq
dessert [dɪ'zɜːt]-desert (ovqardan keyin yeyiladigan meva, shirinlik)
anti-depressant[æntɪ dɪ'pres(ə)nt]–tinchlantiruvchi dori
following [fɔləuɪŋ]-quyidagi, keyingi, navbatdagi. 
to leave for – ga jo’namoq, ketmoq
immediately [ɪ'miːdɪətlɪ]-darhol, bevosita, to’gridan-to’gri
to return[rɪ'tɜːn] – qaytarmoq, qaytmoq
to look for – ni qidirmoq (narsani)
type [taɪp]-tip, tur, xil; type of- ning turi
house [haus]-uy
home [həum]- uy, yashash joyi, vatan,oila
residence ['rezɪd(ə)n(t)s]-istiqomat qiladigan, yashash joyi
dwelling ['dwelɪŋ] ]-istiqomat qiladigan, yashash joyi
office ['ɔfɪs] – idora    
to locate [ləu'keɪt]-joyini aniqlamoq; joylashmoq
to position [pə'zɪʃ(ə)n] –joylamoq, joylashmoq, solmoq
to situate ['sɪtjueɪt] – joylashtirmoq; joylamoq
to place [pleɪs] - joylashtirmoq                       
Pennsylvania [ˌpen(t)sɪl'veɪnɪə] –Pensilvaniya (shtat)
a story ['stɔːrɪ] – qavat; hikoya; tarix
floor [flɔː] – pol; qavat; tub; eng kam ish haqi;
storey ['stɔːrɪ]-qavat
ground floor [graund] -birinchi qavat
as well as-bilan barobar, -ga qo’shimcha, ham
in addition to [ə'dɪʃ(ə)n] -…ga qo’shimcha
besides [bɪ'saɪdz]- qo’shimchasiga
apart from [ə'pɑːt] – … dan tashqari
aside from [ə'saɪd] – qo’shimchasiga; dan tashqari
basement ['beɪsmənt]= cellar ['selə] - yerto’la       
to move in(to) – … ga ko’chmoq
architect ['ɑːkɪtekt]- arxitektor                                                                                
to name [neɪm] – nomlamoq, belgilamoq
to call [kɔːl] - atamoq, chaqirmoq, chaqirtirmoq, qo’ng’iroq qilmoq
to dub [dʌb]- laqab qo’ymoq
to label['leɪb(ə)l]-yorliq bermoq, laqab qo’ymoq
to win [wɪn](won,won [wʌn])- yutmoq, g’olib bo’lmoq                                                                                 
design [dɪ'zaɪn]-loyiha, reja, niyat: to design [dɪ'zaɪn]- yaratmoq, loyihalmoq; ahd qilmoq
plant [plɑːnt]-zavod; fabrika; o’simlik, reja: to plan [plæn] – rejalashtirmoq 
scheme [skiːm]–reja; proyekt; dastur
blueprint ['bluːprɪnt] – biror narsaga erishi rejasi; ko’k qog’ozdagi sxema/reja
contest ['kɔntest]-bahs; musobaqa; ko’rik(ikki guruh birbiriga qarshi
tournament ['tuənəmənt] – turnir(2kishi bir biriga qarshi)
competition [ˌkɔmpə'tɪʃ(ə)n]-musobaqa
to hold [həuld](held, held) – o’tkazmoq; ushlamoq, tutmoq;
to organize ['ɔːg(ə)naɪz]-tashkil qilmoq
arrange [ə'reɪnʤ] – rejalashtirmoq; tartib bermoq, tartiblamoq
main [meɪn] - bosh, asosiy, muhim
chief [ʧiːf]- bosh, asosiy
principal ['prɪn(t)səp(ə)l]-asosiy; muhim
primary ['praɪm(ə)rɪ]-asosiy;  boshlang’ich, birinchi
essential [ɪ'sen(t)ʃ(ə)l]-muhim, asosiy
basic ['beɪsɪk] – asosiy; fundamental
fundamental [ˌfʌndə'ment(ə)l]-asosiy, juda kerakli
capital ['kæpɪtəl] – poytaxt; bosh (harf); sarmoya
to build [bɪld] (built [bɪlt], built) – qurmoq  
to construct [kən'strʌkt]-qurmoq; to construct of – …dan qurmoq
limestone ['laɪmstəun] -ohaktosh                                                                      
to paint [peɪnt] – bo’yamoq, chizmoq                                                                                           
to burn down- yonib kul bo’lmoq
to ignite [ɪg'naɪt] – o’t yoqmoq, alangalamoq
to set fire to - o’t yoqmoq, alangalamoq
to blaze [bleɪz] – yorug’ va shiddatli yonmoq
to put/set on fire- o’t qo’ymoq, yoqmoq
to light [laɪt] (lit,lit) – yoqmoq; yoritmoq
to move out- ko’chib ketmoq                                                                                    
renovation [ˌrenə'veɪʃ(ə)n]- tuztish, tamirlash
restoration [ˌrest(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]-restavratsiya; tiklash; qaytarish
a palace ['pælɪs] - qasr, saroy
comedian [kə'miːdɪən]- komik, qiziqchi                                                                            
respectively [rɪ'spektɪvlɪ]- mos ravishda, ko’rsatilgan tartibda
successively [sək'sesɪvlɪ] – izchillikda, ketma-ketlikda                                   
true [truː] – haqiqiy, rost, to‘g‘ri, chin
real [rɪəl]-haqiqiy
actual ['ækʧuəl] – haqiqiy, asl
Georgia ['ʤɔːʤ(ɪ)ə] – Jorjia(shtat)
late [leɪt]- kech, kechki, oxiri
30’s – 30 yoshlar
to meet [miːt](met,met)-uchratmoq, tanishmoq, kutib olmoq
together [tə'geðə]-birga, birgalikda, birgalshib
to put on – kiymoq, semirib ketmoq
pants [pænts] – shim
funny ['fʌnɪ] - kulgili, qiziqarli
fun ['fʌn]-zavqli, ko’ngil ochadigan
thin [θɪn]-oriq; ingichka; yengil; suvli
slim [slɪm] – ozg’in; ingichka; oz, kam
skinny ['skɪnɪ] – oriq, ozma, qotma
fat [fæt]-semiz; yog’-moy
overweight [ˌəuvə'weɪt] – ortiqcha vaznli, semiz, og’ir                                     
a film [fɪlm]-(kino) film
a movie ['muːvɪ]-film
motion picture [ˌməuʃ(ə)n'pɪkʧə] -kinofilm                          
way out [weɪ aut] - biror holatdan chiqish                                 
blockhead ['blɔkhed]- axmoq
to take part in smth. – nimagadir qatnashmoq, biror narsada ishtirok etmoq
to participate in [pɑː'tɪsɪpeɪt ɪn] – … ga ishtirok etmoq, qatnashmoq
partake in [pɑː'teɪk in]- … ga ishtirok etmoq,qatnashmoq                                    

serious ['sɪərɪəs] – jiddiy
false [fɔːls]-soxta; ishonchsiz; xato; noto’g’ri
comedy['kɔmədɪ]- komediya, kulgu
character ['kærəktə] – asardagi qahramon; xarakter

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