What does phonetics study?
- The structure of words
- The parts of the speech
- The sound system of the language
- The difference between structure and meaning
What does phonology study?
- The relation of phonetics with the other science
- The sound patterns of the language
- The syllable structure of the language
- The relation between parts of speech
What does segmental phonetics study?
- Phonemes realized in various speech sounds
- Words and word combinations
- The articulatory position of words
- The other branches of linguistics
What does acoustic phonetics study?
- The way of correct pronunciation
- The syllabic structure of the word
- The intonation patterns
- It studies the way in which the air vibrates between the speakers mouth and the listener’s ear
What does auditory phonetics study?
- The linguistic units
- The function of word stress
- The hearing process
- The articulatory position of words.
What does suprasegmental phonetics study?
- The phoneme and its characteristic features.
- The transcriptions of words and word combinations
- The distinctive features realized in syllables, stress and intonation
- The nature of word stress
What is phoneme?
- Combination of speech sounds
- The special pronunciation of one word than others
- The change in speech sounds
- The smallest meaningful phonetic unit
What is the aim of comparative phonetics?
- To study the sounds other phonetic units
- To study the correlation between the phonetic system of two neighbouring languages
- To trace and establish the changes of the phonetic system of a given language.
- To study the phonetic system of different languages.
What branches of linguistics are connected with phonetics?
- Phonology, morphology and grammatics
- Syntax, morphology and acoustics
- Lexicology , Grammatics and Stylistics
- Lexicology, phonology and others
With what other nonlinguistic aspects is phonetics connected?
- Physics, lexicology and mathematics
- Chemistry, philosophy and physics
- Computer study
- Physiology, logics and etc.
What does typological phonetics study?
- The phonetic system of several languages.
- The sounds and the other phonetic units of the language at a definite period of time
- The correlation between the phonetic systems
- To trace and establish the changes of phonetic system
What is consonant?
- Sound pronounced without any obstruction in the air streem
- Diphthong
- Monophthong
- Sound pronounced with obstruction in the air streem
What is vowel?
- Sound pronounced with complete obstruction
- Sound pronounced without any obstruction
- Sound pronounced with incomplete obstruction
- Part of speech
What is dialect?
- Grammatical structure of the language
- Little language unite
- The pronounciation type of the language
- The language chosen as a literary standard
What is word stress?
- A syllable which is pronounced with greater force
- Pronunciation of the words by syllables
- A syllable which is pronounced with greater force
- Pronunciation type of the language
- Reduction of some sounds
What is accentuation
- Written form of the language
- Reduction of some sounds in the pronunciation
- Pronouncing the words by letters
- Grammatical structure of the language
What is literary language?
- The language chosen as a literary standard
- Non-neighbouring language
- Neighbouring language
- Hearing process
- The language chosen as a literary standard
What is spelling?
- Oral rule of some phenomenon
- Reduction of some sounds
- Pronouncing the word by letters
- The smallest meaningful unite
What regional pronunciation types exist in GB?
- Western type
- Southern, Nourthern, Scotish and Irish pronunciation types
- Spanish type
- German type
How many major speech areas are there in the USA?
- Three types
- Two types
- Five types
- Six types
What type of pronunciation is accepted as a literary pronunciation in the USA?
- The eastern type of American English
- The western type of American English?
- The southern type of American English
- The northern type of American English
What is theory?
- Distinctive function
- Distinctive features
- Oral rule of some phenomenon
- Correlation between the phonetic system
What period do we call as a prephoneme period?
- Hearing process
- The time when the theory was defined
- Learning period
- The time when the theory about phoneme was not defined
What is phonological school?
- A group of phoneticians and scholars
- A group of physics
- A group of phsyhologists
- A group of grammarians
Name the fore lingual consonants according to the place of obstruction
- Dental
- Interdental, dental, alveolar, post-alveolar, palate-alveolar
- Alveolar
- Interdental
How many functions of phonemes do you know?
- Four
- Five
- Three
- Seven
What are the functions of phoneme?
- Studying words and word combinations
- Pronouncing words by letters
- Studying the way in which the air vibrates
- Constitutive,distinctive and recognitive
Who were the representatives of the Moscow Phonological School?
- L.R. Zinder, L.V. Shcherba, V.N. Sidorov, M.V. Panov, A.A. Reformatsky
- L.R. Zinder, V.N. Sidorov, G.P. Torsuyev, L.V. Shcherba
- L.V. Shcherba, LA. Badouin de Courtenay, V.N. Sidorov
- R.I. Avanesov, V.N. Sidorov, A.A. Reformatsky, M.V. Panov
What types of phonetics do you know?
- General, descriptive, historical or diachronically, comparative
- General, acoustic, phonological, descriptive
- Descriptive, general, phonological, comparative
- Historical or diachronically, descriptive, general, acoustic
Who did make attempt to draw and sentence-stress and said that the sentence-stress was based on 4 principles?
- L.V. Scherba
- L.R. Zinder
- .P. Torsuyev
- L.A. Badouin de Courtenay
In what principles sentence-stress based on?
- General, descriptive, historical or diachronically, comparative
- Descriptive, general, phonological, syntactic
- Musical, dynamic, quantities, qualitative
- Dynamic, quantities, descriptive, general
What types of English pronunciation is in USA?
- What types of English pronunciation is in USA?
- Eastern English, southern English, western English, historical
- Eastern English, southern English, western English
- Northern English, western English, eastern English
How many principle types of English pronunciation in Great Britain?
- Eastern English, Scottish English, Northern English
- Eastern English, southern English, western English, historical
- Northern English, Scottish English, Irish English, Southern English
- Southern English, Eastern English, Scottish English
In what parts Russian intonation was divided and what are they?
- 3parts; 1. falling 2. normal 3. rising
- 2parts; 1. normal 2. rising
- 2parts; 1. falling 2. rising
- 2parts; 1. falls 2. rising
What kind of principle methods are of investigation?
- Definitions, observation, linguistic
- Direct observation, definition, and the linguistic
- The linguistic, direct observation, experimental
- Direct observation, the linguistic, and experimental
We know that the formation of the phonological theory may be divided into 2 periods. What are they?
- The phonemic period; the centurial period
- The centurial period; the phenomena period
- The phenomena period; the phonemic period
- The phenomena period; the phonological period
£, 8, ¥, E, b - what are they meant?
- £ - the tongue, B - soft palate, ¥ - vocal parts, E - the lip, b - uvular
- £ - soft palate, B - the lip, ¥ - the tongue, E - the vocal parts, b- uvular
- £ - the lip, B - the tongue, ¥ - the tongue, E - the vocal parts, b- the soft palate & uvular
- £ - the vocal, parts, B - the tongue, ¥ - the lip, E - uvular, b - soft palate
What kind of stress is it? "Brings into prominence the most important element in a syntagma?”
- Logical stress
- Syntactic stress
- Emphatic stress
- Word stress
Whom the phonetic theory in America are headed by?
- L.R, Zinder and Bloomfield
- Edward Sapir and Leonard Bloomfield
- Edward Sapir and Scherba
- L.R. Zinder and Edward Sapir
What is object of phonetics?
- Biological features
- Intonation
- Physical features of a language
- Oral speech
What does lexicology deal with?
- With word building
- With consonants
- With their meaning
- With word building & With consonants
Whom the London. School of Phonology is headed by?
- L.R. Zinder
- Edward Sapir
- Daniel Tones
- Leonard Bloomfield
How many types of stress are in English?
- Secondary
- Unstressed
- Primary
- All asnwers are correct
What is used in experimental methods of investigation?
- It analyses by ear, by sight
- It analyses in observing actual fact of language
- It is based up on the use of special apparatuses or instruments
- It analyses by ear, by sig & It analyses in observing actual fact of language
Who was Otto Jespersen?
- He had proved least sonorous sounds
- He had proved speech
- He was a writer
- He had proved speech & He was a writer
How many consonants are there in English?
- 12
- 22
- 10
- 20
How many types of obstruction do you know?
- I complete
- 2 complete & incomplete
- 1 bilabial
- 2 voiced & voiceless
What does Descriptive phonetics study?
- discussion of phonetics
- history of the language
- one certain language
- phonetical figures
Where did derive from the word " phonetic " ?
- from Greek word
- from Latin word
- from Russian
- from German word
Find the main terms of phonetics
- name, language, syllable
- object, subject, vowel
- sounds ,stress, flower
- stress, consonant, intonation
How many branches in phonetics?
- 7
- 5
- 5
- 3
Who is the one of the representative of the Leningrad phonological school?
- L.V.Shcherba
- A.A. Reformatsky
- N.S. Trubetzkoy
- D.B.Fry
J.Firth, D.Jones, I.Ward, L.Armstrong from what phonological school they were
- from Prague
- from USA
- from London
- from Russian
Find the third method of investigation, first is the direct observation, the second is the linguistic and the third -?
- articular
- experimental
- Phonetical
- Perceptual
What is a biological science and is concerned with physical and physiological characteristics of speech sounds .
- Physiology
- Phonology
- Phonetics
- Sound
Where does the Southern type of a pronunciation is used?
- In the USA, Holland, Ireland
- In Russia, Japan, South Korea, India
- In Florida, Texas, North and South Carolina, Georgia Virginia
- In Texas, Virginia, Netherlands
What does Perceptual aspect study?
- The voice producing mechanism and the way
- The way of the hearing speech utterances
- The way of the pronouncing
- The way of the transcription
Find the best answer. .....comprises three important modes of phonetics analyses by ear, by sight and muscular sensation.
- experimental
- perceptual
- direct observation
- the linguistic
Who did distinguish two sub types of recessive stress in words with prefix which have lost their referential meaning unrestricted and restricted.
- Otto Jesperson
- D. Jones
- G .P.Torsuyev
- V.A.Vassilyev
What is the bulk of the English words are?
- a Latin origin
- a Romanic origin
- a German origin
- a Latin origin & a German origin
What origins words consist of two syllables?
- Roman origin
- Latin origin
- German origin
- English origin
Who used the terra phoneme in the meaning of the speech sounds ?
- L.V.Shcherba
- M.V.Panov
- N.V.Sidorov
- Ferdinan de Saussure
Which School's representatives based their definition of a phoneme on the concept of the morpheme ?
- Moscow
- Prague
- London
- The USA
Whose theory may be called "atomistic"?
- L.V.Shcherba
- D.Jones
- F. De Saussure
- S.Edwerd
How many pronouncing types exist in Great Britain ?
- 3
- 5
- 4
- 7
Where does Northern English pronouncing is used?
- In Wales
- In London
- In the region between Birmingham & Scotland
- In Northern Ireland
Find the bets answer. Bloomfieldian descriptive phonology is a called the relative ... .
- phonetical theory
- syllabic theory
- perceptual theory
- acoustic theory
Intonation is an essential prosodic element of ….speech.
- human
- people’s
- dog’s
- my friend’s
There are …. principles of describing intonation.
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 7
Baundonin de Courtenay defined the phoneme as the:
- “psychology”
- “psychologically”
- “psycho lingual
- “psychological”
Phonetics connected with:
- grammar
- stylistics
- all linguistics sciences
- Lexicology
Phonetics is of:
- practical value
- both: theoretically and practical value
- only theoretically value,
- only practical value
Phonetics is:
- not a separate independent science.
- a separate independent science.
- independent branch of linguistics.
- a new science
There are several branches (types) of phonetics. They are:
- Descriptive phonetics, comparative typological phonetics
- General phonetics descriptive phonetics, diachronical phonetics
- Comparative typological phonetics
- General, descriptive, historical or diachronical and comparative - typological-phonetics.
Speech sounds have:
- 5 aspects,
- 4 aspects,
- 3 aspects
- 6 aspects
Phonetics is:
- a biological science.
- linguistic and biological science
- a linguistic science.
- lingvostylistic science
There are ... principal methods of investigation:
- 6
- 4
- 3
- 5
The bulk of English words are:
- of Romanic origin
- of Germany origin
- both of Germanic and Romanic origin.
- Romanic origin
Mainly in phonetics the following parts of speech are stressed:
- only the noun
- notional verbs
- prepositions, articles
- the nouns, adjectives, notional verbs, adverbs, numeral demonstrative pronouns.
According to the direction of assimilation we distinguish…
- regressive assimilation
- progressive assimilation
- filoteral assimilation
- regressive assimilation & progressive assimilation
The main parts of Trubetskoy's theory are:
- the separation of the phonology from phonetics, the theory of tin oppositions, the theory of the arch-phoneme
- the theory of the phonological oppositions
- the theory of the arch-phoneme
- the separation of the phonology from phonetics.
The American Phonological School is headed by:
- Ferdinand de Sausure
- Ferdinand de Sausure
- Leonard Bloomfield
- Ferdinand de Sausure & Leonard Bloomfield
The London Phonological school is headed by:
- Prof. D. Jones
- N.S.Trubetskoy
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- L.Hjelmslev
A syllable may consists of:
- two phonemes
- one phoneme
- a number of phonemes
- one phoneme or of a number of phonemes
Phonetic transcription is:
- a type of transcription, which provides -special variants
- a special script, which is used to represent
- a special script, which is used to represent the phonetic from of sentences accurately
- a special script, which is used to represent the phonetic from of words accurately
At present there are the following regional pronunciation types exist in Great Britain:
- Northern English Pronunciation
- Southern English Pronunciation
- Both answers are true
There are at least major speech areas in the USA
- 6
- 4
- 3
- 7
There are... types of intonation in English
- 6 types
- 7 types
- 5 types
- 9 types
English monophthongs are classified according to the ... principles.
- 7 principles
- 5 principles
- 6 principles
- 4 principles
English consonants are classified according to the... principles.
- 4 principles
- 3 principles
- 5 principles
- 6 principles
The Sankt-Petersburg phonological school is headed by .. .
- I. A. Baundonin de Courtenay
- A. A. Reformatsky
- L. V. Shcherba
- I. Word, H. Kingdom
The Moscow phonological school is headed by .. .
- L. V. Shcherba
- W. Matezius , B. Havranek
- A. A. Reformatsky
- J. R. Firth, D. Jones, I. Word, H. Kingdom, and Gimson.
The Prague phonological school is headed by .. .
- W. Matezius, B. Havranek
- A. A. Reformatsky
- L. V. Shcherba
- J. R. Firth, D. Jones, I. Word, H. Kingdom, and A. C. Gimson.
The London phonological school is headed by .. .
- A. A. Reformatsky
- W. Matezius, B. Havranek
- J. R. Firth, D. Jones, I. Word, H. Kingdom, and A. C. Gimson
- L. V. Shcherba
When did the book “Principles of Phonology” publish?
- in 1945
- in 2005
- in 1999
- in 1939
Where did the book “Principles of Phonology” publish?
- in Tokyo
- in Russia
- in Uzbekistan
- in German
The fundamental scientific works have been done by ….
- .Reformatsky
- L.V.Shcherba
- J. Firth, D.Jones
- W.Matezius, B.Havranek
… linguists presented original ideas on phonemic and prosodic analyses.
- the Uzbek
- the Latin
- the British
- the French
A new approach to the description of English phonemics and prosodic is given by …
- L. Shcherba
- W. Matezius, B. Havranek
- A. C. Gimson
- J. Firth, D. Jones
Phonetic transcription – represents …. .
- a system of syllables.
- a system of letters.
- a system of sounds
- a system of words.
Northern English pronunciation is use in the region between …
- Scotland and Russia.
- England and France
- London and Tashkent
- Birmingham and the border of Scotland.
There is no difference between the written forms of …
- Scotland and Russia.
- England and France
- Scottish and British English.
- Birmingham and the border of Scotland
The southern types of American pronunciation is used in … .
- in Tashkent
- in Pennsylvania
- in Russia
- in German
G. P. Torsuev distinguished … types of variations of the English phonemes.
- 4
- 8
- 6
- 2
There are ….. monophthongs in English.
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 10
There are …… diphthongs in English.
- 8
- 10
- 12
- 4
There are …… diphthongoids in English.
- 2
- 20
- 3
- 6
There are …… principles of describing intonation.
- 3
- 2
- 10
- 6
Acoustic Phonetics studies …………..
- the acoustic properties of letters
- the acoustic properties of words
- the acoustic properties of sounds
- the acoustic properties of sentences
Prosody (Intonation) is a complex unity of ………
- sentence stress, rhythm, tempo, speech melody
- sentence stress, rhythm, tempo, speech melody and voice timbre
- sentence stress, rhythm, tempo and voice timbre
- sentence stress, tempo, speech melody and voice timbre
Phonetics studies the outer form of language; …...
- its letter matter
- its word matter
- its sound matter
- its melody matter
The branch of Theoretical Phonetics investigates the appropriate aspect of … .
- speak
- speech
- Talk
- Sound
General phonetics studies all the …… producing possibilities of the human speech apparatus.
- sounds
- stresses
- speeches
- Syllables
Descriptive phonetics gives a description of all the …. units of the given language
- Word
- phonetic
- talk
- peech
Historical phonetics studies changes in the … system and stages of historical development.
- grammatical
- linguistic
- phonetic
- Phonologic
Comparative phonetics studies correlation between … systems of two languages.
- phonologic
- linguistic
- Phonetic
- Grammatical
Practical phonetics studies the substance, material form of ... phenomena in relation to meaning.
- phonologic
- linguistic
- grammatical
- phonetic
Theoretical phonetics is concerned with functioning of ... units of the language.
- phonologic
- linguistic
- Phonetic
- Grammatical
What is syllable?
- Speech sounds
- Minimal pronunciable unit
- Oral form of phenomenon
- The highest pitch of the voice
What are four types of syllables?
- Western type
- Eastern type
- Open, closed, covered, uncovered types
- Southern type
What is open type of syllable?
- The syllable which ends to a consonant
- The syllable which ends to “r”
- The syllable which ends to “l”
- The syllable which ends to a vowel
What is closed type of syllable?
- A syllable which ends to a vowel letter
- A syllable which ends to "a”
- A syllable which ends to a consonant
- A syllable which ends to “e”
What is unstressed syllable?
- The syllable which takes a stress
- The syllable which ends to a consonant
- The syllable where the stress is not put
- The syllable which ends to vowel
What is intonation?
- The degree of noise
- The degree of assimilation
- The manner of articulation
- The highest and the lowest pitch of the voice
What is transcription?
- Oral rule of phenomenon
- A set of symbols representing speech sounds
- Pronouncing the words by letters
- Written form of words
What is sense group?
- Set of symbols representing speech sounds
- Oral rule of phenomenon
- A group of words forming the shortest possible unit
- Manner of articulation
What is stressed syllable?
- The syllable where the stress is not put
- The syllable which ends to a vowel
- The syllable where the stress is put
- The syllable which ends to a consonant
How many types of word stress do we differentiate in English?
- Four
- Five
- Three
- Six
Name the types of word stress.
- Strong, weak, primary
- Primary, strong, weak
- Primary, secondary, weak
- Secondary, primary, weak
Complete the sentence with a logically correct word. Intonation is presented in every …
- Sentence
- Phoneme
- House
- Shop
What main functions of intonation do we distinguish ?
- Grammatical and emotional
- Linguistic
- Non-linguistic
- Physical
How many main phonological schools and trends do we differentiate?
- Five
- Six
- Four
- Seven
What is the grammatical function?
- To learn the grammatical structure of the sentence
- To learn phonology
- To determine the communicative types of the sentence
- To learn the suprasegmental phonology
What do we understand by the emotional function?
- To define the grammatical structure of the sentence
- To define the morphological structure of the sentence
- To express the attitude to what the person says, his state and emotions
- To define types of sentences
Which phonological school should be mentioned first?
- The Moscow phonological School
- The Prague phonological School
- The London Phonological School
- The Leningrad phonological School
With which academician’s name is closely connected the theory of Leningrad Phonological School?
- Lev Vladimirovich Scherba
- V.I.Letkin
- N.K.Yakovlev
- P.S.Kuznetsov
How many functions does phoneme serve to perform in speech?
- Four
- Five
- Three
- Six
Name the functions of phoneme that serves to perform in speech
- Cognitive, distinctive, recognitive
- Constitutive
- Syntactical
- Grammatical
What phonological schools are existed?
- Moscow, American
- French, Japan
- Scottish, American
- Leningrad, Moscow, Prague, London
How many periods does the phonological theory may be divided into?Four
- Four
- Five
- Six
- Two
What are the periods that the phonological theory may be divided into?
- Phonological
- Segmental
- The pre-phoneme and the phonemic
- Supra-segmental
What was Baudoin de Courtenay’s definition to a phoneme?
- Psychological equivalent of the speech sounds
- Grammatical equivalent of the speech sounds
- Morphological equivalent of the speech sounds
- Syntactical equivalent of the speech sounds
According to R. Kingdon the most important nuclear tones in English are:
- Low Fall, High Fall, Low Rise, High Rise, and Fall-Rise.
- Low Fall, High Fall, Low Rise and Fall-Rise.
- Low Fall, High Fall, High Rise, and Fall-Rise.
- Low Fall, , Low Rise, High Rise, and Fall-Rise.
There are ….. types of American language
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 3
How many levels are there in phonetics and phonology?
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 6
......... is a branch of linguistics which studies physiological aspect of speech sound?
- phonology
- morphology
- phonetics
- syntax
..........is a branch of linguistics which studies speech sounds as means of distinction of words and morphemes?
- Phonology
- Phonetics
- Morphology
- Syntax
Which levels of investigation do phonetics & phonology have?
- segmental & suprasegmental
- direct and indirect
- segmental & suprasegmental & direct and indirect
- Indirect
.......... level studies phonemes realized in various speech sounds?
- Supra segmental
- Direct
- Segmental
- Indirect
......... level studies the distinctive features realized in syllables, stress & intonation?
- Direct
- Segmental
- Suprasegmental
- Indirect
How many phonemes does Russian have?
- 40
- 41
- 42
- 45
How many consonant and vowel phonemes does English have?
- 24-c, 20-v.
- 20-c, 24-v
- 24-c, 22-v
- 24-c, 10-v
Word stress in a language performs ….. functions.
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 6
How many letters are there in English?
- 24
- 20
- 33
- 26
Define the types of phonemes in English.
- monophtongs, diphthongs
- triphtongs, diphtongoids
- monophtongs, triphtongs
- monophtongs, diphthongs, triphtongs, diphtongoids
How many consonants are there in English?
- 24
- 20
- 26
- 33
Phonology studies.........?
- sound combinations
- prosodical means
- stress
- sound combinations, prosodical means
Phonetics studies.........?
- functional features of phonemes
- acoustics of phonemes
- acoustics of phonemes, functional features of phonemes
- phonemes
How many monophthongs does English have?
- 12
- 15
- 13
- 11
How many vowels are there in English?
- 26
- 20
- 6
- 12
How many functional styles by Sokolova do you know?
- 6
- 2
- 5
- 3
Find the third method of investigation, first is the direct observation, the second is the linguistic and the third -?
- experimental
- articular
- phonetically
- erceptual
What is a biological science and is concerned with physical and physiological characteristics of speech sounds.
- Phonetics
- Physiology
- Phonology
- Sound
How many kinds of speech rhythm do we differentiate?
- Two
- Four
- Three
- Five
Name the types of speech rhythm.
- Stress-timed rhythm
- Syllable-timed rhythm
- Emotional rhythm
- Syllable-timed rhythm, stress-timed rhythm
Which nuclear tone is used in General Questions?
- Fall-rise
- Low rise
- Rise fall
- Falling
Which nuclear tone is used in Special Questions?
- Falling-Rising
- Fall-rise
- Low Fall
- Low -Rise
Which nuclear tone is used in Alternative Questions?
- Low -Rise/Low-Fall
- Falling
- Low-Fall
- Rise-Fall
Which nuclear tone is used in Disjunctive Questions?
- Low-Fall/Low-Rise
- Falling
- Fall-Rise
- Rise-Fall
Which nuclear tone is used in Statements?
- Rise-Fall
- Falling-Rising
- Low-Fall
- Low-Rise.
Which nuclear tone is used in Requests
- Rise-Fall
- Fall-Rise
- Low-Rise
- Falling
Which nuclear tone is used in Imperatives?
- Low-Fall
- Low-Rise
- Fall-Rise
- Rise-Fall
Which nuclear tone is used in Direct Address at the beginning of the sentence?
- Low-Rise
- Rise-Fall-Rise
- High-Rise
- Fall-Rise or Low-Fall
Which nuclear tone is used in Direct Address in the middle of the sentence?
- Low-Rise
- High-Rise
- Unstressed or half stressed and continues the tune of a preceding stressed syllable
- High-Fall
Name the types of assimilation according to the degree of completeness?
- Incomplete
- Complete
- Regressive
- Complete and incomplete
What nuclear tone is used in Parentheses at the beginning of the sentence?
- Low-Rise
- High-Fall
- Depends on the speaker’s attitude: falling or rising or falling-rising
- Low-Fall
What nuclear tone is used in Parentheses in the middle of the sentence?
- High-rise
- High-Fall
- Falling or Rising
- Low-Rise
What nuclear tone is used in Parentheses at the end of the sentence?
- High-rise
- High-Fall
- Low-Rise
- Unstressed or half stressed and continues the tune of the preceding stressed syllable
What nuclear tone is used in exclamations and interjections?
- Low-rise
- Low-Fall
- High-Rise
- High-Fall and Low-Fall
What nuclear tone is used in enumerations?
- High-rise
- High-fall
- Every unfinished stressed is pronounced with low-rise and the last stressed syllable is pronounced with low-fall
- Fall-rise
What nuclear tone is used in adverbials at the beginning of the sentence?
- High-fall
- Low-fall
- Low-rise
- Fall-rise
What nuclear tone is used in adverbials at the end of the sentence?
- Low-rise
- Unstressed or half stressed and doesn’t form a separate intonation group
- Low-fall
- High-fall
What nuclear tone is used in participial construction at the beginning of the sentence?
- Rising tone
- Falling tone
- Rise-fall-rise
- Fall-rise
What nuclear tone is used in participial construction at the end of the sentence?
- Rising tone
- Rise-fall-rise
- Falling tone
- Fall-rise
How many types of sentence stress are exists in English?
- Four
- Two
- Three
- Five
Name the types of sentence stress.
- Logical, normal, emphatic
- Normal
- Emphatic
- Logical
What nuclear tone is used in commands and orders?
- Falling tone
- Rising tone
- High-rise
- Low-rise
What nuclear tone is used in sentences beginning with there +to be ?
- High-rise
- High-fall
- Low-rise
- Unstressed or half stressed and doesn’t form a separate intonation group
What nuclear tone is used in adverbial modifier of place standing before “there + to be “?
- Low-fall
- High-fall
- Low-rise
- Low-fall
What is the pre-head?
- The first unstressed syllable
- The first stressed syllable
- The second stressed syllable
- The last stressed syllable
What is the head?
- The first stressed syllable
- The second stressed syllable
- The last stressed syllable
- The first unstressed syllable
What is the nuclear?
- The last stressed syllable
- The first stressed syllable
- The second stressed syllable
- The first unstressed syllable
What is the tail?
- The first stressed syllable
- The second stressed syllable
- The last unstressed syllable
- The first unstressed syllable
How many types of nuclear tones are there in English?
- Six
- Five
- Eight
- Seven
Is the vowel [i] long or shot in “symbol”?
- Long
- Strong
- Weak
- Short
What vowel sound is there in “fire”?
- Monophthong
- Triphthong
- Diphthong
- Deegraph
Which vowel sound is there in “light” and “mile”?
- [u]
- [oi]
- [ai]
- [a:]
How many types of assimilation are there according to direction of assimilation?
- Four
- Three
- Five
- Six
Name the types of assimilation according to the direction of assimilation?
- Syntactic
- Grammatical
- Progressive, regressive, reciprocal
- Progressive
How many types of assimilation are there in English according to the degree of completeness?
- Three
- One
- Four
- Two