1 | a clap of thunder | momaqaldiroq sadosi |
2 | a ringing bel | chalinayotgan qo'ng'iroq |
3 | accepted | qabul qilingan |
4 | affect | ta'sir qilmoq, ta'sir |
5 | annoyance | asabiylashish |
6 | appropriate | muvofiq (kelmoq) |
7 | average | o'rtacha |
8 | beyond | yuqorisi |
9 | bracket | qavs |
10 | careless | beparvo, ehtiyotsiz |
11 | causes | sabablari |
12 | causes of noise | shovqin sabablari |
13 | chemicals | kimyoviy moddalar |
14 | classroom noise | sinf shovqini |
15 | climate change | iqlim o'zgarishi |
16 | combinations | kombinatsiyalar |
17 | communicate | muloqot qilmoq, aloqa qilmoq |
18 | Conclusion | xulosa |
19 | considered | deb hisoblanadi |
20 | construction noise | qurilish shovqini |
21 | coral reefs | marjon riflari |
22 | creatures | jonivorlar, maxluqotlar |
23 | cut down | kesmoq, yiqitmoq |
24 | decrease | pasayish |
25 | destroy | yo'q qilmoq, buzmoq |
26 | destroyed | yo'q qilingan |
27 | destructive effects | halokatning ta'siri |
28 | detailed information | batafsil ma'lumot |
29 | due to the fact that | tufayli |
30 | dump | axlat |
31 | during migration | ko'chish paytida |
32 | ear | quloq |
33 | effects | ta'sirlar |
34 | effects of noise | shovqin ta'siri |
35 | endanger | xavf ostiga qo'ymoq |
36 | environment | atrof-muhit |
37 | exhausted | charchagan |
38 | expanding blood vessels | qon tomirlarini kengayishi |
39 | extinction | yo'q bo'lib ketish |
40 | general idea | umumiy fikr |
41 | getting nervous | asabiylashish |
42 | getting warmer | iliqlashmoq |
43 | global | global |
44 | grow | oshmoq, o'smoq |
45 | habitat | makon, yashash joyi |
46 | happen | sodir bo'lmoq |
47 | harmful | zararli |
48 | headaches | bosh og'rig'i |
49 | hearing loss | eshitish qobiliyatini yo'qotish |
50 | heavy | og'ir |
51 | however | ammo |
52 | hurricane | dovul |
53 | ice sheets | muz qatlamlari |
54 | important | muhim |
55 | industrial (factory) noise | sanoat (zavod) shovqini |
56 | introduction | kirish |
57 | keep polluting | ifloslanishni davom ettirish |
58 | loud music in the brain | miyada baland musiqa eshitilishi |
59 | majestic | ulug'vor |
60 | make difference | farq qilmoq |
61 | mammal | sut emizuvchi |
62 | mankind | insoniyat |
63 | massive | katta |
64 | migration | ko'chish |
65 | normal activities | kundalik faoliyat |
66 | occurred | sodir bo'lgan |
67 | consequently | natijada |
68 | opinion | fikr |
69 | outer space | kosmik fazo |
70 | powerful storms | kuchli bo'ronlar |
71 | prevent from | oldini olish |
72 | quality of life | hayot sifati |
73 | rationally | oqilona |
74 | reduce | kamaytirish |
75 | refer | murojaat qilmoq |
76 | reusable packages | qayta ishlatiladigan paketlar |
77 | rise | ko'tarilish |
78 | run out of | tugamoq |
79 | save | tejash, asramoq |
80 | sea creatures | dengiz jonzotlari |
81 | shelter | boshpana |
82 | ship traffic | kema transporti |
83 | skeleton | skelet |
84 | sound | ovoz |
85 | spaceship | kosmik kema |
86 | stress | stress |
87 | suffer | aziyat chekmoq, azoblanmoq |
88 | supply | ta'minlash, yetkazib berish, ta'minot |
89 | take the action | chora ko'rmoq |
90 | template | shablon |
91 | the screech of tyres | tormoz vaqtida shinalardan chiqadigan tovush |
92 | the wail of a siren | sirenaning faryodi (baland tovushi) |
93 | unpleasant | yoqimsiz |
94 | use | foydalanish |
95 | UV rays | UV nurlari |
96 | variety | xilma-xillik |
97 | water shortage | suv tanqisligi |
98 | weather conditions | ob-havo sharoiti |
99 | whale population | kitlarning (aholisi) soni |
100 | wildlife | yovvoyi hayot |
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