1 | a sore throat | tomoq o'grigi, angina |
2 | absence | yo'qlik, mavjud bo'lmaslik |
3 | active smoking | faol chekish |
4 | addicted to | odatlanib qolgan |
5 | adults | kattalar |
6 | adverb | ravishdosh |
7 | advise | maslahat bermoq |
8 | as long as | modomiki, hamonki; sababli, uchun |
9 | associated with | bilan bog'liq |
10 | assume that | deb o'ylang |
11 | attitude | munosabat |
12 | be involved | ishtirok etgan |
13 | blocked nose | burun bitishi |
14 | breathed | nafas olgan |
15 | cigar | sigaret |
16 | clear your mind | fikringizni tozalang |
17 | collocation | joylashish |
18 | come through | tuzalib ketish |
19 | considerably | sezilarli darajada |
20 | contain | o'z ichiga oladi |
21 | control over | ustidan nazorat |
22 | conversation | suhbat |
23 | cough | yo'tal |
24 | diet | parhez |
25 | dietician | parhez tutayotgan kishi |
26 | drugs | dorilar |
27 | end of a cigarette | sigaretning uchi |
28 | environmental | atrof-muhit |
29 | exposed to second-hand smoke | tutun ta'sirida |
30 | extra | qo'shimcha |
31 | extraction | sug'urib olish |
32 | fitness | jismoniy baquvvatlik |
33 | get the tooth taken out | tishni chiqarib olish |
34 | goes away | bartaraf etilmoq |
35 | groupmate | guruhdosh |
36 | gym | sport zali |
37 | health | sog'lik |
38 | healthily | toza, sof |
39 | heart attack | yurak huruji |
40 | heart rates up | yurak urishi |
41 | important | muhim |
42 | including | qamrab olgan |
43 | infection | yuqumli kasallik |
44 | influence | ta'sir ko'rsatmoq, ta'sir ko'rsatuvchi faktor |
45 | it doesn’t work | foydasi bo'lmayapti, natija yo'q |
46 | jump on the scales | tarozida vaznni o'lchasb ko'rish |
47 | keeping fit | jismoniy barkamollikni asrash |
48 | lately | so'nggi paytlarda |
49 | losing weight | vazn yo'qotish |
50 | lung cancer | o'pka saratoni |
51 | medical practitioner | tibbiy amaliyotchi |
52 | medical specialist | tibbiy mutaxassis |
53 | mention | eslatmoq |
54 | moreover | bundan tashqari |
55 | nonsmoker | chekmaydigan kishi |
56 | obesity | semirish |
57 | offer | taklif |
58 | otherwise | aks holda |
59 | overeat | ortiqcha yeyish |
60 | overwight | ortiqcha vazn |
61 | passive smoking | passiv chekish |
62 | phrasal verb | fe'lli birikma |
63 | physical education | jismoniy tarbiya |
64 | physical activity | jismoniy faoliyat |
65 | plenty of rest | mo'l-ko'l dam olish |
66 | pneumonia | zotiljam |
67 | prescribe | buyurmoq |
68 | purchased | sotib olingan |
69 | really painful | haqiqatan ham og'riqli |
70 | recommend | tavsiya etmoq |
71 | relaxed | xotirjam |
72 | require | talab qiladi |
73 | respiratory infections | nafas olish yo'llari infektsiyalari |
74 | roughly | qariyb |
75 | scales | tarozi |
76 | second-hand smoke | boshqa kishidan chiqqan tutun |
77 | shout at | baqirish |
78 | sick | kasal |
79 | situation | vaziyat, holat |
80 | sleep enough | yetarlicha uxlamoq |
81 | snack | gazak |
82 | so tense | juda asabiy |
83 | sort out | turlarga ajratmoq |
84 | stressed | betoqat |
85 | suffer from | jabr ko'rmoq, azoblanmoq |
86 | suggest, suggested | taklif qilmoq, taklif etilgan |
87 | support | qo'llab-quvvatlash |
88 | swollen | shishgan |
89 | take off | yechmoq |
90 | take out | sug'urib olmoq, chiqarib olmoq (tishni) |
91 | taking the tablets | tabletkalarni qabul qilish, ichish |
92 | though | garchi |
93 | toxic chemical | zaharli kimyoviy moddalar |
94 | treatment | davolash |
95 | warn, warning | ogohlantirmoq, ogohlantirish |
96 | wealth | boylik |
97 | weight | vazn |
98 | wisdom tooth | aql tishi |
99 | work | ishlash |
100 | works out | mashq qilmoq (sport) |
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