Главная страницаwow 1WOW! Book 1 UNIT 4 New Words WOW! Book 1 UNIT 4 New Words Author - Nodirbek Fayzullayev Published - марта 22, 2022 wow 1 0 1 admission ma'muriyat / qabul qilish 2 adults kattalar / balog'atga yetganlar 3 afternoon peshin 4 all hammasi 5 any birorta 6 asking so'rab 7 answer javob bermoq / javob 8 at school maktabda 9 aunt xola 10 autumn kuz 11 black qora 12 blue ko'k 13 book kitob 14 boots etiklar 15 boss shef / kattakon 16 boy bola 17 brother aka / uka 18 brown jigarrang 19 but ammo / lekin 20 by 4 o’clock soat 4 gacha 21 caption sarlavha 22 car mashina 23 certainly albatta 24 child bola 25 children bolalar 26 clock soat 27 cloud bulut 28 cold sovuq 29 colour rang 30 complete to'ldirmoq / to'liq 31 computer kompyuter 32 conversation suhbat 33 cover ustini yopmoq / bekitmoq 34 dangerous xavfli 35 dark qorong’u 36 daughter qiz 37 day kun 38 death o'lim 39 describe tasvirlab bermoq 40 dictionary lug'at 41 door eshik 42 draw chizmoq 43 dress ko'ylak 44 dry quruq 45 each har biri 46 English Ingliz 47 eraser o'chirg'ich 48 evening oqshom 49 everyday har kuni 50 extra qo'shimcha 51 face yuz 52 family oila 53 family tree oila shajarasi 54 find topmoq 55 full to'la 56 give bermoq 57 glasses ko'zoynak 58 go to class darsga bor (moq) 59 goodmorning Xayrli tong 60 grandfather bobo 61 grandmother buvi 62 green yashil 63 grey kulrang / bulutli 64 guitar gitara 65 half past twelve o'n ikki yarim 66 here shu yerda 67 here we are mana yetib keldik / xush keldik 68 here you are marhamat 69 home uy 70 hot issiq 71 hour soat 72 husband er 73 ice muz 74 in class 4 to’rtinchi sinfda 75 in order tartibda; ... uchun 76 introducing tanishtirish 77 it’s the bell qo’ng’iroq chalindi 78 its uning 79 jacket kurtka 80 later keyinroq 81 learn o'rganmoq 82 lesson dars 83 listen tinglamoq 84 look qaramoq 85 match birlashtirmoq 86 maths matematika 87 morning ertalab 88 museum muzey 89 near yaqinida 90 new yangi 91 night tun 92 normal oddiy / odatiy 93 now endi / hozir 94 number raqam 95 o'clock soat 96 of … ning 97 opening ochilish 98 orange quyosh rangi / apelsin 99 our bizning 100 page sahifa 101 partner hamkor 102 past o'tgan 103 picture rasm 104 pink pushti 105 please iltimos 106 possessive egalik qiluvchi 107 practise mashq qilmoq 108 pronoun olmosh 109 purple siyohrang 110 put qo'ymoq 111 puzzle boshqotirma 112 quarter chorak 113 question savol 114 read o'qimoq 115 red qizil 116 repeat takrorlamoq 117 revision qayta ko'rib chiqish 118 road ko’cha / yo’l 119 say demoq 120 school maktab 121 season mavsum 122 see ko’rmoq / uchtashmoq 123 see me men bilan uchrash 124 shirt ko'ylak 125 sky osmon 126 snow qor 127 something nimadur 128 son o'g'il 129 sorry kechirasiz 130 space bo'sh joy 131 special maxsus 132 spring bahor 133 student talaba 134 sweater sviter 135 teacher o'qituvchi 136 temperature harorat 137 that ana u 138 that’s why mana nima uchun 139 their ularning 140 these bular 141 ticket chipta 142 time vaqt 143 timetable dars jadvali 144 too ham 145 trouble tashvish/ muammo / kulfat 146 turn to page three uchinchi betni oching 147 uncle amaki / tog'a 148 use foydalanmoq / qo’llamoq 149 valley vodiy 150 very juda 151 vocabulary lug'at 152 warm iliq / issiq 153 weather ob-havo 154 welcome xush kelibsiz 155 well xo’sh / yaxshi 156 white oq 157 who kim 158 why nega 159 wife xotini 160 winter qish 161 with bilan 162 word so'z 163 write yozmoq 164 year yil 165 yellow sariq Tags wow 1 Новые Старые