1 |
about |
haqida |
2 |
act |
rol o'ynamoq /
harakat qilmoq |
3 |
address |
manzil |
4 |
adopted |
asrab olingan |
5 |
after |
keyin |
6 |
again |
yana / takror |
7 |
always |
har doim |
8 |
and |
va |
9 |
answer |
javob bermoq |
10 |
ask |
so'ramoq |
11 |
band |
guruh |
12 |
basketball |
basketbol |
13 |
because |
chunki |
14 |
bed |
yotoq |
15 |
begin |
boshlamoq /
boshlanmoq |
16 |
bike |
velosiped |
17 |
birthday |
tugilgan kun |
18 |
bite |
tishlamoq |
19 |
boy |
yigit |
20 |
break |
sindirmoq / tanaffus |
21 |
bully |
bezori / zo’ravon |
22 |
burn |
yondirmoq /
kuydirmoq |
23 |
bus |
avtobus |
24 |
buy |
sotib olmoq |
25 |
camera |
fotoapparat |
26 |
change |
o’zgartimoq |
27 |
check |
tekshirmoq |
28 |
choose |
tanlamoq |
29 |
come |
kelmoq |
30 |
come here |
buyoqqa kel |
31 |
complete |
to'ldirmoq |
32 |
computer game |
kompyuter o'yini |
33 |
constant |
undosh |
34 |
covercamere |
bekitmoq / ustini
yopmoq / qopqoq |
35 |
cut |
kesmoq |
36 |
dance |
raqsga tushmoq |
37 |
days |
kunlar |
38 |
do |
bajarmoq / qilmoq |
39 |
dog |
it |
40 |
draw |
chizmoq |
41 |
drink |
ichmoq |
42 |
drive |
haydamoq |
43 |
during |
davomida |
44 |
eat |
yemoq |
45 |
end |
tugatmoq / oxiri |
46 |
evening |
oqshom |
47 |
every |
har |
48 |
example |
misol |
49 |
fall |
yiqilmoq / tushmoq |
50 |
false |
xato / yolg'on |
51 |
feed |
ovqatlantirmoq /
ozuqalamoq |
52 |
feel |
sezmoq / his qilmoq |
53 |
fight |
urushmoq / kurashmoq |
54 |
find |
topmoq |
55 |
finish |
tugatmoq |
56 |
fly |
uchmoq |
57 |
football |
futbol |
58 |
for |
uchun /davomida |
59 |
for |
uchun |
60 |
get out |
tashqariga chiqmoq /
yo'qol |
61 |
get up |
o'rindan turmoq |
62 |
girl |
qiz |
63 |
give |
bermoq |
64 |
go |
bormoq / ketmoq |
65 |
goodbye |
xayr |
66 |
guitar |
gitara |
67 |
habit |
odat |
68 |
happen |
sodir bo'lmoq |
69 |
has / have |
bor / bor |
70 |
hear |
eshitmoq |
71 |
help |
yordam bermoq |
72 |
hit |
urmoq / urishmoq |
73 |
hold |
tutmoq / ushlab
turmoq |
74 |
homework |
uy vazifasi |
75 |
hour |
soat |
76 |
how |
qanday |
77 |
how do you do that? |
buni qanday qilding? |
78 |
hurt |
qiynamoq / azob
bermoq / og'ritmoq |
79 |
I’m not sure |
bilmadim / ishonchim
komil emas |
80 |
if |
agar |
81 |
in bed |
yotoqda |
82 |
in class |
sinfda |
83 |
intrument |
asbob-uskuna |
84 |
it’s my stop |
bu mening bekatim |
85 |
keep |
saqlamoq |
86 |
know |
bilmoq |
87 |
learn |
o'rganmoq |
88 |
leave |
jo’nab ketmoq |
89 |
lesson |
dars |
90 |
listen |
tinglamoq |
91 |
live |
yashamoq |
92 |
look |
qaramoq |
93 |
lose |
yo'qotmoq |
94 |
lunch |
tushlik |
95 |
make |
yasamoq / qilmoq |
96 |
match |
birlashtirmq /
moslashtirmoq |
97 |
match |
birlashtirmoq /
moslashtirmoq |
98 |
meet |
uchrashmoq |
99 |
musical |
musiqiy |
100 |
night |
tun |
101 |
normal |
odatiy / oddiy |
102 |
now |
hozir |
103 |
our |
bizning |
104 |
parents |
ota-onalar |
105 |
partner |
sherik / hamkor |
106 |
piano |
pianino |
107 |
picture |
rasm |
108 |
play |
o’ynamoq /chalmoq |
109 |
positive |
bo'lishli / ijobiy |
110 |
practice |
amaliyot |
111 |
presentation |
taqdimot |
112 |
pronounce |
talaffuz qilmoq |
113 |
pronunciation |
talaffuz |
114 |
put |
qo'ymoq |
115 |
question |
savol |
116 |
read |
o'qimoq |
117 |
real |
haqiqiy |
118 |
remember |
eslamoq |
119 |
repeat |
takrorlamoq |
120 |
ride |
minmoq |
121 |
run |
yugurmoq |
122 |
say |
demoq |
123 |
school |
maktab / dars |
124 |
second time |
ikkinchi marta |
125 |
section |
bo'lim |
126 |
see |
qaramoq |
127 |
sell |
sotmoq |
128 |
send |
yubormoq / jo'natmoq |
129 |
sentences |
gaplar / jumlalar |
130 |
shine |
porlamoq |
131 |
sing |
kuylamoq |
132 |
singular |
birlik |
133 |
sit |
o'tirmoq |
134 |
sleep |
uxlamoq |
135 |
smoke |
chekmoq |
136 |
song |
qo'shiq |
137 |
speak |
gaplashmoq |
138 |
speaking |
gapirish |
139 |
special |
maxsus |
140 |
spell |
harflab aytmoq |
141 |
spend |
sarflamoq |
142 |
stand up |
o'rnidan turmoq |
143 |
start |
boshlamoq |
144 |
statement |
bayonot |
145 |
steal |
o'g'irlamoq |
146 |
study |
o'rganmoq |
147 |
sure |
ishonchi komil bo’lmoq |
148 |
swim |
cho'milmoq / suzmoq |
149 |
swimming |
suzish |
150 |
take |
olmoq |
151 |
talk |
gaplashmoq |
152 |
teach |
o'rgatmoq |
153 |
tell |
aytmoq |
154 |
text |
matn |
155 |
the past |
o’tmish |
156 |
their |
ularning |
157 |
think |
o'ylamoq /fikrda
bo'lmoq / o'ylab ko'rmoq |
158 |
throw |
uloqtirmoq /
tashlamoq |
159 |
true |
tog'ri / rost |
160 |
understand |
tushunmoq |
161 |
use |
foydalanmoq / qo‘llamoq |
162 |
violin |
skripka |
163 |
vocabulary |
lug'at |
164 |
wake up |
uygonmoq / uyg'otmoq |
165 |
want |
istamoq / xohlamoq |
166 |
watch |
tomosha qilmoq |
167 |
wear |
kiymoq |
168 |
week |
hafta |
169 |
weekday |
ish kuni |
170 |
weekend |
hafta oxiri / dam olish kuni |
171 |
win |
g'alaba qozonmoq |
172 |
word |
so'z |
173 |
work |
ishlamoq |
174 |
write |
yozmoq |
175 |
your |
sizning |