1 |
a while |
bir muddat, biroz |
2 |
again |
yana |
3 |
ago |
oldin |
4 |
ahead |
yuqori, oldinda |
5 |
alright |
yaxshi |
6 |
amount |
miqdori |
7 |
and |
va |
8 |
around |
atrofida |
9 |
axe |
bolta |
10 |
barely |
zo'rg'a |
11 |
before |
oldin |
12 |
beings |
mavjudotlar |
13 |
best |
eng yaxshi |
14 |
bird |
qush |
15 |
book |
kitob |
16 |
bored |
zerikkan |
17 |
bottle |
shisha |
18 |
boy |
yigit |
19 |
bread |
non |
20 |
bring |
olib kelmoq |
21 |
bush |
buta |
22 |
buy |
sotib olmoq |
23 |
bye |
xayr |
24 |
careful |
ehtiyotkor |
25 |
change |
o'zgartirmoq |
26 |
check |
tekshirmoq |
27 |
chop |
chopmoq, kesmoq |
28 |
class |
sinf |
29 |
close |
yopmoq |
30 |
cloth |
mato |
31 |
clothes |
kiyimlar |
32 |
coin |
tanga |
33 |
come |
kelmoq |
34 |
come on |
bo'laqol, tez bo'l |
35 |
convert |
aylantirmoq |
36 |
could |
mumkin |
37 |
count |
sanamoq, hisoblamoq |
38 |
cut |
kesmoq |
39 |
dad |
dada |
40 |
dead |
qurigan, o'lik |
41 |
death |
o'lim |
42 |
dense |
zich |
43 |
deserve |
sazovor bo'lmoq, munosib bo'lmoq |
44 |
die |
o'lmoq |
45 |
dinner |
kechki ovqat |
46 |
do |
qilmoq, bajarmoq |
47 |
doctor |
shifokor |
48 |
each other |
bir-birini |
49 |
earn |
ishlab topmoq |
50 |
else |
aks holda, boshqa jihatdan |
51 |
entire |
butun, barcha |
52 |
evening |
oqshom |
53 |
everything |
hamma narsa |
54 |
ever since |
shundan buyon |
55 |
fact |
dalil, haqiqat |
56 |
fair |
adolatli |
57 |
fallen |
yiqilgan |
58 |
far |
uzoq |
59 |
father |
ota |
60 |
favour |
yaxshilik |
61 |
favourite |
sevimli |
62 |
fee |
haq, to'lov |
63 |
first |
birinchi |
64 |
floor |
pol, qavat |
65 |
fly |
uchmoq |
66 |
follow |
ergashmoq, ortidan bormoq |
67 |
food |
ovqat |
68 |
forest |
o'rmon |
69 |
forgive |
kechirmoq |
70 |
freedom |
erkinlik, ozodlik |
71 |
friend |
do'st |
72 |
from |
… dan |
73 |
fun |
qiziqarli, quvonchli |
74 |
get bored |
zerikmoq |
75 |
get through |
uddalamoq |
76 |
grab |
tutmoq, tortib olmoq |
77 |
grade |
daraja, baho |
78 |
had I been evil |
yovuz bo'lganimda |
79 |
hand |
qo'l |
80 |
happier |
baxtliroq |
81 |
hard |
qiyin |
82 |
haughty |
takabbur, mag'rur,kekkaygan |
83 |
heal |
davolamoq, tuzatmoq |
84 |
healing |
shifo, davo |
85 |
healthy |
sog'lom |
86 |
helping |
yordam berish |
87 |
him |
uni, unga |
88 |
his |
uning |
89 |
homework |
uy ishi |
90 |
hope |
umid qilmoq |
91 |
huge |
ulkan |
92 |
hurt |
ozor bermoq, azob bermoq |
93 |
increasingly |
tobora, borgan sari |
94 |
insist on |
qattiq turib olmoq |
95 |
into |
ichkarisiga |
96 |
its |
uning |
97 |
jealous |
hasadchi, rashkchi |
98 |
jeweller’s shop |
zargarlik do'koni |
99 |
join |
qo'shilmoq |
100 |
joy |
quvonch, xursandchilik |
101 |
kettle |
choynak |
102 |
kids |
bolalar |
103 |
knife |
pichoq |
104 |
last |
oxirgi |
105 |
late |
kech |
106 |
laughter |
kulgu |
107 |
learn |
o'rganmoq |
108 |
lend |
qarz bermoq |
109 |
lesson |
dars |
110 |
letting free |
ozod qilish |
111 |
listen |
tinglamoq |
112 |
locked |
qamalgan, qulflangan |
113 |
loneliness |
yolg'izlik |
114 |
longer |
uzoqroq |
115 |
lovely |
sevimli, yoqimli |
116 |
lunch |
tushlik |
117 |
magical |
sehrli |
118 |
me |
meni, menga |
119 |
mean |
xasis, pastkash |
120 |
metal |
metall |
121 |
missing |
sog'inmoq |
122 |
money |
pul |
123 |
more days |
yana kunlar |
124 |
most |
eng |
125 |
mug |
krujka |
126 |
mustn’t |
qilmaslik kerak |
127 |
my |
mening |
128 |
myself |
o'zim |
129 |
next |
keyingisi |
130 |
noon |
peshin |
131 |
nope |
yoq |
132 |
of |
… ning |
133 |
of course |
albatta |
134 |
open |
ochmoq |
135 |
or |
yoki |
136 |
our |
bizning |
137 |
outskirts |
chekkalari |
138 |
pay |
to'lamoq |
139 |
pea |
no'xat |
140 |
peace |
tinchlik |
141 |
perfectly |
mukammal |
142 |
plate |
likopcha |
143 |
play |
o'ynamoq |
144 |
plus |
buning ustiga |
145 |
prepare |
tayyorlamoq |
146 |
prize |
mukofot |
147 |
promise |
va'da qilmoq |
148 |
promote |
ko'tarish, yuqorilash |
149 |
proud |
faxrlanish |
150 |
ready |
tayyor |
151 |
real |
haqiqiy |
152 |
red |
qizil |
153 |
relax |
nafasni rostlab ol |
154 |
release |
ozod qilmoq |
155 |
rest |
dam olmoq |
156 |
result |
natija |
157 |
return |
qaytarish |
158 |
reward |
mukofot |
159 |
road |
yo'l |
160 |
round |
dumaloq |
161 |
rub |
ishqalamoq, surtmoq |
162 |
rude |
qo'pol |
163 |
same |
bir xil |
164 |
save |
saqlamoq, asramoq |
165 |
school |
maktab |
166 |
see |
ko'rmoq |
167 |
sell |
sotmoq |
168 |
serve |
xizmat qilmoq |
169 |
set free |
ozod qilish |
170 |
shop keeper |
do'kon sotuvchisi |
171 |
should |
kerak |
172 |
side |
tomoni |
173 |
silver |
kumush |
174 |
simple |
oddiy |
175 |
since |
o'shandan beri |
176 |
slacking for |
bo'shashmoq |
177 |
slow coach |
sekin yuradigan avtobus |
178 |
slowly |
asta-sekin |
179 |
smaller |
kichikroq |
180 |
smart |
aqlli |
181 |
smoke |
tutun |
182 |
some |
biroz |
183 |
son |
o'g'il |
184 |
soon |
tez orada |
185 |
sorry |
afsusda bo'lmoq, kechirasiz |
186 |
soup |
sho'rva |
187 |
spirit |
ruh, arvoh |
188 |
stand |
turish |
189 |
stone |
tosh |
190 |
study |
o'rganmoq |
191 |
such |
shunday, kabi |
192 |
take |
olmoq |
193 |
teach |
o'rgatmoq |
194 |
test |
sinov |
195 |
thank |
rahmat |
196 |
that |
bu |
197 |
them |
ularni |
198 |
they |
ular |
199 |
thing |
narsa |
200 |
this |
bu |
201 |
through |
orqali |
202 |
together |
birgalikda |
203 |
tomorrow |
ertaga |
204 |
top |
yuqori |
205 |
tree |
daraxt |
206 |
true |
rost |
207 |
trust |
ishonmoq |
208 |
try |
urnamoq, harakat qilib ko'rmoq |
209 |
turn |
qaytmoq |
210 |
uncle |
tog'a |
211 |
use |
foydalanmoq |
212 |
useless |
beadab, betamiz |
213 |
usual |
odatiy |
214 |
very |
juda |
215 |
voice |
ovoz |
216 |
wanna |
istamoq |
217 |
waste |
sarflamoq |
218 |
we |
biz |
219 |
wear off |
o'tib ketadi |
220 |
went |
ketdi |
221 |
what |
nima |
222 |
when |
qachon |
223 |
where |
qayerda |
224 |
whether |
xoh |
225 |
which |
qaysi |
226 |
who |
kim |
227 |
win |
g'alaba qozonmoq |
228 |
wise |
dono |
229 |
wisely |
donolik bilan |
230 |
wonderful |
ajoyib |
231 |
wood |
yog'och, o'tin |
232 |
woodcutter |
yog'och kesuvchi |
233 |
world |
dunyo |
234 |
worry |
tashvishlanmoq |
235 |
worthy |
munosib |
236 |
would have killed |
o'ldirar edim |
237 |
wound |
yara, jarahat |
238 |
year |
yil |
239 |
your |
sizning |
240 |
yourself |
o'zingiz |