Q ➤ 1. You are not sleeping now.Ans ➤ Siz hozir uxlamayapsiz.
Q ➤ 2. They are arguing.Ans ➤ Ular janjallashishmoqda.
Q ➤ 3. You see, I’m eating.Ans ➤ Ko'ryapsizku, men ovqatlanyapman.
Q ➤ 4. My mother is coming home.Ans ➤ Onam uyga kelyapti.
Q ➤ 5. What are you doing now?Ans ➤ Hozir nima qilyapsiz?
Q ➤ 6. The fans are shouting with joy.Ans ➤ Muxlislar xursandchilikdan baqirishmoqda.
Q ➤ 7. He is not working very hard.Ans ➤ U juda qattiq ishlamaydi.
Q ➤ 8. I’m not watching TV right now.Ans ➤ Men hozir televizor ko'rmayapman.
Q ➤ 9. Children are playing in the park.Ans ➤ Bolalar bog'da o'ynashmoqda.
Q ➤ 10. What is Mr. Samuel doing?Ans ➤ Janob Samuel nima qilyaptilar?
Q ➤ 11. The company is doing well this year.Ans ➤ Bu yil kompaniya yaxshi natija ko’rsatmoqda.
Bu yil kompaniya yaxshi ishlamoqda.
Q ➤ 12. Birds are chirping in the trees.Ans ➤ Daraxtlarda qushlar sayrashmoqda.
Q ➤ 13. We are printing a new book.Ans ➤ Biz yangi kitobni chop etmoqdamiz.
Q ➤ 14. You look sad. Why are you crying?Ans ➤ Xafa ko’rinyapsiz. Nega yig'layapsiz?
Q ➤ 15. She is playing football.Ans ➤ U futbol o'ynayapti.
Q ➤ 16. People are waiting for the plane to take off.Ans ➤ Odamlar samolyotning uchishini kutishmoqda.
Q ➤ 17. She is not going with you.Ans ➤ U siz bilan ketmaydi.
U siz bilan ketmoqchi emas.
Q ➤ 18. I’m going to the doctor right now.Ans ➤ Men hozir shifokorga boryapman.
Q ➤ 19. I am not giving it back to you.Ans ➤ Men uni sizga qaytarib bermayman.
Q ➤ 20. Many workers are participating in sports.Ans ➤ Ko'plab ishchilar sport bilan shug'ullanadi.
Q ➤ 21. You are not doing that, right?Ans ➤ Siz buni qilmayapsiz, to'g'rimi?
Q ➤ 22. I’m driving right now, see you later.Ans ➤ Men hozir mashina haydayapman, keyin ko'rishamiz.
Q ➤ 23. They are playing basketball.Ans ➤ Ular basketbol o'ynashmoqda.
Q ➤ 24. The bus is coming, be quick.Ans ➤ Avtobus kelyapti, tez bo'l.
Q ➤ 25. I am meeting some friends after work.Ans ➤ Ishdan keyin do'stlarim bilan uchrashmoqchiman.
Q ➤ 26. My father is trying to fix the car.Ans ➤ Dadam mashinani tuzatishga harakat qilmoqda.
Q ➤ 27. I am becoming better at sitting exams.Ans ➤ Men imtihonlarni topshirishda yaxshiroq natijalarga erishmoqdaman.
Q ➤ 28. He is not writing a letter.Ans ➤ U xat yozmayapti.
Q ➤ 29. I’m trying to fix the computer.Ans ➤ Men kompyuterni tuzatishga harakat qilyapman.
Q ➤ 30. Alex is doing Karate.Ans ➤ Aleks karate bilan shug’ullanyapti.
Q ➤ 31. They are trying to understand the code.Ans ➤ Ular kodni tushunishga harakat qilmoqdalar.
Q ➤ 32. Are they running now.Ans ➤ Ular hozir yugurishmoqdami?.
Q ➤ 33. My father is trying to fix the broken leg of the chair.Ans ➤ Otam stulning singan oyog‘ini tuzatmoqchi bo‘lyapdi.
Q ➤ 34. Are you not talking?Ans ➤ Gapirmayapsizmi?
Q ➤ 35. She is running a big company.Ans ➤ U katta bir kompaniyani boshqaryapti.
Q ➤ 36. I am not giving it back to you.Ans ➤ Men uni sizga qaytarib bermayman.
Q ➤ 37. My father is flying to Madrid next month.Ans ➤ Otam keyingi oy Madridga uchmoqchi.
Q ➤ 38. My son is currently studying.Ans ➤ O‘g‘lim hozir o‘qiyapti.
Q ➤ 39. We aren’t going. We are tidying the room.Ans ➤ Biz bormoqchi emasmiz. Biz xonani tartibga keltiryapmiz.
Q ➤ 40. The lion is roaring in the zoo..Ans ➤ Arslon hayvonot bog‘ida bo‘kiryapti.
Q ➤ 41. He is trying to do his homework.Ans ➤ U uy vazifasini bajarishga harakat qilmoqda.
Q ➤ 42. The secretary is trying to prepare the report.Ans ➤ Kotiba hisobotni tayyorlashga harakat qilmoqda.
Q ➤ 43. He isn’t working on Monday.Ans ➤ U dushanba kuni ishlamaydi.
Q ➤ 44. Mom and Dad are playing tennis.Ans ➤ Onam va dadam tennis o'ynashmoqda.
Q ➤ 45. The train is moving, hurry up.Ans ➤ Poyezd harakatlanmoqda, shoshiling.
Q ➤ 46. Players are fighting hard to win the match.Ans ➤ Futbolchilar o'yinda g'alaba qozonish uchun qattiq kurashmoqdalar.
Q ➤ 47. I am exercising in the park.Ans ➤ Men parkda mashq qilyapman.
Q ➤ 48. It is not helping to me, please stop it.Ans ➤ Bu menga yordam bermayapti, iltimos buni to'xtating.
Q ➤ 49. We are sitting at the cafe with friends.Ans ➤ Biz do'stlarimiz bilan kafeda o'tiripmiz.
Q ➤ 50. Are you playing football?Ans ➤ Siz futbol o'ynayapsizmi?
Q ➤ 51. The old man is watering the garden.Ans ➤ Keksa kishi bog‘ni sug‘ormoqda.
Q ➤ 52. He is shopping at the market.Ans ➤ U bozorda xarid qilmoqda.
Q ➤ 53. Mary is sitting next to me.Ans ➤ Meri mening yonimda o'tiribdi.
Q ➤ 54. The mechanic is trying to fix the engine.Ans ➤ Mexanik dvigatelni tuzatishga harakat qilmoqda.
Q ➤ 55. I’m walking my dog.Ans ➤ Men itimni sayr qildiryapman.
Q ➤ 56. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing.Ans ➤ Quyosh porlayapti, qushlar sayrashmoqda.
Q ➤ 57. We’re currently travelling around London.Ans ➤ Biz hozirda London bo'ylab sayohat qilyapmiz.
Q ➤ 58. I’m preparing dinner for you.Ans ➤ Men siz uchun kechki ovqat tayyorlayapman.
Q ➤ 59. We are not sleeping.Ans ➤ Biz uxlamayapmiz.
Q ➤ 60. We are eating meat now. It is delicious!Ans ➤ Biz hozir go'sht yeyapmiz. Bu mazali!
Q ➤ 61. I’m not playing football this weekend.Ans ➤ Men bu hafta oxiri futbol o'ynamayman.
Q ➤ 62. Hurry up! The bus is leaving.Ans ➤ Shoshiling! Avtobus jo'nayapti.
Q ➤ 63. You are listening music.Ans ➤ Siz musiqa tinglayapsiz.
Q ➤ 64. Is it raining outside?Ans ➤ Tashqarida yomg'ir yog'yaptimi?
Q ➤ 65. The students are watching the football match.Ans ➤ Talabalar futbol o'yinini tomosha qilishmoqda.
Q ➤ 66. I am helping my father.Ans ➤ Men otamga yordam beryapman.
Q ➤ 67. Alex is going to a new school next term.Ans ➤ Aleks keyingi mavsumda yangi maktabga boradi.
Q ➤ 68. We are moving to London.Ans ➤ Biz Londonga ko'chyapmiz.
Q ➤ 69. The plane is leaving, we’re late.Ans ➤ Samolyot uchmoqda, biz kechikdik.
Q ➤ 70. They are not coming, sorry.Ans ➤ Kechirasiz, ular kelmayapti.
Q ➤ 71. Everyone is listening attentively in the math class.Ans ➤ Matematika darsida hamma diqqat bilan tinglayapti.
Q ➤ 72. People are eating in the restaurant.Ans ➤ Odamlar restoranda ovqatlanmoqda.
Q ➤ 73. We’re meeting at two o’clock.Ans ➤ Biz soat ikkida uchrashamiz.
Q ➤ 74. The population of the World is rising very fast.Ans ➤ Dunyo aholisi juda tez o'sib bormoqda.
Q ➤ 75. Scientists are still working to find a vaccine.Ans ➤ Olimlar hali ham vaksina topish ustida ishlamoqda.
Q ➤ 76. I’m going to the library.Ans ➤ Men kutubxonaga borayapman.
Q ➤ 77. They are playing the guitar in the classroom.Ans ➤ Ular sinfda gitara chalishmoqda.
Q ➤ 78. It’s raining heavily.Ans ➤ Kuchli yomg'ir yog'moqda.
Q ➤ 79. I am studying English.Ans ➤ Men ingliz tilini o'rganyapman.
Q ➤ 80. Look! Somebody is swimming in the river.Ans ➤ Qarang! Kimdir daryoda cho’milmoqda.
Q ➤ 81. Police are warning drivers.Ans ➤ Politsiya haydovchilarni ogohlantirmoqda.
Q ➤ 82. I’m taking you to the market.Ans ➤ Men seni bozorga olib boraman.
Q ➤ 83. You are not reading a book right now.Ans ➤ Siz hozir kitob o'qimaysiz.
Q ➤ 84. The boy is not studying. He is surfing on the internet.Ans ➤ Bola o'qimayapti. U internetda ishlayapti.
Q ➤ 85. My mother is cleaning the house.Ans ➤ Onam uy yig'ishtirmoqda.
Q ➤ 86. My brother is not sleeping now.Ans ➤ Ukam hozir uxlamayapti.
Q ➤ 87. He is currently trying to complete his novel.Ans ➤ Hozirda u romanini yakunlashga harakat qilmoqda.
Q ➤ 88. My sister is not completing her work.Ans ➤ Opam ishini tugatmayapti.
Q ➤ 89. They are not working with us.Ans ➤ Ular biz bilan ishlamayapti.
Q ➤ 90. He is getting fatter and fatter because of this sickness.Ans ➤ Bu kasallik tufayli u borgan sari semirib boryapti.
Q ➤ 91. The students are cheating in the exams.Ans ➤ Talabalar imtihonlarda qalloblik qilishmoqda.
Q ➤ 92. My sister is playing football.Ans ➤ Singlim futbol o'ynamoqda.
Q ➤ 93. Are you having dinner?Ans ➤ Kechki ovqatni yeyapsizmi?
Q ➤ 94. The cat and the mouse are running.Ans ➤ Mushuk va sichqon yugurmoqda.
Q ➤ 95. Children are reading a book in the classroom.Ans ➤ Bolalar sinfda kitob o'qimoqdalar.
Q ➤ 96. He is not eating breakfast.Ans ➤ U nonushta qilmayapti.
Q ➤ 97. You are not doing that, right?Ans ➤ Siz buni qilmaysiz, to'g'rimi?
Q ➤ 98. The detective is investigating the place where the murder took place.Ans ➤ Tergovchi qotillik sodir bo‘lgan joyni tekshirmoqda.
Q ➤ 99. My headache is getting better.Ans ➤ Mening bosh og'rim tuzalmoqda.
Q ➤ 100. They are not coming, sorry.Ans ➤ Kechirasiz, ular kelmaydilar.