Q ➤ 1. We waited for you for 15 minutes.Ans ➤ Sizni 15 daqiqa kutdik.
Q ➤ 2. I met Mary at school yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha maktabda Meri bilan uchrashdim.
Q ➤ 3. They went to the cinema yesterday and then ate.Ans ➤ Kecha ular kinoga bordilar, keyin ovqatlandilar.
Q ➤ 4. I went to elementary school in Texas.Ans ➤ Men Texasdagi boshlang'ich maktabda o'qiganman.
Q ➤ 5. I went on vacation to Spain this summer.Ans ➤ Men shu yozda Ispaniyaga ta'tilga bordim.
Q ➤ 6. I went swimming in the sea yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha dengizga cho'milishga bordim.
Q ➤ 7. I bought a new computer last week.Ans ➤ O'tgan hafta men yangi kompyuter sotib oldim.
Q ➤ 8. I watched this movie with my sister.Ans ➤ Men bu filmni singlim bilan ko'rganman.
Q ➤ 9. They were very tired last week.Ans ➤ O'tgan hafta ular juda charchagan edilar.
Q ➤ 10. We opened a new Youtube channel.Ans ➤ Youtubeda yangi kanal ochdik.
Q ➤ 11. I didn’t leave the house today.Ans ➤ Bugun uydan chiqmadim.
Q ➤ 12. I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday.Ans ➤ Men kecha kinoga bormadim.
Q ➤ 13. We played games in the park for hours yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha parkda soatlab o'yin o'ynadik.
Q ➤ 14. Samuel didn’t come to the picnic yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha Samuel piknikga kelmadi.
Q ➤ 15. I visited yesterday with my cousin.Ans ➤ Kecha qarindoshim bilan tashrif buyurdim.
Q ➤ 16. I passed the math exam.Ans ➤ Men matematikadan imtihondan o’tdim.
Q ➤ 17. Yesterday the mechanic fixed my car.Ans ➤ Kecha usta mashinamni tuzatdi.
Q ➤ 18. I worked for 3 hours yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha 3 soat ishladim.
Q ➤ 19. My brother was not at home.Ans ➤ Akam uyda yo'q edi.
Q ➤ 20. We sold the flat 2 months ago.Ans ➤ Biz kvartirani 2 oy oldin sotgan edik.
Q ➤ 21. We did not come.Ans ➤ Biz kelmadik.
Q ➤ 22. We went to the shopping mall.Ans ➤ Biz savdo markaziga bordik.
Q ➤ 23. My father bought a red car.Ans ➤ Otam qizil mashina sotib oldi.
Q ➤ 24. I read this book 3 times.Ans ➤ Men bu kitobni 3 marta o'qidim.
Q ➤ 25. We got married twenty years ago.Ans ➤ Biz yigirma yil oldin turmush qurganmiz.
Q ➤ 26. My parents went to the cottage.Ans ➤ Ota-onam yozgi uyga ketishdi.
Q ➤ 27. Didn’t you get the tickets?Ans ➤ Chiptalarni olmadingizmi?
Q ➤ 28. I went to Madrid on vacation last year.Ans ➤ O'tgan yili ta'tilda Madridga borganman.
Q ➤ 29. My father bought a new house.Ans ➤ Otam yangi uy sotib oldi.
Q ➤ 30. You were not at work last Monday.Ans ➤ Siz o'tgan dushanba kuni ishda bo'lmagansiz.
Q ➤ 31. I leart (learned) that not everything on the internet is true.Ans ➤ Internetdagi hamma narsa haqiqat emasligini bilib oldim.
Q ➤ 32. I said don’t bother here.Ans ➤ Bu yerda bezovta qilmang dedim.
Q ➤ 33. They hosted us very well.Ans ➤ Ular bizni juda yaxshi kutib olishdi. (mehmon qilishdi)
Q ➤ 34. They left without saying goodbye to us.Ans ➤ Ular biz bilan xayrlashmay ketishdi.
Q ➤ 35. The weather was beautiful yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha ob-havo go'zal edi.
Q ➤ 36. What time did you go to bed yesterday?Ans ➤ Kecha soat nechada yotdingiz?
Q ➤ 37. We played basketball last Sunday.Ans ➤ O'tgan yakshanba kuni biz basketbol o'ynadik.
Q ➤ 38. Didn’t he tell you the other day?Ans ➤ U sizga boshqa kuni aytmadimi?
Q ➤ 39. My sister graduated from school with first place.Ans ➤ Opam maktabni birinchi o‘rin bilan tamomladi.
Q ➤ 40. I passed 6th grade.Ans ➤ 6-sinfni tamomladim.
Q ➤ 41. We won the match and became champions.Ans ➤ Uchrashuvda g‘alaba qozondik va chempion bo‘ldik.
Q ➤ 42. I told you the computer is broken.Ans ➤ Men sizga kompyuter buzilganligini aytdim.
Q ➤ 43. I installed the program on the computer.Ans ➤ Men dasturni kompyuterga o'rnatdim.
Q ➤ 44. I brushed my teeth in the morning.Ans ➤ Ertalab tishlarimni yuvdim.
Q ➤ 45. I took the exam three weeks ago.Ans ➤ Men uch hafta oldin imtihon topshirdim.
Q ➤ 46. The teacher introduced a new topic.Ans ➤ O'qituvchi yangi mavzu bilan tanishtirdi.
Q ➤ 47. I went to the party yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha ziyofatga bordim.
Q ➤ 48. I went to the military ten years ago.Ans ➤ Men o‘n yil oldin harbiy xizmatga borganman.
Q ➤ 49. The three of us shared a chocolate.Ans ➤ Uchalamiz shokoladni baham ko'rdik.
Q ➤ 50. I went to the theater at 7 o’clock.Ans ➤ Men soat 7 da teatrga bordim.
Q ➤ 51. I went to Italy last year.Ans ➤ Men o'tgan yili Italiyaga borganman.
Q ➤ 52. I started a new job last month.Ans ➤ Men o'tgan oy yangi ish boshladim.
Q ➤ 53. We moved to New York in 2013.Ans ➤ Biz 2013 yilda Nyu-Yorkka ko'chib o'tdik.
Q ➤ 54. My aunts returned home.Ans ➤ Xolalarim uyga qaytishdi.
Q ➤ 55. I knew you didn’t go to school last week.Ans ➤ O'tgan hafta maktabga bormaganingni bilardim.
Q ➤ 56. I spoke to the tourists in English.Ans ➤ Men sayyohlar bilan ingliz tilida gaplashdim.
Q ➤ 57. I went to university outside the city.Ans ➤ Men shahar tashqarisidagi universitetga kirdim.
Q ➤ 58. I got my salary and went to the restaurant.Ans ➤ Maoshimni olib, restoranga bordim.
Q ➤ 59. Soup was very tasty.Ans ➤ Sho'rva juda mazali bo'ldi.
Q ➤ 60. I got 85 points on the history exam.Ans ➤ Tarix fanidan imtihondan 85 ball oldim.
Q ➤ 61. I got a new job and bought a car.Ans ➤ Men yangi ish topdim va mashina sotib oldim.
Q ➤ 62. I went to bed early yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha erta uxladim.
Q ➤ 63. He picked up the plates and left.Ans ➤ U tarelkalarni oldi-da, ketdi.
Q ➤ 64. I prepared you a wonderful dinner.Ans ➤ Men sizga ajoyib kechki ovqat tayyorladim.
Q ➤ 65. My mother asked me for help.Ans ➤ Onam mendan yordam so'radi.
Q ➤ 66. I was very happy last week.Ans ➤ O'tgan hafta men juda xursand bo'ldim.
Q ➤ 67. He played games on the computer all day.Ans ➤ U kun bo'yi kompyuterda o'yin o'ynadi.
Q ➤ 68. I saw you in the garden last night.Ans ➤ Kecha sizni bog'da ko'rdim.
Q ➤ 69. I watched a very funny video on youtube.Ans ➤ Men youtubeda juda kulgili video ko'rdim.
Q ➤ 70. I came to school.Ans ➤ Men maktabga keldim.
Q ➤ 71. Did you hear the news?Ans ➤ Yangilikni eshitdingizmi?
Q ➤ 72. Who told you this?Ans ➤ Buni sizga kim aytdi?
Q ➤ 73. I paid the repairman his money.Ans ➤ Men ta'mirchiga pulini to'ladim.
Q ➤ 74. They met at school at five o’clock.Ans ➤ Ular maktabda soat beshda uchrashishdi.
Q ➤ 75. I came from London last week.Ans ➤ Men o'tgan hafta Londondan keldim.
Q ➤ 76. How long did you wait for us?Ans ➤ Bizni qancha kutdingiz?
Q ➤ 77. They came to help us yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha bizga yordam berish uchun kelishdi.
Q ➤ 78. I did not go to school yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha maktabga bormadim.
Q ➤ 79. My parents came to us.Ans ➤ Ota-onam biznikiga kelishdi.
Q ➤ 80. I got gas in the car and hit the road.Ans ➤ Mashinaga benzin qo'yib yo'lga chiqdim.
Q ➤ 81. Mary sang a beautiful song.Ans ➤ Meri chiroyli qo'shiq kuyladi.
Q ➤ 82. What time did you come home?Ans ➤ Uyga soat nechada keldingiz?
Q ➤ 83. Alex learned (learnt) English.Ans ➤ Aleks ingliz tilini o'rgandi.
Q ➤ 84. Did you get a salary last month?Ans ➤ O'tgan oy maosh oldingizmi?
Q ➤ 85. My mother cleaned the house.Ans ➤ Onam uyni tozalagandi.
Q ➤ 86. I learned a lot in class yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha darsda ko'p narsani o'rgandim.
Q ➤ 87. I bought a new pair of pants.Ans ➤ Men yangi shim sotib oldim.
Q ➤ 88. He got up early in the morning.Ans ➤ U ertalab vaqtli turdi.
Q ➤ 89. My mom and dad met in London.Ans ➤ Onam va dadam Londonda uchrashishdi.
Q ➤ 90. My son ate his dinner and went to the park.Ans ➤ O‘g‘lim kechki ovqatni yedi va bog‘ga ketdi.
Q ➤ 91. I had my breakfast.Ans ➤ Men nonushta qildim.
Q ➤ 92. I ran 5 kilometers in the park yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha parkda 5 kilometr yugurdim.
Q ➤ 93. He didn’t come with us yesterday.Ans ➤ Kecha u biz bilan birga kelmadi.
Q ➤ 94. He watched movies all day.Ans ➤ U kun bo'yi kino tomosha qildi.
Q ➤ 95. Workers watered the forests.Ans ➤ Ishchilar daraxtlarni (o'rmonlarni) sug'orishdi.
Q ➤ 96. We discussed the details at the meeting.Ans ➤ Biz yig‘ilishda tafsilotlarni muhokama qildik.
Q ➤ 97. They lived here as children.Ans ➤ Ular bu yerda bolaliklarida yashashgan.
Q ➤ 98. We arrived at the office in the morning.Ans ➤ Ertalab ofisga yetib keldik.
Q ➤ 99. I loaned George $500.Ans ➤ Men Jorjga 500 dollar qarz berdim.
Q ➤ 100. We published this article.Ans ➤ Biz ushbu maqolani nashr qildik.