1 | absence | yo'qlik |
2 | accident | baxtsiz hodisa |
3 | argumentative | bahsli |
4 | assess | baholamoq |
5 | attempt | urinish |
6 | attend | qatnashmoq |
7 | attendance | qatnashish |
8 | audience | tomoshabinlar |
9 | based on | shunga asosan |
10 | be allowed | ruxsat berilgan |
11 | be manufactured | ishlab chiqarilishi kerak |
12 | belief, believes | ishonch, ishonish |
13 | bravest | eng jasur |
14 | capable of | qodir |
15 | charge | zaryadlash |
16 | climb | ko'tarilish |
17 | collaborate | hamkorlik qilish |
18 | compulsory | majburiy |
19 | conductor | o'tkazgich |
20 | confidence | ishonch |
21 | consolidate | birlashtirish |
22 | consult | maslahat bermoq |
23 | continent | qit'a |
24 | contribute | hissa qo'shmoq |
25 | conversation | suhbat |
26 | courage | jasorat |
27 | creative | ijodiy |
28 | creativity | ijodkorlik |
29 | depend on | bog'liq |
30 | develop, development | rivojlanmoq, rivoj |
31 | device | qurilma |
32 | distribute | tarqatmoq |
33 | due to | sababli |
34 | empire | imperiya |
35 | encourage | rag'batlantirish |
36 | enormous | ulkan |
37 | entrepreneur | tadbirkor |
38 | faced with | … bilan duch kelgan |
39 | factor | omil |
40 | fear | qo'rquv |
41 | fortune | omad |
42 | free | tekin, ozod |
43 | headed | boshchiligidagi |
44 | health | sog'liq |
45 | human hair | inson sochlari |
46 | imagine | tasavvur qilmoq |
47 | improve | yaxshilamoq, rivojlantirmoq |
48 | independently | mustaqil ravishda |
49 | innovative | yangilik |
50 | inspire | ilhomlantirmoq |
51 | instruction | ko'rsatma |
52 | invent | ixtiro qilmoq |
53 | jam | murabbo |
54 | manage | boshqarish |
55 | miss | qoldirmoq, o'tkazib yubormoq |
56 | nowadays | shu kunlarda |
57 | ordinary | oddiy |
58 | pack of batteries | batareyalar to'plami |
59 | participate | ishtirok etmoq |
60 | peak | cho'qqisi |
61 | permanent | doimiy |
62 | presentation | taqdimot |
63 | previous | oldingi |
64 | process | jarayon |
65 | production | ishlab chiqarish |
66 | professional | mutaxassis |
67 | provide | ta'minlamoq |
68 | raw materials | xom ashyolar |
69 | reason | sabab |
70 | recipe | retsept |
71 | renewable | qayta tiklanadigan |
72 | require | talab qilmoq |
73 | restriction | cheklash |
74 | re-test | qayta sinov |
75 | revolutionize | inqilob qilmoq |
76 | route | marshrut |
77 | rural | qishloq |
78 | satisfied | mamnun |
79 | science, scientist | fan, olim |
80 | self-assessment | o'z-o'zini baholash |
81 | self-confidence | o'zini o'ziga ishonchli |
82 | self-evaluation | o'zini baholash |
83 | several | bir nechta |
84 | situation | vaziyat, holat |
85 | society | jamiyat |
86 | solar panel | quyosh paneli |
87 | solution | yechim, natija |
88 | stake | ulush |
89 | sub-group | kichik guruh |
90 | summit | yig'ilish |
91 | supportive | qo'llab-quvvatlovchi |
92 | tackle | hal qilmoq, yechim topmoq |
93 | teenager | o'spirin |
94 | theme | mavzu |
95 | traditional way | an'anaviy usul |
96 | trip | sayohat |
97 | trusty | ishonchli |
98 | tutor | tarbiyachi |
99 | useful | foydali |
100 | worth | qiymatga ega |
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