1 | achieve | muvaffaqiyatga erishishmoq |
2 | achievement | muvaffaqiyat |
3 | act | harakat qilmoq |
4 | apologetic | uzrli |
5 | apologize | uzr so'ramoq |
6 | attract | jalb qilmoq, maftun qilmoq |
7 | audience | tomoshabinlar |
8 | axe | bolta |
9 | be encouraged | rag'batlantirilish |
10 | be supposed to do | … ni qilishi kerak edi, taxmin qilinish |
11 | branch | daraxt tanasi |
12 | button | tugma, knopka |
13 | call | qo'ng'iroq qilmoq |
14 | carry on | davom etmoq |
15 | chat | suhbat qilmoq |
16 | clause | gap |
17 | compare | solishtirmoq |
18 | complaint | shikoyat |
19 | confident | o'ziga ishongan |
20 | congratulations | tabriklaymiz |
21 | course | kurs, o'qish |
22 | criterion | mezon, o'lchov |
23 | cut | kesmoq |
24 | deal | bitim, bo'lishmoq |
25 | delivery | yetkazib berish |
26 | determine | aniqlamoq |
27 | discussion | munozara |
28 | effectively | samarali |
29 | emphasis | urg'u |
30 | enlarge | kattalashtirmoq |
31 | environment | atrof-muhit |
32 | even | hatto |
33 | expected | kutilgan, ishonilgan |
34 | express | ifoda etmoq |
35 | fairly | odilona |
36 | feedback | fikrlar |
37 | fetch | olib kelmoq |
38 | following | quyidagi |
39 | formal | rasmiy |
40 | friendship | do'stlik |
41 | guarantee | kafolat, kafolat bermoq |
42 | harder | kuchliroq |
43 | heater | isitgich |
44 | helpful | foydali |
45 | hope | umid, umid qilmoq |
46 | imperatives | majburiyatlar |
47 | improve | yaxshilamoq |
48 | in this case | ushbu holatda |
49 | in order to | qilish uchun |
50 | individual | alohida |
51 | instead of | … ning o'rniga |
52 | knowledge | bilim |
53 | less common | kamroq tarqalgan |
54 | look up | qidirmoq, izlamoq |
55 | lose | yo'qotmoq |
56 | marketing | bozor ishlari |
57 | modern. | zamonaviy |
58 | moral | ahloqiy |
59 | motivated | ilhomlantirilgan, undalgan |
60 | multiple-choice | ko'p tanlov |
61 | narrative essay | rivoyat, hikoya inshosi |
62 | nature | tabiat |
63 | necessary | zarur, zaruriy |
64 | optimistic | optimistik ruhdagi |
65 | organize | tashkil qilmoq |
66 | payment | to'lov |
67 | physically strong | jismonan baquvvat |
68 | prompt | berilgan, tezkor |
69 | purpose | maqsad |
70 | quality | sifat |
71 | quite enough | yetarlicha |
72 | result | natija |
73 | rethink | qayta ko'rib chiqmoq |
74 | salary | ish haqi |
75 | scan | tekshirish |
76 | score | hisob, natija |
77 | sharpen | o'tkirlashmoq, yaxshilanmoq |
78 | sharpened | shakllangan, rivojlangan, o'tkirlangan |
79 | so as | shunday qilib |
80 | so that | shuning uchun; ... uchun; ... natijasida |
81 | staff | shtat, xodimlar |
82 | state | holat, ahvol, vaziyat |
83 | strategy | taktika, strategiya |
84 | strength | kuch |
85 | success | muvaffaqiyat, omad |
86 | suitable | mos |
87 | take part in | qatnashmoq |
88 | timber merchant | yog'och sotuvchisi |
89 | tiptoe | oyoq uchida yurish |
90 | topic | mavzu |
91 | turn on | yoqish; ishga tushirish |
92 | typically | o'zi, odatda |
93 | underline | ostiga chizish |
94 | update | yangilash |
95 | wealth | boylik |
96 | whatever | nima bo'lsa ham |
97 | wider | kengroq |
98 | woodcutter | yog'och kesuvchi |
99 | working conditions | ish sharoitlari |
100 | works | mashg'ulot, ish |
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