1 | achievement | muvaffaqiyat |
2 | although | garchi |
3 | analyze | tahlil qilmoq |
4 | anyway | nima bo'lganda ham |
5 | apply | murojaat qilmoq |
6 | as | … dek, kabi, sifatida |
7 | assignment | tayinlash |
8 | believe | ishonmoq |
9 | below | quyida |
10 | besides | bundan tashqari |
11 | bold | qalin |
12 | bright | yorqin |
13 | challenge | savolga tutmoq, kurashga chaqirmoq |
14 | check | tekshirmoq |
15 | checklist | nazorat ro'yxati |
16 | cleverness | aqllilik |
17 | collaborate | hamkorlikda ishlamoq |
18 | come a long way | omadga erishmoq, rivojlanmoq |
19 | communicate | aloqa qilmoq |
20 | communicative | kirishimli, dilkash |
21 | complain | shikoyat qilmoq, nolimoq |
22 | complex | murakkab |
23 | comprehension | tushunish, anglash |
24 | confident | o'ziga ishongan |
25 | consider | o'ylab ko'rmoq |
26 | constructive | ijodiy, amaliy |
27 | create | yaratmoq |
28 | criterion | mezon, o'lchov |
29 | currently | hozirda |
30 | decide | qaror qilmoq |
31 | define | ta'riflamoq, belgilamoq |
32 | definition | ta'rif, aniqlik |
33 | demand | talab qilmoq |
34 | demonstrate | namoyish qilmoq |
35 | depend | bog'liq bo'lmoq |
36 | describe | tasvirlab bermoq |
37 | development | rivojlanish |
38 | difficult | qiyin |
39 | disagree | kelishmaslik |
40 | discuss | muhokama qilmoq |
41 | easily | osonlikcha |
42 | error | xato |
43 | evaluate | baholamoq |
44 | explain | tushuntirmoq |
45 | fame | shon-sharaf |
46 | famous | mashhur |
47 | filament | chiroqdagi yoruqlik taratuvchi prujina shaklidagi metal tola |
48 | focus on | diqqatni qaratish |
49 | follow | kuzatib bormoq, ergashmoq |
50 | foreigner | chet ellik |
51 | fruitful | mevali |
52 | fulfill | bajarmoq |
53 | gaps | bo'shliqlar |
54 | however | ammo |
55 | important | muhim |
56 | improved | yaxshilangan, rivojlangan |
57 | in that case | shunday bo'lgan taqdirda |
58 | information | ma`lumot |
59 | inspired | ilhomlangan |
60 | intelligent | aqlli |
61 | invention | kashfiyot |
62 | invite | taklif qilmoq |
63 | involved | jalb qilingan |
64 | IT (ay ti) | informatsion texnologiya |
65 | lack of success | muvaffaqiyatning yetishmasligi |
66 | light bulb | chiroq, lampochka |
67 | manner | usulda |
68 | most | eng, ko'pchilik |
69 | motivation | turtki |
70 | necessary | zarur |
71 | organise | tashkil qilmoq |
72 | others | boshqalar |
73 | own | shaxsiy |
74 | pairs | juftlar |
75 | paper boy | gazeta sotuvchi bola |
76 | partners | sheriklar |
77 | passive | sust, sustkash |
78 | perspiration | terlash |
79 | phrases | jumlalar, iboralar |
80 | practice | amaliyot, mashq |
81 | practise | mashq qilmoq |
82 | presentation | taqdimot |
83 | probably | ehtimol |
84 | process | jarayon |
85 | project | loyiha |
86 | raise | ko'tarish, oshirish |
87 | regularly | muntazam ravishda |
88 | result | natija |
89 | search | qidirmoq, izlamoq |
90 | share | ulush, ulashmoq, baham ko'rmoq |
91 | style | uslub |
92 | take part | qatnashmoq |
93 | through | orqali |
94 | type | tur |
95 | understand | tushunmoq |
96 | vain | foydasiz, samarasiz |
97 | valuable | qimmatli |
98 | weaknesses | kamchiliklar |
99 | wealth | boylik |
100 | wrong | noto'g'ri |
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