A. Look at the pictures of Helen and use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple.
Q ➤ 1.
Everyday, Helen ......................Ans ➤ Everyday, Helen gets up at half past seven. Xelen har kuni soat yetti yarimda turadi.
Q ➤ 2.
Helen often ......................Ans ➤ Helen often eats fast food for lunch. Xelen tushlikda tez-tez tez (tez tayyorladigan – fast food) ovqat yeydi.
Q ➤ 3.
In the evening, Helen ................................Ans ➤ In the evening, Helen usually meets her friends for coffee. Kechqurun Xelen odatda do'stlari bilan qahva ichish uchun ko'rishadi.
Q ➤ 4.
Once a week, ..............................Ans ➤ Once a week, Helen watches a film at the cinema. Xaftada bir marotaba Xelen kinoteatrda film tomosha qiladi.
Q ➤ 5.
Helen rarely .........................Ans ➤ Helen rarely goes to the gym. Xelen kamdan-kam hollarda sport zaliga qatnaydi (boradi).
Q ➤ 6.
Helen .............................Ans ➤ Helen has a driving lesson twice a week. Xelen haftasiga ikki marta haydovchilik darsini o’rganadi.
B.Complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. You may have to use some negative forms.
Q ➤ 1. Gordon? I think he ....................... (write) a letter at the moment.Ans ➤ is writing Gordonmi? Menimcha, u hozir xat yozyapti.
Q ➤ 2. Yes, the match is on TV now, but we ....................... (lose).Ans ➤ are losing Ha, hozir televizorda o'yin bo’lyapti, lekin biz yutqazyapmiz.
Q ➤ 3. Right now, Margaret ....................... (have) a shower. Do you want to ring later?Ans ➤ is having Ayni damda Margaret dush qabul qilmoqda. Keyinroq qo'ng'iroq qilishni xohlaysizmi?
Q ➤ 4. Sally ....................... (stay) with her aunt for a few days.Ans ➤ is staying Salli bir necha kundan beri xolasi bilan qolmoqda (yashamoqda).
Q ➤ 5. I . ........................ (lie)! It’s true! I did see Madonna at the supermarket.Ans ➤ am not lying Men yolg'on gapirmayapman! Bu to'g'ri! Men Madonnani supermarketda ko'rdim.
Q ➤ 6. Josh ........................ (always / use) my bike! It’s so annoying.Ans ➤ is always using Josh doim mening velosipedimdan foydalanadi! Bu juda jonga tegdi.
Q ➤ 7. We ....................... (have) lunch, but I can come round and help you later.Ans ➤ are having Biz tushlik qilyapmiz, lekin keyinroq kelib sizga yordam bera olaman.
Q ➤ 8. ....................... (you / play) music up there? It’s really noisy!Ans ➤ Are you playing Tepada musiqa chalayapsizmi? Bu juda ham shovqinli!
C. Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold.
Q ➤ 1. Are top musicians studying for many years? Ans ➤ Do top musicians study Eng yaxshi musiqachilar ko'p yillar davomida o'qishadimi?
Q ➤ 2. What’s going on? I hope you don’t touch my things! Ans ➤ aren't touching Nima bo’lyapti? Umid qilamanki, siz mening narsalarimga tegmayapsiz!
Q ➤ 3. It’s a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs.Ans ➤ does Bu kichik biznes, shuning uchun har bir kishi juda ko'p turli xil ishlarni bajaradi.
Q ➤ 4. Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear? Ans ➤ Is Christine listening Kristin radio tinglayaptimi yoki men eshitayotganim televizormi?
Q ➤ 5. I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper.Ans ➤ usually buy Men odatda har hafta avtobus uchun maxsus chipta sotib olaman, chunki u arzonroq.
Q ➤ 6. Our washing machine is starting when you press this button.Ans ➤ starts Ushbu tugmani bosganingizda kir yuvish mashinamiz ishga tushadi.
Q ➤ 7. How’s the match going? Does our team win?Ans ➤ Is our team winning? Uchrashuv qanday ketmoqda? Jamoamiz g'alaba qozonyaptimi?
Q ➤ 8. Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday.Ans ➤ enjoy Ko'pchilik kishilar dam olish kunlari vaqtlarini plyajda o'tkazishni xush ko'radilar.
D. Circle the correct word or phrase.
Q ➤ 1. I work / am working at the local library for the summer.Ans ➤ am working Men yoz oyida mahalliy kutubxonada vaqtinchalik ishlayapmanman.
Q ➤ 2. We don’t go / aren’t going to the theatre very often.Ans ➤ don’t go Biz teatrga tez-tez bormaymiz.
Q ➤ 3. Stacy gets / is getting ready for school, so she can't come to the phone.Ans ➤ is getting Steysi maktabga tayyorlanmoqda, shuning uchun u telefonga javob bera olmaydi.
Q ➤ 4. Does Gary ever talk / Is Gary ever talking about his expedition to the Amazon jungle?Ans ➤ Does Gary ever talk Gari Amazon o'rmoniga qilgan ekspeditsiyasi haqida biror marta gapiradimi?
Q ➤ 5. In squash, you hit / are hitting a ball against a wall.Ans ➤ hit Skuashda (tennis o’yini) siz to'pni devorga urasiz.
Q ➤ 6. I read / am reading a newspaper at least once a week.Ans ➤ read Men haftada kamida bir marta gazeta o'qiyman.
Q ➤ 7. Do you practise / Are you practising the piano for two hours every day?Ans ➤ Do you practise Siz har kuni ikki soat davomida pianino chalishni mashq qilasizmi?
Q ➤ 8. Nadine and Claire do / are doing quite well at school at the moment.Ans ➤ are doing Nadin va Kler ayni damda maktabda juda yaxshi o'qishmoqda.
Q ➤ 9. A good friend knows / is knowing when you’re upset about something.Ans ➤ knows Biror narsadan xafa bo'lganingizda yaxshi do'st buni biladi.
Q ➤ 10. How do you spell / are you spelling your name? Ans ➤ do you spell Ismingizni qanday yozasiz? Ismingizni qanday harflaysiz?
E. Complete using the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. You may have to use some negative forms.
belong •
do • have
• help •
hold • move • use
• watch
Q ➤ 1. In Monopoly, you .......... around the board, buying houses and hotels.Ans ➤ move Monopoliya o’yinida siz uylar va mehmonxonalar sotib olib, doska bo'ylab harakatlanasiz.
Q ➤ 2. .......... you .......... this programme or can I turn the TV off?Ans ➤ Are/watching Siz ushbu dasturni ko'ryapsizmi yoki televizorni o'chirib qo'ysam bo'ladimi?
Q ➤ 3. Regular exercise .......... you to stay healthy.Ans ➤ helps Muntazam jismoniy mashqlar sog'lom bo'lishga yordam beradi.
Q ➤ 4. I .......... my brother’s guitar until I get a new one.Ans ➤ am using Men o’zimga yangisini olgunimcha akamning gitarasidan vaqtinchalik foydalanayapman.
Q ➤ 5. .......... Simon always .......... the washing-up after lunch?Ans ➤ Does/do Simon tushlikdan keyin har doim idish tovoqlarni yuvadimi?
Q ➤ 6. .......... you .......... any sweaters in a larger size?Ans ➤ Do/have Kattaroq o'lchamdagi sviterlaringiz bormi?
Q ➤ 7. You ........... the kite right. Let me show you.Ans ➤ aren't holding Siz varrakni to'g'ri ushlamayapsiz. Men sizga ko'rsataman.
Q ➤ 8. Dad .......... to the local astronomy club. Ans ➤ belongs Dadam mahalliy astronomiya klubiga a’zo.
F. Underline ten verbs in the wrong tense and rewrite them correctly And then translate the whole text into your language. (The translation is given below the exercises..
‘One game
I am loving
is backgammon. You are
throwing the dice and
then you move your
pieces around the
board. It is seeming
quite easy, but in
fact you are needing to
be quite careful. When
your piece lands
on one of the
other person’s pieces, you
are taking it off the board and
you send it
back to the beginning. You are
winning by getting all your pieces to the
end and off the
board. Some people are
preferring chess, but I
am not understanding that game. Right now, I wait to
have a game with
my brother. He does
his homework. I usually win,
so I
think he doesn’t want to play a
game with me!’
‘One game I love is backgammon. You throw the dice and then you move your pieces around the board. It seems quite easy, but in fact you need to be quite careful. When your piece lands on one of the other person’s pieces, you take it off the board and you send it back to the beginning. You win by getting all your pieces to the end and off the board. Some people prefer chess, but I do not understand that game. Right now, I am waiting to have a game with my brother. He is doing his homework. I usually win, so I think he doesn’t want to play a game with me!’
“Menga yoqadigan oʻyinlardan biri bu nard. Siz zarlarni tashlaysiz, so'ngra donalaringizni taxta bo'ylab harakatlantirasiz. Bu juda oson ko'rinadi, lekin aslida siz juda ehtiyot bo'lishingiz kerak. Sizning toshingiz boshqa odamning donalaridan birining ustiga tushganda, siz uni taxtadan olib tashlaysiz va uni yana boshlang’ich joyiga yuborasiz. Siz barcha donalaringizni oxirigacha eltib va taxtadan chiqarib, g'alaba qozonasiz. Ba'zilar shaxmatni afzal ko'rishadi, lekin men bu o'yinni tushunmayapman. Hozir ukam bilan o'yin o'tkazishni kutyapman. U uy vazifasini bajarmoqda. Men odatda g'alaba qozonaman, shuning uchun fikrimcha u men bilan o'ynashni xohlamaydi!