1 |
a good friend knows |
yaxshi do'st biladi |
2 |
a larger size |
kattaroq o'lcham |
3 |
a new one |
yangisi |
4 |
about |
haqida |
5 |
Actions happening now |
Hozirda sodir bo'layotgan ishlar harakatlar |
6 |
adverbs |
Ravishlar |
7 |
after |
keyin |
8 |
after lunch |
tushlikdan keyin |
9 |
against the wall |
devorga qarshi |
10 |
always |
har doim |
11 |
Amazon jungle |
Amazon o'rmoni |
12 |
annoy |
ranjitmoq |
13 |
Annoying habits |
Bezovta qiluvchi (ranjituvchi) odatlar |
14 |
appear |
paydo bo'lmoq / namoyon bo'lmoq |
15 |
at half past seven |
yetti yarimda |
16 |
at least |
kamida |
17 |
at school |
maktabda |
18 |
at the cinema |
kinoda |
19 |
at the local library |
mahalliy kutubxonada |
20 |
at the moment |
ayni damda / hozirgi paytda |
21 |
at the museum |
muzeyda |
22 |
at the supermarket |
supermarketda |
23 |
backgammon |
narda o'yini |
24 |
because it's cheaper |
chunki u arzonroq |
25 |
before |
oldin |
26 |
believe |
ishonmoq |
27 |
belong to |
tegishli / a'zo bo'lmoq |
28 |
belong to the local astronomy club |
mahalliy astronomiya klubi a'zosi |
29 |
borrow |
qarz olmoq |
30 |
brother's guitar |
akaning gitarasi |
31 |
but |
lekin |
32 |
but in fact |
lekin aslida |
33 |
buying houses |
uylar sotib olayotib |
34 |
Can I turn the TV off? |
Televizorni o'chira olamanmi? |
35 |
change the words |
so'zlarni o'zgartiring |
36 |
chess |
shaxmat |
37 |
circle the correct word or phrase |
to'g'ri so'z yoki iborani aylanaga oling |
38 |
come round |
aylanib kel |
39 |
complete |
to'ldirmoq |
40 |
continuous |
davomiy |
41 |
correct form |
to'g'ri shakl |
42 |
correct form of the present simple |
Present simplening to‘g‘ri shakli |
43 |
dance lessons |
raqs darslari |
44 |
describe actions |
harakatlarini tavsiflash / tasvirlash |
45 |
describe states |
holatlarni tavsiflaydi |
46 |
destination |
maqsad / manzil |
47 |
different jobs |
turli ishlar |
48 |
do homework |
Uy vazifasini bajarmoq |
49 |
do quite well |
ishlar joyida (hol ahvol-amal) |
50 |
do the washing-up |
idishlarni yuvib qo'ymoq |
51 |
Does Gary ever talk about the amazon jungle? |
Gari hech
qachon Amazon o'rmoni haqida gapiradimi? |
52 |
Does Gary ever talk? |
Gari biror marta gapiradimi? |
53 |
don't touch |
tegmang |
54 |
each person |
har bir inson |
55 |
each week |
har hafta |
56 |
eat fast food |
tez ovqatlanish |
57 |
end of the month |
oyning oxiri |
58 |
enjoy spending time |
vaqt o'tkazishdan zavqlaning |
59 |
every day |
har kuni |
60 |
every Monday |
har dushanba |
61 |
example |
misol |
62 |
expedition |
ekspeditsiya |
63 |
expedition to the Amazon jungle |
Amazon o'rmoniga ekspeditsiya |
64 |
fast food |
tez tayyorlanadigan ovqat |
65 |
feelings |
his tuyg'ular |
66 |
following words |
quyidagi so'zlar |
67 |
for a few days |
bir necha kunga |
68 |
for many years |
ko'p yillar davomida |
69 |
for the bus |
avtobus uchun |
70 |
for the summer |
yoz oyi davomida |
71 |
for two hours |
ikki soat davomida |
72 |
form |
shakl |
73 |
General truths |
Umumiy haqiqatlar |
74 |
get up |
o'rindan turmoq |
75 |
go to the gym |
sportzalga bormoq / qatnamoq |
76 |
go to the theatre |
teatrga bormoq |
77 |
hate |
nafratlanmoq |
78 |
have |
bor / ega |
79 |
have a game |
o'yin o'tkazing |
80 |
have a shower |
dush qabul qilmoq |
81 |
have a sweater |
sveter kiymoq |
82 |
have lunch |
tushlik qilmoq |
83 |
having a driving lesson |
mashina haydash darsi |
84 |
help |
yordam bermoq |
85 |
helpful hints |
foydali maslahatlar |
86 |
helps you stay healthy |
sog'lom bo'lishingizga yordam beradi |
87 |
hit the ball |
to'pni urmoq |
88 |
hold |
tutmoq |
89 |
hold the kite right |
varrakni to'g'ri tutmoq |
90 |
hotels |
mehmonxonalar |
91 |
how do you spell? |
qanday harflab aytasiz? |
92 |
how's the match going? |
o'yin qanday ketyapti? |
93 |
I am always buying |
Men har doim sotib olaman |
94 |
I am not lying |
Men yolg'on gapirmayapman |
95 |
I can hear |
Men eshita olaman |
96 |
I did see Madonna |
Men Madonnani ko'rdim |
97 |
I don't understand |
Men tushunmayapman |
98 |
I help you later |
men sizga keyinroq yordam beraman |
99 |
I think |
Menimcha / mening fikrimcha |
100 |
I usually win |
Men odatda g'alaba qozonaman |
101 |
in a large size |
katta o'lchovdagi |
102 |
in my free time |
bo'sh vaqtimda |
103 |
in squash |
devorga to'p urub o'ynaladigan tennis / qovoq |
104 |
in the evening |
oqshomda |
105 |
include |
o'z ichiga olmoq |
106 |
irregular present forms |
no'to'gri (tartibsiz) hozirgi shakllar |
107 |
is that the TV? |
bu televizormi? |
108 |
it is so annoying |
bu juda ranjitadigan |
109 |
it is starting |
boshlanmoqda |
110 |
it seems quite easy |
juda oson ko'rinadi |
111 |
it's a small business |
bu kichik biznes |
112 |
it's really noisy |
haqiqatan ham shovqinli |
113 |
it's true |
bu haqiqat |
114 |
Jan is watching DVD |
Jan DVD tomosha qilmoqda |
115 |
know |
bilmoq |
116 |
lands on |
ustiga tushadi / qo'nadi |
117 |
last |
oxirgi |
118 |
last night's match |
kechagi o'yin |
119 |
late |
kech |
120 |
let me show you |
ko'rsatishga imkon bering |
121 |
lie |
yolg'on (aldamoq) |
122 |
like |
yaxshi ko'rmoq |
123 |
listen to music |
musiqa tinglamoq |
124 |
local astronomy club |
mahalliy astronomiya klubi |
125 |
look at |
…ga qaramoq |
126 |
lose |
yo'qotish |
127 |
lots of different jobs |
juda ko'p turli xil ishlar |
128 |
love |
sevmoq |
129 |
many people |
ko'p odamlar |
130 |
match is on TV now |
o'yin hozir televizorda namoyish etilmoqda |
131 |
may |
mumkin |
132 |
meet |
uchrashmoq |
133 |
meet her friends for the coffee |
uning do'stlari bilan qahva ichish uchun
uchrashmoq |
134 |
move |
harakat qilmoq / siljimoq / siljitmoq |
135 |
move around the board |
taxta bo'ylab harakatlaning / yurmoq |
136 |
my things |
mening narsalarim |
137 |
need |
kerak / zarur |
138 |
negative |
bo'lishsiz |
139 |
never |
hech qachon |
140 |
new song |
yangi qo'shiq |
141 |
normally used |
odatda ishlatiladi |
142 |
now |
hozir |
143 |
often |
tez-tez |
144 |
on holiday |
ta'tilda / bayramda |
145 |
on the beach |
sohilda |
146 |
once a week |
xaftada bir marotaba |
147 |
one game |
bitta o'yin |
148 |
our team win |
bizning jamoa g'alaba qozonadi |
149 |
Permanent situations |
muntazam holatlar / doimiy holatlar |
150 |
phrases in bold |
qalin harflardagi iboralar |
151 |
pictures of Helen |
Helenning rasmlari |
152 |
pieces |
donalar |
153 |
play football |
futbol o'ynamoq |
154 |
play music |
musiqa chalmoq |
155 |
practise piano |
pianino mashq qilmoq |
156 |
prefer |
afzal bilmoq |
157 |
prefer chess |
shaxmatni afzal ko'rmoq |
158 |
Present |
Hozirgi |
159 |
present habits |
hozirgi odatlar |
160 |
press the button |
tugmasini bosing |
161 |
question |
savol |
162 |
quite careful |
juda ehtiyotkor |
163 |
quite easy |
ancha oson |
164 |
rarely |
kamdan-kam hollarda |
165 |
read a newspaper |
gazeta o'qimoq |
166 |
ready for school |
maktabga tayyor |
167 |
regular exercises |
muntazam mashqlar |
168 |
remember |
eslab qolmoq / eslamoq |
169 |
rewrite correctly |
qayta to'g'rilab yozing |
170 |
rewrite them correctly |
ularni qayta to'g'rilab yozing |
171 |
right now |
hoziroq / ayni damda |
172 |
see |
ko'rmoq / qaramoq / uchrashmoq |
173 |
see page 182 |
182-betga qarang |
174 |
send to back |
orqaga yuborish /jo'natish |
175 |
She is working |
U ishlayapti |
176 |
simple |
oddiy |
177 |
so she can't come to the phone |
shuning uchun u telefonga javob bera olmaydi /
kela olmaydi |
178 |
some people |
Ba'zilar / ba'zi kishilar |
179 |
sometimes |
ba'zan / ba'zida |
180 |
special ticket |
maxsus chipta |
181 |
spell your name |
ismingizni harflang |
182 |
statement |
bo'lishli gap / bayonot |
183 |
States |
Shtatlar |
184 |
stative verbs |
turg‘un fe’llar (harakatsiz fe'llar) |
185 |
stay healthy |
sog' bo'lmoq |
186 |
stays with her aunt |
xolasi bilan qoladi / yashaydi |
187 |
such as |
kabi |
188 |
take it off |
uni olib tashlang |
189 |
talk about |
haqida gaplashmoq |
190 |
taste |
ta'mi / mazasini tatib ko'rmoq |
191 |
Temporary situations |
Vaqtinchalik holatlar |
192 |
that game |
o'sha o'yin |
193 |
think |
o'ylab ko'rmoq / fikrga kelmoq |
194 |
this month |
shu oy |
195 |
this week |
ushbu hafta |
196 |
thoughts |
fikrlar |
197 |
throw |
tashlamoq / uloqtirmoq |
198 |
throw the dice |
zar tashla |
199 |
to the beginning |
boshiga |
200 |
today |
bugun |
201 |
top musicians |
eng yaxshi musiqachilar |
202 |
twice a month |
oyiga ikki marta |
203 |
Underline ten verbs |
O‘nta fe’lning tagiga chizing |
204 |
understand |
tushunmoq |
205 |
until |
qadar / gacha |
206 |
until I get a new ine |
yangisini olmagunimcha |
207 |
up there |
u yerda |
208 |
upset |
xafa |
209 |
upset about something |
biror narsadan xafa bo'lish |
210 |
upstairs |
yuqorida / ikkinch qavatda |
211 |
use |
foydalanmoq |
212 |
use my bike |
mening velosipedimdan foydalaning |
213 |
use prompts |
ko'rsatmalardan foydalaning |
214 |
use some negative forms |
ba'zi bo'lishsiz shakllardan foydalaning |
215 |
used |
ishlatilgan / foydalanilgan |
216 |
using |
foydalanib |
217 |
using my brother's guitar |
akamning gitarasidan foydalanib |
218 |
usually |
odatda |
219 |
usually with always |
odatda "har doim" bilan |
220 |
verbs in brackets |
qavs ichidagi fe'llar |
221 |
verbs in the box |
qutidagi fe'llar |
222 |
very often |
juda tez-tez |
223 |
wait |
kutmoq |
224 |
want |
istaymoq |
225 |
washing machine |
kir yuvish mashinasi |
226 |
watch |
tomosha qilmoq |
227 |
watch a film |
film tomosha qiling |
228 |
watch out |
ehtiyot bo'ling |
229 |
watch this programme |
ushbu dasturni tomosha qiling |
230 |
what's going on? |
nima gaplar? |
231 |
when you're upset |
xafa bo'lganingizda |
232 |
with me |
men bilan |
233 |
with my brother |
akam bilan |
234 |
without asking |
so'ramasdan |
235 |
words and phrases |
so'zlar va iboralar |
236 |
work |
ishlamoq |
237 |
write the sentences |
gaplarni yozing |
238 |
you may have to use |
foydalanishga to'g'ri kelishi mumkin |
239 |
you need to be quite careful |
juda ehtiyot bo'lishingiz kerak |
240 |
you want to ring later |
keyinroq qo'ng'iroq qilmoqchisiz |