Q ➤ a good friend knowsAns ➤ yaxshi do'st biladi
Q ➤ a larger sizeAns ➤ kattaroq o'lcham
Q ➤ a new oneAns ➤ yangisi
Q ➤ aboutAns ➤ haqida
Q ➤ Actions happening now Ans ➤ Hozirda sodir bo'layotgan ishlar harakatlar
Q ➤ adverbsAns ➤ Ravishlar
Q ➤ afterAns ➤ keyin
Q ➤ after lunchAns ➤ tushlikdan keyin
Q ➤ against the wallAns ➤ devorga qarshi
Q ➤ alwaysAns ➤ har doim
Q ➤ Amazon jungleAns ➤ Amazon o'rmoni
Q ➤ annoyAns ➤ ranjitmoq
Q ➤ Annoying habitsAns ➤ Bezovta qiluvchi (ranjituvchi) odatlar
Q ➤ appearAns ➤ paydo bo'lmoq / namoyon bo'lmoq
Q ➤ at half past sevenAns ➤ yetti yarimda
Q ➤ at leastAns ➤ kamida
Q ➤ at schoolAns ➤ maktabda
Q ➤ at the cinemaAns ➤ kinoda
Q ➤ at the local libraryAns ➤ mahalliy kutubxonada
Q ➤ at the momentAns ➤ ayni damda / hozirgi paytda
Q ➤ at the museumAns ➤ muzeyda
Q ➤ at the supermarketAns ➤ supermarketda
Q ➤ backgammonAns ➤ narda o'yini
Q ➤ because it's cheaperAns ➤ chunki u arzonroq
Q ➤ beforeAns ➤ oldin
Q ➤ believeAns ➤ ishonmoq
Q ➤ belong toAns ➤ tegishli / a'zo bo'lmoq
Q ➤ belong to the local astronomy clubAns ➤ mahalliy astronomiya klubi a'zosi
Q ➤ borrowAns ➤ qarz olmoq
Q ➤ brother's guitarAns ➤ akaning gitarasi
Q ➤ butAns ➤ lekin
Q ➤ but in factAns ➤ lekin aslida
Q ➤ buying housesAns ➤ uylar sotib olayotib
Q ➤ Can I turn the TV off? Ans ➤ Televizorni o'chira olamanmi?
Q ➤ change the wordsAns ➤ so'zlarni o'zgartiring
Q ➤ chessAns ➤ shaxmat
Q ➤ circle the correct word or phraseAns ➤ to'g'ri so'z yoki iborani aylanaga oling
Q ➤ come roundAns ➤ aylanib kel
Q ➤ completeAns ➤ to'ldirmoq
Q ➤ continuousAns ➤ davomiy
Q ➤ correct formAns ➤ to'g'ri shakl
Q ➤ correct form of the present simpleAns ➤ Present simplening to‘g‘ri shakli
Q ➤ dance lessonsAns ➤ raqs darslari
Q ➤ describe actionsAns ➤ harakatlarini tavsiflash / tasvirlash
Q ➤ describe statesAns ➤ holatlarni tavsiflaydi
Q ➤ destinationAns ➤ maqsad / manzil
Q ➤ different jobsAns ➤ turli ishlar
Q ➤ do homeworkAns ➤ Uy vazifasini bajarmoq
Q ➤ do quite wellAns ➤ ishlar joyida (hol ahvol-amal)
Q ➤ do the washing-upAns ➤ idishlarni yuvib qo'ymoq
Q ➤ Does Gary ever talk about the amazon jungle?Ans ➤ Gari hech qachon Amazon o'rmoni haqida gapiradimi?
Q ➤ Does Gary ever talk?Ans ➤ Gari biror marta gapiradimi?
Q ➤ don't touchAns ➤ tegmang
Q ➤ each personAns ➤ har bir inson
Q ➤ each weekAns ➤ har hafta
Q ➤ eat fast foodAns ➤ tez ovqatlanish
Q ➤ end of the monthAns ➤ oyning oxiri
Q ➤ enjoy spending timeAns ➤ vaqt o'tkazishdan zavqlaning
Q ➤ every dayAns ➤ har kuni
Q ➤ every MondayAns ➤ har dushanba
Q ➤ exampleAns ➤ misol
Q ➤ expeditionAns ➤ ekspeditsiya
Q ➤ expedition to the Amazon jungleAns ➤ Amazon o'rmoniga ekspeditsiya
Q ➤ fast foodAns ➤ tez tayyorlanadigan ovqat
Q ➤ feelingsAns ➤ his tuyg'ular
Q ➤ following wordsAns ➤ quyidagi so'zlar
Q ➤ for a few daysAns ➤ bir necha kunga
Q ➤ for many yearsAns ➤ ko'p yillar davomida
Q ➤ for the busAns ➤ avtobus uchun
Q ➤ for the summerAns ➤ yoz oyi davomida
Q ➤ for two hoursAns ➤ ikki soat davomida
Q ➤ formAns ➤ shakl
Q ➤ General truthsAns ➤ Umumiy haqiqatlar
Q ➤ get upAns ➤ o'rindan turmoq
Q ➤ go to the gymAns ➤ sportzalga bormoq / qatnamoq
Q ➤ go to the theatreAns ➤ teatrga bormoq
Q ➤ hateAns ➤ nafratlanmoq
Q ➤ haveAns ➤ bor / ega
Q ➤ have a gameAns ➤ o'yin o'tkazing
Q ➤ have a showerAns ➤ dush qabul qilmoq
Q ➤ have a sweaterAns ➤ sveter kiymoq
Q ➤ have lunchAns ➤ tushlik qilmoq
Q ➤ having a driving lessonAns ➤ mashina haydash darsi
Q ➤ helpAns ➤ yordam bermoq
Q ➤ helpful hintsAns ➤ foydali maslahatlar
Q ➤ helps you stay healthyAns ➤ sog'lom bo'lishingizga yordam beradi
Q ➤ hit the ballAns ➤ to'pni urmoq
Q ➤ holdAns ➤ tutmoq
Q ➤ hold the kite rightAns ➤ varrakni to'g'ri tutmoq
Q ➤ hotelsAns ➤ mehmonxonalar
Q ➤ how do you spell?Ans ➤ qanday harflab aytasiz?
Q ➤ how's the match going?Ans ➤ o'yin qanday ketyapti?
Q ➤ I am always buyingAns ➤ Men har doim sotib olaman
Q ➤ I am not lyingAns ➤ Men yolg'on gapirmayapman
Q ➤ I can hearAns ➤ Men eshita olaman
Q ➤ I did see MadonnaAns ➤ Men Madonnani ko'rdim
Q ➤ I don't understandAns ➤ Men tushunmayapman
Q ➤ I help you laterAns ➤ men sizga keyinroq yordam beraman
Q ➤ I thinkAns ➤ Menimcha / mening fikrimcha
Q ➤ I usually winAns ➤ Men odatda g'alaba qozonaman
Q ➤ in a large sizeAns ➤ katta o'lchovdagi
Q ➤ in my free timeAns ➤ bo'sh vaqtimda
Q ➤ in squashAns ➤ devorga to'p urub o'ynaladigan tennis / qovoq
Q ➤ in the eveningAns ➤ kechqurun
Q ➤ includeAns ➤ o'z ichiga oladi
Q ➤ irregular present formsAns ➤ no'to'gri (tartibsiz) hozirgi shakllar
Q ➤ is that the TV?Ans ➤ bu televizormi?
Q ➤ it is so annoyingAns ➤ bu juda ranjitadigan
Q ➤ it is startingAns ➤ boshlanmoqda
Q ➤ it seems quite easyAns ➤ juda oson ko'rinadi
Q ➤ it's a small businessAns ➤ bu kichik biznes
Q ➤ it's really noisyAns ➤ haqiqatan ham shovqinli
Q ➤ it's trueAns ➤ bu haqiqat
Q ➤ Jan is watching DVDAns ➤ Jan DVD tomosha qilmoqda
Q ➤ knowAns ➤ bilmoq
Q ➤ lands onAns ➤ ustiga tushadi / qo'nadi
Q ➤ lastAns ➤ oxirgi
Q ➤ last night's matchAns ➤ kechagi o'yin
Q ➤ lateAns ➤ kech
Q ➤ let me show youAns ➤ ko'rsatishga imkon bering
Q ➤ lieAns ➤ yolg'on (aldamoq)
Q ➤ likeAns ➤ yaxshi ko'rmoq
Q ➤ listen to musicAns ➤ musiqa tinglamoq
Q ➤ local astronomy clubAns ➤ mahalliy astronomiya klubi
Q ➤ look atAns ➤ …ga qaramoq
Q ➤ loseAns ➤ yo'qotish
Q ➤ lots of different jobsAns ➤ juda ko'p turli xil ishlar
Q ➤ loveAns ➤ sevmoq
Q ➤ many peopleAns ➤ ko'p odamlar
Q ➤ match is on TV nowAns ➤ o'yin hozir televizorda namoyish etilmoqda
Q ➤ mayAns ➤ mumkin
Q ➤ meetAns ➤ uchrashmoq
Q ➤ meet her friends for the coffeeAns ➤ uning do'stlari bilan qahva ichish uchun uchrashmoq
Q ➤ moveAns ➤ harakat qilmoq / siljimoq / siljitmoq
Q ➤ move around the boardAns ➤ taxta bo'ylab harakatlaning / yurmoq
Q ➤ my thingsAns ➤ mening narsalarim
Q ➤ needAns ➤ kerak / zarur
Q ➤ negativeAns ➤ bo'lishsiz
Q ➤ neverAns ➤ hech qachon
Q ➤ new songAns ➤ yangi qo'shiq
Q ➤ normally usedAns ➤ odatda ishlatiladi
Q ➤ nowAns ➤ hozir
Q ➤ oftenAns ➤ tez-tez
Q ➤ on holidayAns ➤ ta'tilda / bayramda
Q ➤ on the beachAns ➤ sohilda
Q ➤ once a weekAns ➤ xaftada bir marotaba
Q ➤ one gameAns ➤ bitta o'yin
Q ➤ our team winAns ➤ bizning jamoa g'alaba qozonadi
Q ➤ Permanent situationsAns ➤ muntazam holatlar / doimiy holatlar
Q ➤ phrases in boldAns ➤ qalin harflardagi iboralar
Q ➤ pictures of HelenAns ➤ Helenning rasmlari
Q ➤ piecesAns ➤ donalar
Q ➤ play footballAns ➤ futbol o'ynamoq
Q ➤ play musicAns ➤ musiqa chalmoq
Q ➤ practise pianoAns ➤ pianino mashq qilmoq
Q ➤ preferAns ➤ afzal bilmoq
Q ➤ prefer chessAns ➤ shaxmatni afzal ko'rmoq
Q ➤ PresentAns ➤ Hozirgi
Q ➤ present habitsAns ➤ hozirgi odatlar
Q ➤ press the buttonAns ➤ tugmasini bosing
Q ➤ questionAns ➤ savol
Q ➤ quite carefulAns ➤ juda ehtiyotkor
Q ➤ quite easyAns ➤ ancha oson
Q ➤ rarelyAns ➤ kamdan-kam hollarda
Q ➤ read a newspaperAns ➤ gazeta o'qimoq
Q ➤ ready for schoolAns ➤ maktabga tayyor
Q ➤ regular exercisesAns ➤ muntazam mashqlar
Q ➤ rememberAns ➤ eslab qolmoq / eslamoq
Q ➤ rewrite correctlyAns ➤ qayta to'g'rilab yozing
Q ➤ rewrite them correctlyAns ➤ ularni qayta to'g'rilab yozing
Q ➤ right nowAns ➤ hoziroq / ayni damda
Q ➤ seeAns ➤ ko'rmoq / qaramoq / uchrashmoq
Q ➤ see page 182Ans ➤ 182-betga qarang
Q ➤ send to backAns ➤ orqaga yuborish /jo'natish
Q ➤ She is workingAns ➤ U ishlayapti
Q ➤ simpleAns ➤ oddiy
Q ➤ so she can't come to the phoneAns ➤ shuning uchun u telefonga javob bera olmaydi / kela olmaydi
Q ➤ some peopleAns ➤ Ba'zilar / ba'zi kishilar
Q ➤ sometimesAns ➤ ba'zan / ba'zida
Q ➤ special ticketAns ➤ maxsus chipta
Q ➤ spell your nameAns ➤ ismingizni harflang
Q ➤ statementAns ➤ bo'lishli gap / bayonot
Q ➤ StatesAns ➤ Shtatlar
Q ➤ stative verbsAns ➤ turg‘un fe’llar (harakatsiz fe'llar)
Q ➤ stay healthyAns ➤ sog' bo'lmoq
Q ➤ stays with her auntAns ➤ xolasi bilan qoladi / yashaydi
Q ➤ such asAns ➤ kabi
Q ➤ take it offAns ➤ uni olib tashlang
Q ➤ talk aboutAns ➤ haqida gaplashmoq
Q ➤ tasteAns ➤ ta'mi / mazasini tatib ko'rmoq
Q ➤ Temporary situationsAns ➤ Vaqtinchalik holatlar
Q ➤ that gameAns ➤ o'sha o'yin
Q ➤ thinkAns ➤ o'ylab ko'rmoq / fikrga kelmoq
Q ➤ this monthAns ➤ shu oy
Q ➤ this weekAns ➤ ushbu hafta
Q ➤ thoughtsAns ➤ fikrlar
Q ➤ throwAns ➤ tashlamoq / uloqtirmoq
Q ➤ throw the diceAns ➤ zar tashla
Q ➤ to the beginningAns ➤ boshiga
Q ➤ todayAns ➤ bugun
Q ➤ top musiciansAns ➤ eng yaxshi musiqachilar
Q ➤ twice a monthAns ➤ oyiga ikki marta
Q ➤ Underline ten verbsAns ➤ O‘nta fe’lning tagiga chizing
Q ➤ understandAns ➤ tushunmoq
Q ➤ untilAns ➤ qadar / gacha
Q ➤ until I get a new ineAns ➤ yangisini olmagunimcha
Q ➤ up thereAns ➤ u yerda
Q ➤ upsetAns ➤ xafa
Q ➤ upset about somethingAns ➤ biror narsadan xafa bo'lish
Q ➤ upstairsAns ➤ yuqorida / ikkinch qavatda
Q ➤ useAns ➤ foydalanmoq
Q ➤ use my bikeAns ➤ mening velosipedimdan foydalaning
Q ➤ use promptsAns ➤ ko'rsatmalardan foydalaning
Q ➤ use some negative formsAns ➤ ba'zi bo'lishsiz shakllardan foydalaning
Q ➤ usedAns ➤ ishlatilgan / foydalanilgan
Q ➤ usingAns ➤ foydalanib
Q ➤ using my brother's guitarAns ➤ akamning gitarasidan foydalanib
Q ➤ usuallyAns ➤ odatda
Q ➤ usually with alwaysAns ➤ odatda "har doim" bilan
Q ➤ verbs in bracketsAns ➤ qavs ichidagi fe'llar
Q ➤ verbs in the boxAns ➤ qutidagi fe'llar
Q ➤ very oftenAns ➤ juda tez-tez
Q ➤ waitAns ➤ kutmoq
Q ➤ wantAns ➤ istaymoq
Q ➤ washing machineAns ➤ kir yuvish mashinasi
Q ➤ watchAns ➤ tomosha qilmoq
Q ➤ watch a filmAns ➤ film tomosha qiling
Q ➤ watch outAns ➤ ehtiyot bo'ling
Q ➤ watch this programmeAns ➤ ushbu dasturni tomosha qiling
Q ➤ what's going on?Ans ➤ nima gaplar?
Q ➤ when you're upsetAns ➤ xafa bo'lganingizda
Q ➤ with meAns ➤ men bilan
Q ➤ with my brotherAns ➤ akam bilan
Q ➤ without askingAns ➤ so'ramasdan
Q ➤ words and phrasesAns ➤ so'zlar va iboralar
Q ➤ workAns ➤ ishlamoq
Q ➤ write the sentencesAns ➤ gaplarni yozing
Q ➤ you may have to useAns ➤ foydalanishga to'g'ri kelishi mumkin
Q ➤ you need to be quite carefulAns ➤ juda ehtiyot bo'lishingiz kerak
Q ➤ you want to ring laterAns ➤ keyinroq qo'ng'iroq qilmoqchisiz